Clean Carnivore Crew, January 2022


(Karen) #382

@Shinita I thought about bodybuilding a few years ago and doing competitions but I don’t have much boobage and didn’t want to end up with even less and messing around with all that self tan!!! Lol so I didn’t go that route. When I started CF I got quite drawn into the Strong Man stuff and prior to covid had booked and paid to go to Portugal for the Tribal Clash competition. We did a lot of training and the muscles were getting pretty big and well defined. Covid happened and the trip that was 1st May 2020 was cancelled. I don’t want to go back to that side of the training. The CV, which I love is much better for my BP too.

When you have 5 scrambled eggs are they small eggs. I can’t imagine eating that many though I know it isn’t much for ketoers. I always buy very large eggs when they’re available … not often they aren’t… they are just very tasty. I can only manage 3 and thats usually when I eat them on their own. I would only be able to manage 2 if I eat them with meat. Just asking, not judging! :upside_down_face:

@Fangs options options …what to do??? Not sure I would get any assistance if not working for a year before getting state pension, i will have to do some research during the next few months. Finally trying to be sensible after all these years lol… me and sensibility don’t really go together :laughing:

Good to hear hubby did your London Broil how you like it. We don’t eat a lot of variety but we know how we like what we do eat. My first of 2 hubbys used to get really annoyed at me when anyone offered me a cuppa tea cos I always asked if I could make it!! He thought I was very rude lol … ruder to leave it if its not to my liking don’t you think? :wink:

@Relic53 that ribbeye looks big and yummy. My favourite cut.

@VirginiaEdie I like that quote and the one … no one ends up regretting things they did in their life, they regret the things they didn’t do.

Birthday mid June

Well I appeared to be a long time in bed last night. Went up just after 7pm. My first wake up was just before midnight and I really thought it must be early hours so was surprised at seeing the time. I had been in a very deep sleep. Woke numerous time after that but still managed to drop back off again … last few night I have had legs in legs out all night long and it hasn’t been hot and I don’t have my heating on through the night. Has to be minus minus for me to keep it on and then just to save the pipes freezing.

Up at 8am and doing my 100 daily flights of stair runs. Then went to CrossFit and did a long cv workout. Really enjoyed it but it was so cold in the box and I didn’t get warmed through till the penultimate round when the final layer of clothing was whipped off. Popped to Raymond’s gor a brew and made sure he was okay. Then home via a few local charity shops hunting for unusual containers for the plants. Ended up finding a few good ones and also some cheapo plants. My kitchen floor is getting full to the brim so I need to get planting them out!

Had brunch about 1215 cheesy sauted chicken and dinner was ribeye steak and the 4 last rashers of streaky bacon. Just fancied the salty taste. Also had some extra cheese.

(Mary Donovan) #383

Thank you for answering my questions! That article was great and answered another question for me which was if I should buy a meter and which one if any.

Time to clean up the supplements I am taking and try for the rest of this month to take no supplements except the vitamin D.

I am drinking approximately 2-3 L of water a day.
When I felt restless today and had that monkey chatter in my brain telling me that I need stuff of this plan, I put a heaping tablespoon of lard in the skillet and fried up four eggs. By the time the eggs were gone, so was the chatter.

Took this little curious toddler to the Air Force Museum and looked at planes, space shuttles, helicopters etc for the whole morning. Then nap time for him which gave me time to clean his house. I have a 12 hour day with him and then I get to go home. No second job today! Sleep!! Yay!
Oh! My new BBQ grill gets delivered Saturday!

(Linda ) #384

I dont carry water bottles ifim out and about ill grab a sparkling water in im thirsty I only drink to thirst.
Todays food kid was strip steak 2nd meal wS bottom round roast and a couple flanken ribs


yea I get ya on how to work out that ‘early retirement’ :slight_smile: but like ya said, take a bit and think things over, or maybe your job would put you on permanent ‘like part time’ in some way, even look at your job and see if they can change up a bit for you or a new position with less hrs to draggggg ya til that retirement time :slight_smile: Options are out there :slight_smile:

that is georgeous meat to the max. I LIVED on 2 of those per day for about 2 yrs til my taste changed to NY Strip steaks and more pork chops and pork ribs. Then I got sick of the pork and ate more beef again…but I tell ya, that steak in your pic, I hounded down so many of those it makes my head spin but darn if I don’t feel wonderful doing it HAHA

here is one slap full of great things :slight_smile:

