My muscles made a super unusual quick recover so I could do my full body workout today, after only one day of rest. I never ever did it on a fasting day so I am curious what would happen. I surely won’t try hard, I am pretty paranoid if it’s about my precious tiny muscles…
In the past, I broke my fast a little time after workout as I got hungry. I don’t have this anymore but can I fast until tomorrow afternoon at least? We will see.
I don’t need to cook today as my SO has leftovers.
Only 20.5 hour this far so I am very satiated, nothing unusual yet. I expect lunchtime being okay as it’s normal nowadays (I always am in the kitchen then, sitting at the table, drinking my hot water… sometimes coffee or tea, I don’t do a proper water fast now, maybe next time)… But around 22-23 hours things may start to get more challenging. Yay
I am determined now and I really, really need to use a tiiiiiiny bit willpower regarding different parts of my life. I never liked to use any if it’s about food and I definitely don’t want to use much but a tiny little push may be useful.
I think I am not fully satisfied anymore (I hope no one will be annoyed if I write about the changes in my state, it’s very interesting for me as I usually ignore the super tiny, not urging enough ones and then I eat, often way before any hunger. nowadays I am a bit better but not every day)… My other urges are off though (hunger, appetite, need for fuel according to my overly dramatic body (when I am fine but my body wants food and I start to lose my faculties. my mind is a bit dramatic too but sometimes I temporarily lose part of my balance and my vision, it’s NO fun. but normally it’s a slight dizziness and weakness, I always eat in the next hour when it happens), and all the mental things from missing food to my rebellious self acting up (but it never interfered with fasts I think. it’s about food choices when I break the fast) and even compulsions, my most bitter enemies regarding eating.
My stomach growled too, sometimes it does it this early but as it has nothing to do with hunger (no idea why people thing it has. maybe they get hungry at the same time, I get it, rarely but it happens to me as well but I often see this as a 100% sure way to know that someone is very hungry and needs food. nope), it doesn’t matter. I always ignore all signs of my stomach anyway but it very rarely does anything beyond the very occasional and short growling. In extremely rare cases it’s noticeably empty but that has nothing to do with my decision making either. My stomach works as it should so we don’t need to communicate much.
Oh yep, that’s what I do when fasting gets challenged. Analyze my body and mind and think about things. As it’s interesting.
You others have more bold plans but I suppose you are way more used to EF than me. I don’t even want to go beyond 72 hours but that’s a not very realistic goal already. I could do it, sure, I have a healthy, well-fed body with 40lbs extra fat but if my body wants food, it gets food. I only am determined to say no to the not really important urges.
As usual, I would be quite happy with 48 hours.
But OMAD is better than my average too. That’s the minimum and I am sure I will have that as it’s not too hard, I just tend not to resist the tiniest urgest of any kind.
But I don’t wanna talk about my lackings. I want to study my physical and mental changes on a subtly enforced fast (so, when I do a honest, serious attempt).
Maybe writing isn’t the best, maybe it’s the passing of time (it’s my old lunchtime now. not very old so it has its effect but maybe it’s tied to me anyway as I liked that time and felt it right all my life until lately) and maybe my workout. I feel some hunger now. Zero urge to eat though so I suppose this tiny thing will pass. It happens lately.
21 hours. Slight dizziness. My body can’t be serious, it’s only 21 hours… Maybe I should focus on something else Sometimes when I really, really focus on food and hunger, I trigger things. Not seriously though and sometimes it helps…
I have the water I cooked beef tongue, that’s similar to broth. I avoid it as such things always trigger a meal in my case. But it sounds good for breaking my fast eventually… After a longer time (even if it’s 24-48 hours) my body gets a bit disconnected from eating, my appetite is often negative and starting with liquid is nicer, easier.