
(KCKO, KCFO) #374


I could see a waffle bowl full of fried chicken made from that thing.

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #375

Am SO IMPRESSED with your waffle iron count!

I’m very pleased with mine - just over 20 quid on Amazon, and I’m glad it makes oblong ones as they fit my lunchbox perfectly!

(John) #376

Went to the local Target store yesterday and got one of the Dash mini-makers for $10. Picked up some finely shredded mozzarella on sale at the grocers on the way home.

So today I made my first Chaffles! They fluff up a lot more than I thought - one egg plus 2 tbsp of cheese is a bit more than needed for a single 4" chaffle.

I also made one with a little almond flour mixed in. Also good.

Anyway - turned out really great! Light and fluffy, very waffle-like in taste and texture. I just ate them with some butter. You’d think they’d taste like a cheese omelet, but nope.

I can see a couple of these making a perfect grab-and-go breakfast, with very little clean up needed.

Glad I skipped breakfast today! I am all chaffled up now. I ended up making 4 of the things. Seems like 1 egg, 2 tbsp grated mozzarella, and 1 tbsp almond flour makes enough batter for two of the little 4" chaffles that the Dash makes. Using a whole egg for one ends up with it being really big and puffy and pushing the lid open.

I had the first two just with a little butter. The last two, I thin-sliced one strawberry each, and topped with a little whipped cream (actually store-bought almond topping). Felt like I was having a huge cheat meal, but very low carb overall, maybe 3 or 4g total.


Yes I think that’s the general recipe for two of the small waffles. Otherwise it’ll squish out all over the place. I think @Momof5 may have some experience with this. :wink:

(Susan) #378

Yes!! The first time I made them it was very messy!

(Wendy) #380

My first shot making Chaffle- Pizza!!
I will make it agian!!:stuck_out_tongue:

(Edith) #381

I make chaffle pizza for my girls and they like having it cold in their lunch.

(Wendy) #382

Just Love all the choices! Such a great bread substitute!

(Susan) #383

That looks very yummy, Wendy =).

(Wendy) #384

Thanks! Was pleasantly surprised how good they turned out. I tried the Cauliflower crust,and yuck. Was a mushy mess. So this was Great! Love the Avocado sandwich also!

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #385

No pic, but we had cheese on chaffle when we got back from yoga tonight - grilled to perfection - even nicer than actual cheese on toast!

I think what we Brits call ‘cheese on toast’ is what is known as ‘grilled cheese’ in the US - anyway, with a chaffle as the non-toast substrate it’s flipping yummy.

(John) #386

These things are stupidly good. I am still experimenting with different ingredient combos. I whisked up two eggs, 2 tbsp shredded mozzarella, 1 tbsp almond flour. I made 3 mini-chaffles with that but I should have portioned it out into four. They puff up more than I tend to expect. Great quick and easy breakfast. Only hassle with the mini-maker is waiting in between each one.

(Susan) #387

Yesterday for my lunch I made 3 fried eggs, 6 pieces of bacon, and 2 Chaffles that I cut up to use as my “toast” for the eggs. It was a delicious lunch, I really enjoyed it, and I am not a fan of eggs in general, but I prefer them fried to scrambled.

(Bob M) #388

I’ll give that a go. This might fly with the 12 year old, but the 9 year old is tough. She’s addicted to fruit. And she’s too smart for her own good. :wink:

I keep having one chaffle per day on the weekend, to make a sandwich for my breakfast/lunch, around 10-11am. I have had to dial back the amount of eggs/cheese for my large maker (about 7 inches wide), used 70+55 I think. That helped limit boil-over, which creates some oily looking substance that gets under the maker.

Due to painting and working all day long on the weekends, I haven’t had time to do anything but this modification.

(Steve) #389

Bob, Our youngest only ate frozen bagged vegetables until she was 12. If they thawed she wouldn’t eat them, they had to be rock hard. Talk about awkward around company pouring frosty peas onto her plate… lol
How about trying a blueberry or strawberry chaffle for your 9 year old with some chocolate mousse or whipped cream on top, no kid could turn that down?

(Steve) #390

How are your chaffle supplies holding up, you must be ready for a restock?

(Jane) #391

Good Lord, I don’t need another kitchen appliance :expressionless: but I have room and I found a little red Dash waffle maker at Target for $9.99 so I ordered it to pick up after work.

I’ve been using my regular 8" waffle maker and not totally happy with the results. One egg is not enough and you get large holes or it cooks too crisp and 2 eggs they are too thick. Mine is the Belgium style with the large pockets.

That’s what I get for surfing food and chaffle threads while fasting! :rofl: I’ll be eating again by the time I get home to try it out.


The cheese is holding up fine, but as of yesterday, I have two more 18-packs of eggs in the fridge. A lot more expensive this time. The price has gone from $0.08 to $0.13 per egg. Nobody had them on sale this week either.

I did fill my shaker cup with 8 eggs yesterday, for use as chaffles.

And, it does use up 8 eggs when I make egg loaf. I plan to do a batch again sometime this week.

(Jane) #393

I am going to try @OgreZed’s method of setting my Dash on my digital scale and scrambling a few eggs at a time and keep them in the fridge. My hens lay variable sizes of eggs, so I alway weigh one egg and proportion to cheese but I won’t have to if I use his method.

(Steve) #394

Maybe try beating up a few eggs, store in a shaker bottle or empty water bottle. Pour on what you need to cover the iron divots, it works great. As you know eggs really vary in size.
Personally I use the scale all of the time for a perfect consistent chaffle