Water. Drink all the water you want, only when ya want it. No one forces water ever on carnivore, you don’t need to do that ever. ANY amt that suits you in your day is the exact amt of water your body wants :slight_smile:

I drink alot. I am like Shinita in that I carry water bottles everywhere. I won’t keep buying water out. I reuse some of my water bottles over and over and of course have some drinking water fancy bottles I bought to use over and over, I can’t keep paying top dollar for stinkin’ water cause I got well water and YUM…so I like to bring my own. Yes that is the super frugal in me HAHA

COME OVER here into the monthly thread.
I get it, backward happens. I think one of the biggest is the mental game of all that life slaps us and carby crap is a draw point blank. Easy fix for comfort kinda thing. BUT you are now out of ‘insurance money from burning down the wagon’ LOL and you are back on plan.

Chat up here!!! Hang with us. Accountability and chat is one of the biggest things that changed me so it might be what helps you too!!

Missed ya posting SB!

(Mary Donovan) #386

I am a BYOB kinda gal too! I would rather spend my money of great cuts of meat and not water!


yea and with what THESE prices are becoming on us right now, darn if we aren’t smart to save a dime where we need to save it…ugh…
don’t get me started on these prices out there…

(Mary Donovan) #388

Thank you again for that video! I could relate in a lot of ways with her and especially interested because she and I both have Hashimotos. I believe I am due in the upcoming weeks for antibody blood work and excited to see how well my body is healing with giving it what it really needs.

I even bought some beef liver today and cooked that up to see if I could handle eating it. I have had it before but was definitely not keto much less zero carb. I will finish cooking it up tonight and try it tomorrow or this evening if hungry. Not hungry after the load of eggs and lard.

I am wondering how to get my omega vitamins if I don’t like any seafood. Any ideas?

(Daisy) #389

I have so much reading to catch up on!! I’m so sorry my friends, it’s been a crazy week.

Day 22: meal one was a block of burger and bone broth jello. Meal two was lamb chops and beef liver. Meal three was sirloin. I don’t often eat three meals but it’s been a very high stress week, so I’m just going with it. Sleep last night: Supplements: 200 mg 5-htp and 400 mg magnesium glycinate taken 15 minutes before bed. In bed at 10:21. My husband came to bed at the same time, so I wasn’t able to do my normal bedtime routine. I had earplugs and went to bed kind of on my side. Did pray for a minute, but no breath. Slept very well until 1:18. Woke up with a bizarre pain/cramp in my toe. Got up and went to the bathroom and put on some magnesium balm on my toe. Went back to bed and slept pretty well until 10 minutes before my alarm. Lay peacefully for 5 minutes, then got up. Felt pretty clear this morning, tired but not foggy. I feel like this combo may be actually helping!

(Mary Donovan) #390

Ok, so I tried liver again tonight. It definitely is not a good I see me eating often at all. However, my hubby loves it! Lol

I remember reading, if I like it great then eat it,if I don’t…then don’t!

Going to sleep at 830pm tonight…that is a gift! Sleep well everyone.

(Daisy) #391

@MaryD223 I am like @VirginiaEdieand cut salt out over a year ago and now only drink water to taste. I may drink 32 Oz max a day and am perfectly hydrated based on urine color and skin/lips being perfectly hydrated!


Back here on the monthly thread. Going on vacay tomorrow, but will try to post! Gotta go pack now.

(Will) #393

I will be trying beef liver for the first time at some point this coming weekend. I’ve never had it but I see it here often so I thought I’d give it a go. Not sure the best way to cook it. Any suggestions would sure be appropriated.
These prices are getting more ridiculous every day. Seafood in my area has gone through the roof. I’m planning to get out over the weekend and see which market might have the best prices. I’m not holding out too much hope I’m finding anything that I would consider a good deal but we never know.

(Edith) #394

Beef liver is easy to over cook as it is sliced pretty thin. I’ve seen many recipes where you soak the liver in milk first. That helps temper the flavor somewhat. Then it’s a quick seer in the pan so that it is still pink in the middle.

