Carnivore on budget?

(Empress of the Unexpected) #41

How the hell much is five pounds of meat? Example?

(TJ Borden) #42

I canā€™t find a picture, but itā€™s a nice size hunk of meatā€¦ or a few smaller pieces.

(Sharon) #43

How much is five pounds of meat?

ā€“ A nice plateful.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #44

So, a giant ribeye?

(Empress of the Unexpected) #45

Yeah, I can only do half a day. And Iā€™m ā€œtinyā€.

(Ron) #46

Imagine 5 oranges on a plate then imagine them oranges are meatballs.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #47

Meatballs!!! I can do that!!!

(Empress of the Unexpected) #48

Best meatballs I ever had were the Ikea Swedish meatballs. Okay keto peeps, please set up a Go Fund Me page for a private chef for Regina. I promise, Scoutā€™s honor, I will be 100 percent compliant. Are you getting the feeling I am not a cook?

(Blyss (Old @Charmaine)) #49

Late to this post, but this is an example of how I shop.

(SmirkyFacedWhore) #50

Whoa! Beautiful!

(Chris W) #51

I found a restaurant supply place that sells 10 lb tubes of 73/27 ground beef for $18 and whole Ribeye for about $7 per lb. If I eat about 2 lbs per day, I could eat GB for under $4 per day, and I can enjoy steak every day for under $10 per day.


Found a great butcher shop near where I work. They sell me beef fat trimmings and had some suet in the freezer for making tallow. As for the fat trimmings, Iā€™m frying some in bacon grease right now. Amazes me that people are so stuck on lean, dry meat.


Also, Lidl periodically puts on great sales. Last week they had racks of ribs for 30% off of already pretty decent prices. They did a sale on ribeyes, too, but you have to be quick when that happens.


Cost is the only factor that has prevented me going ā€¦ erm ā€¦ letā€™s say 95% Carnivore until now (last vegetable meal was yesterday, fasting today, meat from tomorrow).

The fact that I can do so now is solely from the fact that there is now an el cheapo Portuguese butcher shop, with decent meat at very affordable prices.

Cheap supermarket meat I would not normally touch with a ten-foot pole, having once done the computer programming for a large industrial meat distributor, and so knowing the extremely long and unnatural storage length (measured in years) that can be typical in the cheapest supermarket meat (and thatā€™s not even to get started on the additives).

Bearing in mind I live in France, and your local conditions may be very different.

Iā€™ve been wanting to go carnivore for years, but from budget restrictions was restricted basically to keto ā€“ which helped to some extent, but just wasnā€™t enough.

If a supermarket has a dedicated butcherā€™s area with meat that they cut up and prepare for you individually, then it can be OK, even when they have packaged it locally in the shop itself, because it has been done so by craftsmen, not in an industrial meat factory.

The great thing about my friendly neighbourhood Portuguese butcher is that their prices for individually prepared cuts are basically the same here as the prices Iā€™ve seen people talk about for meat purchased wholesale for freezing in the US.

I am going to be able to do this on a VERY tight budget, so itā€™s definitely feasible ā€“ though Iā€™d say that you have to be lucky where you live to have a source of meat thatā€™s both good in quality and cheap, so I wouldnā€™t say that itā€™s always feasible ; indeed, for many years I could not start such a diet myself.

Iā€™d guess that itā€™s also very probably helpful towards a budget carnivore diet to be lactose-tolerant, at least tolerant enough that hard cheeses at least can be eaten.

The non-meat stuff will basically be tea and olive oil ā€“ OK 'cos I live in an olive oil producing region, so itā€™s not cut with seed oils.

I can ā€œcheatā€ to some extent as my first goal in the diet is weight loss and regaining muscle, and I have a good deal of fat already in place on my body for consumption, and Iā€™ve found that liquids without refined sugar, even some beer and wine, donā€™t really prevent weight loss in me (indeed the first time I tried something like this was basically a steak & chips + water + red wine + fasting + hiking regimen that led to a 40 kilo weight loss over about a year ; I had weight loss of a kilo a day for about the first 10-12 days ; I had to supplement it every couple of weeks with some milk and nuts and chocolate and sometimes orange juice, though I had to be careful with the latter) ā€“ so Iā€™ll be starting on a low-fat variant, and itā€™ll be fine ; I have a slow metabolism, so one meal a day is my basis anyway.

I am hoping, from Mikhaila Petersonā€™s story, given that I have medical conditions similar to hers, albeit less severe, that the carnivore diet could alleviate some of them at least ; if so, Iā€™d be likely to want to make this a permanent diet.

I already know from previous similar attempts, albeit meat and greens, that my body can handle it.


OK so sue me I live on the French Riviera ā€“ I have nevertheless just cooked my first meal out of probably a 4-5 day supply of food, the kilo+ of pork fat for free, total cost 10ā‚¬

(I will probably buy steaks later this week)

And crikey this pork fat tastes delicious !! As much as I want of it for free (crikey I love my el cheapo Portuguese butcher) ā€¦

(Chris) #56

Now thatā€™s a deal!


Plus the pork ā€œescalopesā€ are more like red meat pig steaks ā€¦

(Chris) #59

Citation needed here.

(Chris W) #61

Personally I Include both Beef and Pork in my diet, and I think they are both very good, but there are some fundamental differences between Beef and Pork.
Beef is a ruminant animal with 4 stomachs that feeds nearly entirely on plant material which cannot be used by humans for food. Pork is a mono-gastric omnivore, also commonly fed a primarly plant-based diet in an agricultural setting, but in theory competes more with man for the same food sources.
I tend to have Beef as a main course, and I tend to have Pork as a compliment (Bacon, Pork Rinds, Lard for cooking etc.)
From a fatty acid perspective Beef is very low in both Omega3 and Omega6, whereas pork is similarly low in Omega3, but somewhat higher in Omega6 (not crazy high like plants, but higher in comparison to Beef.) Because of this, If I am having pork as a main course, I try to either compliment it with something like Salmon, or alternate Pork based meals with fatty fish based meals to try and keep the Omegas to a reasonable balance. I donā€™t get overly scientific or worried about it, itā€™s just something I do casually

(Chris) #62

Good, then the conversation ended quite well.