I am super lazy and unskilled even after decades (with lots of breaks)… My profile pic is mine though, he is called Dingle… After I watched a Preacher episode where this word was used for penis… He has a daugher too, Dee. One day I want to make books and videos with them, they already have cute stories made by a friend! Kid books are so lame so often (especially the story but sometimes the “art” is clearly bad, it’s not I don’t understand there are different styles and tastes, I love many but sometimes I can’t see any worth in them), we can do something better!
I got hungry WAY earlier today but I can last until sunset at least… 15:52pm… And I start with not exactly broth but close enough to see what happens (I get super hungry, probably but sometimes I get a tiiiiiiiny extra time).
So I won’t fast today either. Tomorrow I will be away, shopping and whatnot so I am not very hopeful but still open for anything my body allows
I think these days were quite useful. I used my fasting muscles and I ignore my borderline, not serious enough hunger like a boss now. Even this annoying one, I am stubborn and determined and can wait an hour more.
And it resulted in a calorie deficit for every day, even on my unfortunate TMAD day! And I still wasn’t hungrier the next day.
I really need to choose a day per week to practice this. I don’t want to do it every day as it’s still tiring a little bit, no matter if I stop when it gets bad.
Not eating until sunset is my new norm though, I just want to give a little extra push here and there, waiting until fasting stops being comfortable and natural…
Maybe he doesn’t like to make time for a long video. I can relate to that. I even have time, theoretically
(it’s complicated. I don’t use my time well, I actually have zillion things to do) but spending a lot of time on something, it must be very important or dear to me. As for me, I simply never watch videos about nutrition. Okay, there are exceptions but it’s maybe one short video a year. I just can’t focus and am not interested and it’s very odd as I am interested in nutrition… But I don’t understand/know any Chemisty, basically and I like to read, not to watch videos if I want to figure out something… As I watch zillion videos about corpses and mythology and space and other things Well only if the drawing is nice (many informative things has that. I got a kurzgesagt calendar, it’s cool! :D) or the person is captivating, talks in an amusing way…
And many nutrition thing is someone’s opinion… Or some boring study… Totally useless to me.
I like the “lipids for dummies” and “quick talk about why high-protein is fine on low-carb” things
I don’t need anything about fasts for myself - but I am interested about performance and muscle mass changes on a longer EF merely out of curiosity… I don’t ever plan to do longer EF and clearly one starts to lose significant amount of muscle at some point but the details may be interesing.
I was super lazy But I will make some soon. It’s high time!
Most of my already painted rocks are gifted away, I have some photos though… Oh when I was a brave newbie and painted a cactus scenery Well, two, one side is night, the other is day… Some of them was sunset. With lots of clouds, I love them. It wasn’t THAT bad so I was impressed. I can’t use brushes well and even my acrylic paint wasn’t as great as my current one.
Maybe I should paint some for the forum… If my imagination gets better. I usually just search for ideas and make something similar.
Perks of a long comment, time passes. It’s sunset in 3 minutes