If I eat liver cooked, it has to be smothered in caramelized onions and bacon. For some reason, I have no problem gnawing on a piece of mostly frozen raw liver. I have an ounce of raw liver several times a week. I should probably eat it a little more often.


a vacay! Wee…sounds like ya need it :slight_smile: Go somewhere warm LOL
check in when you can, we got ya for support. I know you got one heck of a busy life for sure, so vacay should really be a good thing! Enjoy and let us know where ya want and what ya did!!

Not a liver fan. I bought Ancesteral Supp liver and beef organ pills, you know all organic, grass fed BS and all that…heck my guts didn’t really like them kinda plus I felt no diff. after using them and darn THEY were expensive LOL

My mom and dad loved liver. Liver and onions, as a kid I remember that smell when they had it…and just cringing cause it was liver and onions night for them and us kids ate mac n cheese, but not no boxed crap stuff, mom made from scratch and OH yummy. But I best not talk ol’ carbby crap either. Best I keep that out of my mind.

Yea liver ya might love. Just keep trying it all, you never know what you hit on that suits you.

Seafood prices, good luck scouting that. My whole lobster that is in freezer section went from 10.99 (sale at 7-8.99) is when I bought it sometimes is now $21.99 and I can tell ya, no one is buying :frowning: sad state of affairs truly out there for all of us in every walk of life on these prices.

--------------------TODAY is super simple zc day.
NY Strip steak
pork chops defrosting for second food

got errands to run and actually have TO GO to the bank…actually GO there LOL I love online banking etc. and rarely go to A bank HAHA but this time I gotta go :frowning: ugh.

other junk to handle but keeping the day as simple and easy as I can and just smile my way thru the day. Wish I had some sun…so dark and dreary with possible little snow storm coming our way…boo!!


It is a balmy -16F here this morning. We are heading to lower Michigan for a work thing for hubby (Overnight.) Then off to GA, and then FL. then back through GA, and home. Should be about 9 days. The two adult kids that live around here are going to stay at the house, and take care of the cattle and turkeys. (And probably raid the pantry, but they’ll take all the junk food I no longer need - so its all good.)

The doggles are going off to the kennel this morning, so its time to hustle and get the stuff together. I know I am around 196-197 right now, so I’ll be packing meat and water for the ride. As Jocko Willink so beautifully said, “I promise you, Your will is stronger than the will of a donut”
So gonna hold the line.


They are perfectly normal sized eggs, around 52g each (without shells, of course). The hens produce that size most commonly around there but I think they are called large elsewhere…?
5 eggs are very very few, maybe 500 kcal? I couldn’t get satiated with 10 as it’s still a tiny meal!
And I can’t eat 15. I can’t eat 10 either in the same form… I only could eat 5 eggs (about 258g. I almost never measure eggs - unless I say some unusually tiny or big ones. IDK what is the biggest I saw, 74g? more? probably more, 74g is quite big but not extreme, I see such ones quite a few times every year… - but I must say that I can eyeball eggs wonderfully now. 11 years, 6-7 eggs per day in average… I have experience).

I have no idea about my record but maybe 10-12 for a single meal. It’s not much food so I obviously need meat and other stuff with it. I simply can’t go beyond that, maybe if I still liked ice cream and used several different types of egg dishes? Maybe I will experiment one day. I imagine I can drink many yolks. And I planned a more or less carnivore ice cream cake but as I never want cakes or ice cream on carnivore, I felt zero motivation to realize it. (I never ever ate an ice cream cake. And it’s such perfect for my carnivore-ish, it’s mostly eggs! My old ice cream had no dairy).

But today I had just a few eggs! I had lean protein :smiley:

Spice and mustard happened but otherwise? No dairy (except 2g butter but that’s fat to me, it’s nothing like my 90g yogurt and 22g Masdaam cheese yesterday ;)), no processed meat and not even coffee this far! (It’s 7pm so who knows what will happen but no coffee until 7pm, it’s great in my world.)

