Cross posting this here because I'm panicked and need advice

(Teresa Driver) #1

TL;DR I’m 48 hours into a 1000 cal, 90% fat fast and I’m not really losing weight and seem to be gaining fat. HELP!!!

Edited for clarity.

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #2

When fasting it is possible to gain a bit of weight: I fasted for 46 days before Easter and there were days when I gained weight although I was only drinking water, decaf coffee, and broth. It does happen.

I am wary of the electronic scales that compute body weight as there are many elements that can change in our body, like water and electrolytes, that can significantly affect the calculation. As with weight, a lot of these measures vary every minute, hour, day, week, etc. because our body is a living organism that changes as it needs. If you drink too much liquid your body will react differently than not drinking enough: your body will expel water instead of saving it.

(Teresa Driver) #3

Yes, I understand that too. It’s the reason I weigh at 5am every morning (yes, even on Saturday & Sunday) because I have to get up to pee anyway as that’s when the alarm goes off on weekdays. After peeing, before taking my thyroid because I have to drink water to get it down. God, I sound OCD.

I realize that most people haven’t been doing this whole weight loss attempt thing as long as I have (39 years, started in 1978) and I consciously eliminate as many of these variables as possible. I wouldn’t be concerned about the slow loss if I hadn’t seen an 8.7% increase in body fat. With my blood sugars running stable at 102, I’m more concerned that I’m catabolizing lean muscle and ultimately making my situation worse.

(Teresa Driver) #4

And please don’t take this wrong, but why are you posting on fasting females? Husband wants to know because I made him read my response to make sure it wasn’t bitchy.

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #5

I didn’t have the ONLY word so I felt I could contribute. Thanks for asking, and I will check out the heading better next time!

BTW, my wife would be upset with me and accuse me of butting into a conversation so I don’t tell her!

(Teresa Driver) #6

Your secret is safe with me LOL

Edited for grammar and off to hit the salt shaker.

(Sonia A.) #7

Do you take measurements ?

Like you, I weigh myself every morning, which has taught me that the weight varies very much from day to day. The scale isn’t an accurate tool, but it’s useful to know if some food makes me retain water.

When my weight jumps up without reason, I take my measurements (chest, waist, hips, thighs and arms). If it doesn’t change from the last time I took it (every 7 to 10 days), I know I didn’t gain fat.

(Teresa Driver) #8

Excellent advice. Off to check

(Teresa Driver) #9

All righty then:
Under bust Wed: 44" Today: 44"
Waist Wed: 46" Today: 47"
High Hip Wed: 60" Today: 61"

I’m apparently a damn unicorn.

(Sonia A.) #10

I don’t know what to tell you. It’s never happened to me, but I’ve never done a fat fast. Usually, I’m water fasting and it consistently ends with fat loss. Would you consider a water fast instead ?

(Sonia A.) #11

I’ve just seen your other post. The first thing that jumped to me is that you’re eating egg whites. Maybe it spiked your insulin which resulted in weight gain. You should consider eating whole eggs.

(Teresa Driver) #12

No. Just because I don’t want to chance my adrenals any further until after I get my endocrinology work up done. I was losing fat steadily non fasting, so I think once I hit 60 hours I’m going to call it. It’s not that it won’t ever be a good tool for me, it’s just not what I need right now. My BMR is supposedly 2411 kcal. I’m eating 1200 kcal a day, no carbs, 90% fat. I feel fine, but I suspect my IR has me catabolizing lean muscles instead of fat. C’est le vie.

(ece53c7f75b7d1cfb0c4) #13

The only difference between the eggs I’m eating now and the eggs I eat everyday is that I have replaced the fat in the egg yolks with butter. This was in an effort to further minimize carb consumption because as I stated on the thread, I wanted to see what would happen in zero carbs truly zero carbs. I appreciate your looking at this and offering encouragement. But I promise I’m not eating egg white in isolation. I am just not that hardcore LOL

(ece53c7f75b7d1cfb0c4) #14

And I have no clue why my phone does not think I’m me.

(Mike Glasbrener) #15

Cutting intake from 2400 calories to 1200 calories is not a typical fast. It’s calorie restriction. It’s really quite different. Calorie restriction can lower your basal metabolic if run too long. A zero calorie fast gives your pancreas a break and can lower your basal inline levels. In addition if the fast lasts long enough there are other advantages, autophagy, immune system etc…

I’m getting set to break a ~40 hr fast in a little bit. More for social reasons than needs.

(Teresa Driver) #16

Thank you for the advice. When I am sure that will be safe and effective for me to do, I will give it a shot.

(Mike Glasbrener) #17

If you’ve managed to keep carbs super low and fat intake high enough fasts are pretty easy to try. If you feel poorly it’s easy to solve… just eat! Hunger once you’re fat adapted is as much habit and psychological as “need” if your body has fat to burn. Of course if you’re on medications care must be taken.

(Teresa Driver) #18

Look, I realize I’m bitter because while feel fine I’m not getting my desired results, I get the feeling you haven’t read the original posts. I feel fantastic. I’m not hungry, I’m not weak, I’m getting ready to paint my front door. However, I also feel fantastic when I snort cocaine, but that’s not good for me either. I am trying to understand what’s going on with more than just the scale at the moment, because said snorting of cocaine coupled with a 2 pack a day Marlboro Red habit, unlimited diet Coke, and a pack of Ramen with a multi-vitamin also produced rapid weight-loss and I felt fine. I have been completely fat adapted since I went zero carb on July 6, 2017. I just need to know why my body isn’t doing what scientifically it should be… This would be the reason I came to Fasting Females, because I am getting real bitchy about the amount of mansplaining I am running into.

(Mike Glasbrener) #19

Sorry I missed the forum section. I’m sure you’ll get it figured out.

(Sonia A.) #20

Oh I forgot to ask : is your shark week soon ? Not because you’re bitchy like you said :grinning: (and you don’t seem to be), but because I often become bloated during my period and gain some inches around my middle and some weight. Maybe it’s the same for you.

I’m sure it’s going to return to normal once you go back to eating like you used to. Maybe your body is not ready and you should listen to it.

Keep us posted about your endocrinology results and your progress :hugs:.