Cheese crisp MIRACLE!


This has got to be the most amazingly simple recipe ever! I put 1 tsp grated cheese in each cup of a silicon muffin tin, and microwaved until the cheese melted and turned golden brown. Took about 3 minutes. I watched continuously through the window to avoid overlooking. Crisps turned out delicious, and well up to the task of supporting dip.

Popped cheese?
Needing a little guidance for the Hubby!
A really extended fast: going for 46-days!
Cheese crisps a la Richard
(Annika) #2

Genius idea! Looks so much neater than trying to arrange piles of cheese on a cookie sheet! Will try!

(G. Andrew Duthie) #3

Another option is muffin top pans. I use one for parmesan crisps, though I do mine in the oven. Still working on getting the timing just right so they’re crisp, but not burnt.

(Siobhan) #4

That’s genius to get the perfect chip shape!

(cqtcmg) #5

What a wonderful idea! I never thought to use my silicon pans for this purpose!

(Dean) #6

Sam’s Club sell bags of Parmesan crisps, they are really good. bu probably cheaper to make at home.

(Roxanne) #7

Never heard of it being done in a microwave - I will have to try it!

(G. Andrew Duthie) #8

We used to get some at Costco that were really good, but unfortunately our Costco stopped carrying them. They were made fresh in the bakery. But even though the Costco ones were good, the homemade ones are better…at least when I don’t overcook them. :slight_smile:

(Stephanie Hanson) #9

What temp and how long? Thx. I appreciate your input

(Louise ) #10

Ahhhh my muffin pan and cheese crisps seem to stick :frowning: they don’t come out as easy, so really wanted to get silicone pans to see if that works any easier


The silicon will definitely work better. The cheese fuses to regular surfaces. I tried this with a regular plate in the microwave, and had to chip off the cheese to salvage the plate. I almost tossed it. If you have parchment paper, that works, but the edges of the chip won’t be as strong,


Microwave on full power. Watch thru the window or check every 30 sec or so until they turn golden. It’s will vary depending on your microwave, qty of cheese, etc. you need to go well beyond the point where the cheese is completely melted.

(I’ve never done this in an oven, so cannot speak to that)

(G. Andrew Duthie) #13

I think I’ve mostly done 400 degrees (F). I usually go 5 minutes, and then see from there. It’s somewhat of a visual thing, as I watch to see when the center of the crisps stop bubbling. I may try a lower temp for longer and see if I can get the right crispiness without the tendency to scorch or burn. Still experimenting.

(A ham loving ham! - VA6KD) #14

Do you keep/reuse the oil that’s left over? I used to make similar cheese crisps like this on a saucer in the microwave, but there was always a puddle of oil left on the saucer.

Edit:. On further thought, I wonder if sprinkling some almond flour in the tray first would be a good way of keeping hold of that oil within the cheese crisps…

(G. Andrew Duthie) #15

I would not reuse the oil, as I don’t think it’s the kind of fat that would be useful for other stuff.

One experiment I may try is taking crushed pork rind bits and mixing those in with the parmesan. That might add some crispiness, given that crushed pork rinds are a good bread crumb substitute.

(Courtney Fournier) #16

I’ve used my candy molds in the oven about 1/2t in each mold. I put the oven on 325 for about 11-13 minutes. Like devhammer I’m still trying to find the exact time/temp. Cook too short of a time and they are chewy, cook too long and they get a burnt taste real easy,

(Cliff Arnold) #17

+1 and I agree the timing is crucial with parmesan. 1 minute too long can make the difference between perfection and a burnt inedible taste.

(Stephanie Hanson) #18

TY. I appreciate that. I’d love round, thicker crisps.

(Mary Jo Koplos) #20

Best. Hack. Ever. I went straight to my kitchen and tried this. Thanks!

(Angelo) #21

This looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing. I love cheese and this looks easy and doable.