The small bowl has 3 perfectly soft poached eggs and a little water where the pork tongue was cooked for 2 hours in, with spices… It was great and disappeared in a minute or two :smiley:
Fried pork thigh (so lean but still good!), fried hake fish (lean and mostly tasteless, I ate it together with other things and only half of it), a scrambled egg but I left that…
I ate some pâté (pork liver, boiled egg, lard and spices this time. not stellar but edible even in the end of the meal when I am choosier), a bite of tongue and drank an egg milk too (with flavorings/spices but no coffee this time as I have mentioned).
Not the vaguest idea of my calories but they are probably lowish. I ate quite lean and I am not satiated yet.

Waiting until dinnertime is tiresome, I just do it to train my fasting muscles. But it’s only for the monthly group fast! I was more or less hungry in the last 4 hours. I actually planned to eat before but my hunger was elusive or my appetite went too low for me to eat… And then I just waited for a family meal (even though we ate drastically different meals, it doesn’t matter) and it wasn’t hard, per se… I just was a bit tired in an odd day only lack of food can do to me.
Now that I have lean meat galore, I can afford 2 meals on carnivore! Well, if I can pull it off. Smaller meals can’t satiate me nearly so well so I often need a third meal and it’s not convenient. But maybe I will have a proper meal with bites around it, that’s more like my style.
It’s a bit odd to have a 15-30 minutes eating window (30 because of my egg milks. I eat my little dense food in 15 minutes.)… I am quite a few hours in the kitchen, I cook and bake so I have food joy but that’s not the same… I want to be a tad more free again. But I want to lose fat too so I can’t really afford more than one meal, I need to be careful with the one too but that’s not that hard, I just need to be a bit strict when it’s about my food choices. I will continue to keep dairy and added fat at a minimum (today I needed added fat to fry my lean meats but they were so lean that I even needed extra fat).

The pork was very, very nice for hungry me if anyone wondered about it. I am looking forward tomorrow when I make a big roast from the rest. 2800g but it fits my oven pan :smiley:
I am only mildly bored of pork shoulder roast, my other usual roasts are just fine… I took a break today anyway, no roast at all! I can regenerate remarkably well nowadays, tiny breaks are enough. And I have variety.

I still write way too much about my meal but I eat it in no time, I like to think about it fondly for more… And I don’t think about it normally, only when I write about it here…

Today we had sun, a little snow… We may go to visit the higher parts of our mountains, we surely can find more snow there! :smiley:

(Karen) #398

Not a good sleep last night… at the mo its one fairly good one and one horrid one. May settle once my anxiety about working my BP subsides.

Got up and did my stair runs then sat and waited for the Occupational Health Dr tel appt. So I can’t return to work in my current prison contact role. Not being on the blood thinners because I can’t get involved in any Control & Restraint incidents. He said if I get a head injury I could easily get a bleed on the brain. So he is recommending to management that they either find me a role with no prisoner contact, regrade as an operational support grade or maybe get a job in admin. He said I can take as long a phase return as I need or as short as I need. Apparently the major fatigue, even though I have got my cv fitness levels back up, is down to my brain working hard to repair my balance. He suggested I speak to cardiologist again to see whether they can offer any other treatment to fix the AF. I don’t want to have any surgeries and he did say they may not want to do them because they may be too risky. He seemed to rush through everything but appeared to be thorough and appeared to be supportive and not writing me off yet lol. He is going to send me a copy of report. I am going to just take each day as it comes. One day at a time and not stress. My daughter said if I don’t want to stay at the prison there were lots of part time jobs going where she works. Just manual stuff no stress that would suit me.

I had brunch about 1130 just prior to the tel appt and that was a 3 egg cheese omelette.

Did a bit of pottering , drilling holes in containers and organising what plants I want in what pots. Then decided to nio into local town and do the charity shops to see if I could find some more cheap containers. I found a lovely blue tall metal planter for £2 … A steal at theat price. Also stopped at Aldi and bought some primulas … my kitchen floor is getting very busy again lol.

Dinner was a ribeye which I forgot to photo … it wasn’t that good so I suppose it didn’t really warrant a photo anyway! It was small and chewy. So a bit later when the pork chops had thawed properly I fried on of those and that was nicer. Also had some cheese.

