Conversation Starters - Cold - No Relationship


(Tom Seest) #1

As we progress in our journeys to better health, we often find ourselves in situations where we want to start conversations with people that we do not know, but are suffering from being obese, Type 2, or some other malady that is in our past.

I figured it would be nice to start a thread where we can perfect and wordsmith conversation starters that can be used via messaging, email or in person that can help get the conversation started, without being totally offensive or politically incorrect.

This would allow people to review this thread to get ideas, before they go into social situations where these encounters may take place.

Here is an example that I developed quickly in the Facebook Forum earlier today; in this case, I used a “Permission Based” strategy:

“You and I used to have a lot more in common than you’d think. I used to struggle with health issues, weight loss, and many other things, as I weighed XXX pounds or kilos at one time. If you ever need someone too talk too, or would like to talk about my own individual experiences, I’d be happy to share with you. However, I don’t want to sound pushy and I don’t sell anything, and I most surely don’t want to ruin a friendship or business relationship, so please disregard me if this is offensive to you. I just want you to know that I’m available in case you’d like to ask questions, or just need someone to lean on or talk to in tough times.”

Tactful Way to Tell Someone They Need Keto
(carl) #2

That works

(Tom Seest) #3

Feel free to move these to better categories. I just put them here for now, because I didn’t want to lose them in Facebook Land…

(Tom Seest) #4

One thing to consider is many people have given up. While they maybe ashamed, laugh it off, be intimidated, etc., sometimes, they just need hope. It never hurts to talk about your own experiences.

Worst case, someone you don’t know will never talk too you again…But, you may give someone hope.

(Tom Seest) #5

Another thing to remember is many times, people are simply chatting about a subject to be polite. They’ll whine, complain, etc, but many people are not looking for change. Sometimes, it takes a “bad episode” or bad life event to get them to take action and change. But, if you talk about your experiences, they may remember the conversation when the timing is right for them.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #6

I can’t tell you how many times I have said THIS when talking keto to a stranger.

I had a keto conversation with two complete strangers today in two separate places. Right now if they have interest in keto I give them the website

If they are highly interested I tell them I am interviewed on episode #21.

But many times I think a person may never go there. To the website. Or maybe they do not have T2DM and so will dismiss the website when they get there.

I am keenly aware I need a better approach, or plan. A 60 year old woman I meet may never listen to 2KetoDudes.

I do not want to lose anyone. I need a card. A pamphlet. Strangers may not want to give me their email. People are interested but can be VERY distrusting.
Especially Minnesotans.

(“Minnesota nice” is a myth, like CICO)

(Tom Seest) #7

Good preparation is the key. It gets easier as time goes on, as you gain more experience…

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #8

Seriously Tom. I’m not sure how. I am not kidding. I am approached DAILY. Not because they knew me 80 lbs ago and they want to know what I did. Not because I have huge muscles stretching out of a muscle Tshirt (Lol!), but because of my energy. My joy. It pours out of me through lovely cracks in my overfilled joyous soul. And they notice me. And they talk to me. I fucking love people. I do not want to miss even one suffering soul. I’m asking you guys to help me. Should I get a business card? What should I put on it? Should I hand them nothing? Just tell them about keto? What? How? I can do it online easily enough. I am told I inspire folks online. This makes me happy.

Help me reach people standing in front of me.

(Tom Seest) #9

I’m serious too, which is why I posted it here. Everything I’ve done to date, including these posts, have been off the cuff.

I’d love to brainstorm a good set of strategies. Things like Printed Cards, Pamphlets, Sample Text Messages, and Sample Emails that people can use as templates, because our opportunities will increase; not decrease.

It’s the only way we can change the world around us. One person at a time.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #10

I had given up Tom.

(Tom Seest) #11

I hadn’t. I just didn’t have time to deal with the problem, until it became a huge problem.

But, there were days after that when I wanted to give up. I understand the urge, for sure.

(carl) #12

Tell me what you want to say on your card and I’ll send you a bunch as a Christmas present.

(Guardian of the bacon) #13

Hey Brenda, how bouta forehead tattoo?

KCKO …that might be a conversation starter.

(Guardian of the bacon) #14

Seriously though be thankful you are approachable. I always attributed to my hulking size but people rarely approach me except the kettle bell ringers.

I think a multi step approach may be the answer. Business cards are cheap and easy to carry. If somebody approaches because of your energy or cheerful nature or whatever and inquires how or why you do what you do hand them a card. You can make them yourself pretty easy or have them professionally made. Printed on both sides they can contain a lot of contact info and maybe a catch phrase or 2.

If they want even more info or if they get back with you, you could have some pamphlets printed up or maybe even the “Keto in a Nutshell” pdf the dudes put together. Printed on both sides it wouldn’t take too many sheets.

Develop a bit of a following and start a monthly meatup session. You touch 100, they each touch 10 and the word spreads and soon there is a whole lotta touching going on.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #15

Awwwe. Thank you Carl. It definately will include (and that I am episode #21 OF COURSE!), but I want it to somehow include that the ketogenic diet is not just for T2DM recovery. Obesity, sure. But I’d like to list other diseases keto reverses/helps such as PCOS, rheumatoid arthritis, IBS, depression, infertility, etc etc.
I also want a link to THIS forum.
:nofb: allowed on the card!!!
A basic explanation of the ketogenic diet definately! Along with any other important info. (Link to a keto PDF)? IDK. I want a lot of shit on that fucking card.

(carl) #16

Can you pare it down to 2 short sentences?

(Meeping up the Science!) #17

Just use 1pt helvetica.

(AnnaLeeThal) #18

Replace carbohydrate with fat.

(Larry Lustig) #19

You really think this is more productive than my method which is making the sign of the Cross over a stranger’s donut, foaming at the mouth, and shouting “Get thee behind me, Satan!”?

(Meeping up the Science!) #20

I prefer “get thee behind me statins!” seems more thematically appropriate.