Carnivore/Zero Carb January 2017!

(L. Amber O'Hearn) #154

I weighed around 190 pounds. Today I weigh around 130.


@amber, I am really intrigued by this ZC protocol. I’ve been reading the ZC comments and results with great interest. I’m about half way through my 7 day water/coffee/tea fast. When that is over, I would like to give ZC a try. I’m thinking taking it out to perhaps a duration of a month, and track how I do. I’d be playing with two variables, really. The ZC way of eating, and re-feeding after an extended fast. If I’m ok after one month duration, I will consider extending it. I think one month commitment is perhaps good to give it a real go at it and pull through any minor roadblocks, whatever they maybe (I don’t know at this point).

Given that I would start ZC after an extended fast (clean as a whistle bowels and full steam autophagy)…do you have some insight or extra advice not discussed in this thread?

I’m thinking on day of breaking fast have some smoked salmon and liver pate. Maybe a poached egg or two (with runny yolk) as well. Highly nutritious food with wide spectrum of nutrition/sources. Thoughts?

And thank you for the inspiration… :blush:

(Leslie Andersen ) #156

Well … I sure won’t complain if that happens! My first interest in both KETO and now ZC is health improvement. Weight loss is just the bacon on the burger!

(L. Amber O'Hearn) #157

Hi, @Fiorella. You’re welcome. :blush: I think 3-4 weeks is a good trial, especially since you’re already keto-adapted.

I’ve actually never fasted that long, so I’m not sure what that will be best in terms of reintroducing foods, except that I know from shorter fasts that it takes time to adjust to eating again without being uncomfortably full.

You have a kind of unique opportunity to try foods without anything else in your system. In your shoes I would probably start with beef broth and then beef. That is, I’d first add things that are most tolerated by most people, and do things like eggs and dairy later.


@amber, excellent suggestion. I will definitely start with beef (broth and meat) upon re feeding. I will go all beef for a few days, log how my body feels. Then re introduce other proteins, and continue meticulously recording how I feel, and try to detect any differences.

Thank you, Amber, for excellent advice!!

(Adam L) #159

9th day ZC and happy to report blood ketones have gone back above 0.5 for first time in a couple of weeks - 0.7 today. Blood glucose has also gone down steadily during ZC hitting the 5’s with a 5.5 mol/l (100 mg/dl) which for me is a very good number. Weight wise I dropped 3kg/6lb of water the first day and my weight has remained at 108.4kg/238lb every time I’ve measured it since. Not too worried but will be concerned if some weight doesn’t come off by months end, gonna keep calm and ZC on.

(momzbusy2012) #160

Amber this might be a loaded question, but why do you think those who have been strict keto for so long can show via ketone meters they are burning fat but have zero weight loss? Then they experience a large drop when going ZC? I’d love to see the science on this one.


I’ve lost track of the days but I started 12/28. I am amazed at how good I feel. My energy level is great. Some days I seem really hungry, others not at all. I was worried that my strength would take a nosedive but I have had no problem getting through my workouts and even set a new PR. I’ve had mild headaches the past 2 days and have increased my broth and doubled mag and pot. My only complaint is that I have lost no weight. I’ve actually gained 2 pounds. So. Not. Pleased.

(Genevieve Biggs) #162

Many people gain in ZC before losing weight, like with keto. Don’t worry just yet. :slight_smile:


I am definitely trying to suspend judgment until day 30 and relying more on how my clothes fit and there’s definitely been changes there.


As I am pretty intrigued with ZC, and looking forward to doing it following my fast, I did a bit of research on food history. I came across Julius Caesars diary, describing the diets of the Germanic people and Brittons. He writes (about Germans):

“They do not pay much attention to agriculture, and a large portion of their food consists in milk, cheese, and flesh”

And Gauls and Brittons:

“Their entire country borders on the sea, and they do not differ much from the Gauls in customs. Very many who dwell farther inland do not sow grain but live on milk and flesh”

Looks pretty ketogenic and ZC way of eating.

(L. Amber O'Hearn) #165

That’s a great question, and I don’t know the answer. Heh.

(Alex Dipego) #166

So first week back to heavy lifting after 2 months and been ZC for 7 days… Holy freaking cow! (Not the one I ate). Vascularity was nuts and energy has been sweet!!!

I pick a meat of the day pretty much and eat that. Beef, Lamb, Trout… If it bleeds it’s mine :grin:

(Blyss (Old @Charmaine)) #167

I’m in! I ended my 21 day fast yesterday. I had some collards that were gifted to me today; they were loaded with smoked turkey so, I’ll count that as a win. Officially, tomorrow I begin; I’ll still include dairy though… cuz cheese and heavy cream; I’m also keeping teas, coffee, stevia, and spices/herbs - I’ll be a dirty carnivore… or a dainty one. LOL

ooooooo so excited!!

(Adam L) #168

Yay good to have you here, after what you’ve just achieved it should be a walk in the park.

(momzbusy2012) #169

Oh the mystery of it all! :grin: off topic but… I see you’re going to be a speaker on the Low Carb Cruise in May. I’ll be there too so I’m hoping I will be one of the many who by then, have found success on ZC eating. I’d like to give hope to others who have had difficulties losing weight too.

(AnnaLeeThal) #170

Dirty carnivore. I like that

(L. Amber O'Hearn) #171

Yes! I hope so, too. I look forward to meeting you!

About the Low Carb Cruise talk, I’m specifically going to be talking about the carnivorous diet as I practice it, and why plants are not only not essential, but potentially harmful. I’m very excited about it!

(Blyss (Old @Charmaine)) #172

Hoping so!

(Blyss (Old @Charmaine)) #173

The only thing that’s missing from the picture is the liverwurst. But this was awesome! And there was no issue with blood glucose either.