Early night tonight cos I am doing an earlier CrossFit class tomorrow and have had to set my alarm! My daughter and her hubby are doing same one so I’m looking forward to seeing them both. Also when I was out today I managed to find her an electric lunch box in the Heart Foundarion. She was fretting about how she would manage her meals this week as the place she would be at didn’t have a microwave. Hopefully this might resolve those type of problems for her. Fingers crossed!


I got hungry soon after my comment and tracked. Okay so all my food was definitely below 1000 kcal… Makes sense with all that lean stuff and not many eggs either… So I basically ate anything I could (cheese, head cheese, yogurt, another drink, this come with coffee, more pâté) so I brought the fat up to 59% (I had 78% days before) and guesstimation says 1270 kcal :rofl: Still just a 1.5 hour eating window, I got hungry quickly…
(I tracked yesterday later, a bit above 2000? So I can handle a single low-cal day.)

I am perfectly satiated now but I won’t avoid processed meat and dairy until I don’t figure out how to eat lean meat…
I go back to planning my days and hopefully I can repeat them a few times, I really don’t want to spend a ton of time with these things…
(I start to miss pork chuck with its perfect fat content and everything.)

But maybe tomorrow I can test a lean day, I even have leftover lean fish now!
I just feel sorry for all the excessive, somewhat wasted protein I would eat that way… But after this week… Maybe it does something good. I have so much pork, I don’t want to keep myself from eat a pound just because it will be much protein (with my fish and eggs and other stuff)… Lean day experiment it is then! Yay. I was waiting for that! I don’t overdo things with too many egg whites… Do I? :smiley: Nope, just a few extra in my sponge cakes. And the next day I will have several extra yolks to balance things out. Yolky day, yay! Alvaro brought 40 eggs today so no shortage ~ (but if we had a shortage, I would buy some tomorrow anyway. I need my eggs.)
It’s cool that I can add many yolks and whatnots to a day (half-)based on leaner meat. If I eat as much fresh pork shoulder roast as I want, I have no more room or macros or anything else (but my always present eggs, just a few) and that’s almost boring. And restrictive. I like to add fatty things. I decided to avoid pork shoulders and even fattier cuts in the near future. I don’t even prefer them. But they were a too tempting choice, little garbage, big slab, great price… And it’s okay now and then. Just not this much.

I feel quite bubbly now. I think my basic mood and energy level is okay, I just need to do something with my messed up sleeping pattern. But even with that, I am not a miserable zombie so something good definitely happened inside that gives me more energy and a better mood than normal. YAY! That’s what I wanted the most. But I wish some fat-loss too. And muscle gain. Both will go slow but it’s fine.

(Daisy) #400

Day 23 li: meal one was lamb chops, steak bites, and bone broth jello. Meal two was a ribeye and raw beef liver. Sleep last night: Supplements: 200 mg 5-htp and 400 mg magnesium glycinate taken at 9. In bed at 10:33, earplugs, on my back and with prayer and deep breath. Fell asleep not overly quickly but not terribly long. Up at 12 and 2 to pee. Woke at 3:30 but didn’t get up and then tossed and turned a good bit until I got up at 6:12. Definitely tired this morning, foggy. So the previous night may have just been a fluke :cry:. The cortisol manager I have been waiting for finally came yesterday, so I may try it tonight.

(Judy Thompson) #401

Wow. So many great posts! It’s been a few days, but I’m here.
Today is day 10 since I started carnivore. I’m learning every day. Reading books and sites, applied to the Facebook Carnivore page.
Proof of my undying devotion to carnivore is the 3 days of disaster pants, which I think has ended now (fingers crossed).
I bought a bottle of lipase just in case I’m wrong but not ox bile - so expensive.
In 2019 I started OMAD, also caused disaster pants. Went on much longer. That was what originally brought me to KF.

Today was shopping in town and the brewery dinner. I’m hating that more and more. I get the German sausage platter but for my sides, mashed potatoes and gravy to go, for hubby for the coming week. The sausage is overcooked and dry… There really is no other carnivore food available there.

So tonight I’m having an omelet, 4 eggs and cheese. I deserve it!

As for water - I always have it with me, but don’t count it. I can put down a lot of water! And I do have a coffee on the morning but quit drinking tea, just a cup of hot water, which I find very satisfying.