
Ha! I didn’t catch that. Thanks Claudia.

My 2 year (actual) KETO-versary is also this month.

My daughter NO DOUBT saved my life at Christmas 2016 when she was home. She said: "I’d sure like to have my Daddy around for a loooong time" and I knew EXACTLY what she meant.

I weighted 322 at the time.

So I started KETO (Plus 20/4 I.F.-ing and E.F.-ing) on Dec 29, 2016 and I now weigh in the low 170’s or high 160’s.

I now have perfect Blood Pressure, and Blood Glucose, although I’m still pretty “metabolically deranged.”

(Patience, Stanley. Patience.)

(Heather) #102

14 hours in to hopefully at 72 hour fast. I love the empty feeling!

(Jane) #103

16 hours in.

BG: 77
BK: 2.1
GKI: 2.04


At 68 hrs. now and just got back from grocery shopping. Popped some [spoiler]Steaks[/spoiler] in the Sous Vide earlier, so will be breaking here shortly, since I have an Eye-Glass appointment in a few hours. … Hope the rest of you folks keep rockin’ along with no issues!

I second that, GWN! :slight_smile: Congrats!

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #105

Just popping in to say “hi”.
I’m just doing IF. I’m trying to eat between noon/1pm and 8pm. Sometimes I’m finding it hard to get in all my macros. For me it’s important to make sure I don’t go under in calories too often, as I don’t have any weight (fat) to spare.

I had been going over on protein, and not sure on carbs, with blood ketones around .5 +/- .2. Now that I am limiting protein I am usually in the 1.0 +/- .2 range! I had to start tracking protein because I knew I was eating lots of meat (chicken in HWC).

I’ve recently started adding in coconut shakes - lots of fat and little carbs/protein.


48 hours in right now, feeling exceptional and tons of energy. No goal this week other than wanting to feel good this week and save a bit of time. I’m thinking of breaking on Friday morning and [spoiler]eating an amazing breakfast nearby my office (involves crab)[/spoiler]. We’ll see.


That’s awesome going! It was very much the same inspiration for me as well. Great job with the other victories as well.

As if you need a reason? :smiley: For me, I could be in the garage and see my ladders. “Hmm, the trim on the ladders is orange. Where have I seen orange before… oh yeah, the butcher has an orange doormat just inside the doorway. Butcher… hmm, I guess I should go there now!”


Haha… Yeah, it doesn’t take much does it! :smile:

Just wrapped up my breaking meal, so headed over to 'What did you… well, you know. :wink:

(Brennan) #109

Just checking in at 66 hours, BG @ 3.9 (or 70.2) & BK @ 3.7

(Susan) #110

At 40 hours. Easy Peasy. I do want to remind newbies that being fat adapted makes the fasts so easy. I had to start at the beginning with reducing my carbs, increasing my fat. I am down from 195 to 162.9, less than 13 lbs away from my goal weight. In 5 months. I am thinking about moving the goalposts soon. I am 5’5" and very thin boned. I know it’s just numbers but they make me happy!


Breaking tonight after all at 53 hours. Feeling hungry, time to fill my belly!

(Jane) #112

Like you don’t hang out there like I do when fasting!!! HA!

But now you can post your wonderful pictures… that I can go drool over :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(Jane) #113

Coming up on 24 hours for me. Another short fast that I will break at midday tomorrow.

BG: 67
BK: 3.4
GKI: 1.09

First time I’ve ever fasted with a blood glucose/ketone monitor - nice seeing my blood glucose drop so much and getting my GKI down to autophagy levels since that is my primary reason for fasting. And to make up for a carby weekend when my son visited from Houston.


Yep, that I do. :slight_smile: … Gives me lots of ideas on what to break with. :slight_smile:

(Brennan) #115

Thanks Janie now I have another number to play with! :thinking::smirk::crazy_face:
Why did nobody tell me about GKI before? (2.0 @ 47 hours & 1.1 @ 66 hours)
I must go Google now!

P.S. Creeping up on 72 hour mark still not sure when I’ll break, probably Friday after the meeting with the diabetes educators ~10:30 AM (~108 hours). Should be good to break with something small, have a nice lunch and head to the X-mas party for dinner.

(KCKO, KCFO) #116

Looks like I just fell into OMAD, last couple of days, it just happened. I’ll ride this for a few more if I can.

I’m planning to fast before the 24th, and then feast for a couple of days before doing at least a 36 hr. fast.

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #117

I hope I get my dad to that point too…
He lost so much weight on atkins 2 years ago (i think about 50lbs or so) and then gained it all back and more.
My mom is really messing him up and I can do nothing about it. only encourage him to stand up for himself and practice some selflove.
If she wants to destroy herself its her decision, but she shouldn’t drag my dad down with her…

Great thing you want to do this for your daughter! :heart::sunflower:

(Brennan) #118

81 hours in, day 4 was great last time I went this long. Here’s hoping for a repeat.

Woke up up a little hungry this morning, had my keter-aid and it went away.

BG 4.4, BK 3.0, GKI 1.5

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #119

I will try to go with a 36h fast.
just started an hour ago. I really have to get rid of all the temptations around me.
I know I will feel better, I feel so lethargic right now.
Let’s burn of that glycogen during zumba tonight and then fast through…


(Brennan) #120

My linking GIFs from my phone not working right