it is a weight loss challenge.
I personally am SO tired of this last 15/20 I want to lose. I keep dragging it around with me and I am over it SO I am doing a challenge to me to lose 20 in 1 year. Yes a whole friggin year I am giving me to lose the lbs because I am never leaving carnivore ever, so I am in no darn hurry at all to lose the lbs but I KNOW point blank I can lose 20 lbs in a year.
So thing is…my focus is on only 1.5 lbs down per month to hit a goal of 18 lbs in the year…that darn 20 lbs down for the year comes out to 1.666 to lose and omgosh I hate that number…that 666 made me cringe, so I am going for 1.5 per month as my total goal each month.
I think a few carnivores want some lbs off us as most of us do – so for me personally, I am focusing on the easiest and most absolute easy friggin’ challenge I can give me…cause I know I can do it.
and darn I wish I started it last year and I would be done HA
SO putting this out there now for all us zero carb eaters! Anyone wanting to go for it come on and we will start in Jan. For this month and next I am shopping seafood sales and stocking freezer and shopping cheap chicken sales cause I plan to focus, like 2-3 days a week on only lean proteins but I will eat very well, I am ‘not dieting’ in any way on this challenge, just gonna see if I fiddle a bit can I get my 1.5 gone without any dieting obsession, eating less, or going dieting BS crazy
I know everyone will want their own goals. This one is mine. But one thing I say to all who want to join, keep your goals very low…very achievable without ‘us going into dieting mode’ ever ya know, us carnivores don’t do that. Just keep a focus of easily achievable numbers and just making the year kind of a real food focus for us.
It seems long but I realized with Chery’s original challenge, the darn years tick off very very fast, don’t they? So instead of another year of just being zc, I am doing this year with bigger focus on me!
Cheryl’s original challenge thread started long ago was to stay carnivore, stay on plan and work this plan. But at this point I want to change up my personal challenge and go for a goal I want to achieve.
So everyone just think on it, we got time, starts in January Kinda think what you might want to achieve etc. and thing is, newer carnivores have to be more careful then us older longer term carnis who can goof around a tad more, but yea, all carnivores can join
So let me know some thoughts from those who think they might wanna jump in and go for it.