Calling all slow losers!

(Candice) #116

WOW!!! I’m WAAAAAAY over on protein!!!

(Meghan Ellis Palatino) #117

Ive been doing it about a month. Ive lost only 7lbs. Im being strict and working out. I use keto sticks and its always mid level, super dark post workout. I have a lot to lose. I just dont get it.

(MarySue Moffet) #118

Hello! I have been reading the forums since I started Keto Feb 3rd but this is my first post. I too am a slow looser; 9 lbs since Feb. Along with the 2Ketodudes podcast I listen to the Keto for Women Show which is helpful to me to just breathe and keep moving forward. Plus, what else can I do? This is where I want to stay.
When I got my blood testing kit about 6 weeks in I realized that I was not in nutritional ketosis; only running between 0.2 and 0.4. So I tried a 24hr fast and got it up to 1.6 but 2 days later it went back down. No wonder I had only lost 2 pounds by that point. Finally did a 5 day fast and now my ketones are staying above 1.0. The last fast really revealed how many digestive issues I am battling, felt great fasting but not so good eating. My suspicion is that I have much healing yet to do. I did loose weight finally but now I am super focused on getting my digestion right.
Thanks for being out there and giving us all a place for support.

(Rebecca ) #119

Hi Meghan

I think the answer is to just KCKO. I’ve lost about what you have in 6 weeks and my husband has lost almost 20. We try not to talk about lbs lost anymore cause it just ticks me off. :joy:

What NSV’s are you seeing? I just commented to Hubs today that I FINALLY feel this jolt of mental energy in the mornings that I haven’t had. I feel like I could run about the office. Wish I was home instead of chained to my desk because my house might finally get CLEAN!

And I just feel like there’s less of me around the middle. I haven’t measured since starting, becauase again, it doesn’t take much to discourage me. If I don’t see a good result I get derailed. But I personally can see some changes in the mirror.

I am keeping at it! Hang in there.

(Colleen Bryson) #120

I am new enough that the acronyms are lost on me…what is IF, what is EF, what are NSVs?
Thank you for your consideration.

(Darlene Horsley) #121

IF= intermittent fasting
EF= extended fasting
NSV= non scale victory

(Colleen Bryson) #122

In your opinion, is fasting necessary for the keto diet?
I hate fasting!
Did the hcg and it worked but it sucked!
Want to try diffrent keto one that is healthy and not as extreme.
Have not yet started will be starting next week.

Any incite or advice for starting out?

(MarySue Moffet) #123

Check out The Keto For Women podcast. That is her emphasis.

(Colleen Bryson) #124

my husband is also a carb eater and sits and eats family size chips on a reg basis. Still slim. But not as healthy as he could be.
I feel your pain.

(Rob) #125

NO - it is not necessary. In fact for the first couple of months at least, it is not even recommended. Get yourself properly fat adapted (your body expects fat NOT glucose for fuel and makes/uses ketones as primary fuel). This is if you are new to keto (I am assuming you’re new to keto as well as the forums). Sorry, if not.

On that assumption, the good news is, once you are fat adapted, fasting goes from a chore to a trusted tool. Check out the Zornfast threads (once a month) and see hundreds of people doing it together. There is a lot of banter and some drop early but many do long fasts (using significant excess body fat) and you’ll see that for most people each month it is pretty straightforward AND not painful in any meaningful way. Your body will change under keto and things you thought were impossible before become commonplace… like long, (pretty) painless fasts.

I’m into my fourth day of the April Zornfast now and 7 months ago I would have been lucky to do 12 hours, as obese as I was.

(Colleen Bryson) #126

Thanks for the reply,
I have done the HCG which is a type of keto but am currently doing research in prep to start a more moderate keto.

I have done some keto things (adding mtc oil, cutting carbs) still have some food I am using up.

Then will start in true form.

Thanks again


(Lori Calhoun) #127

Well, I was feeling discouraged when I started reading this post. I am a very, very slow looser. I have been Keto for a year and a half and have only lost 10lb. I am 51 and weigh 265. But I feel good and no more inflammation. My blood ketones range from .3 to .8 on a regular bases and will spike to 1.4 on a rare occasion. I keep telling myself that I must have some crazy stuff that being keto is fixing. I have great blood work but high blood pressure. I am not diabetic, I am menopausal, I get good sleep, but have a lot of stress, but don’t have a lot of time to work out. I do not track my calories and macro’s supper close as there was an “issue” with food when I was younger and I do not need to go back there. I eat as little carbs as possible, but sometimes I just need that salad and maybe part of a potato(that is about once a month). I love the WoE and will not give it up, but just frustrated. Thanks for listening.

(Adam Kirby) #128

My suggestion for all slow losers is to test their fasting insulin. That’s how we discovered that my wife is massively hyerpinsulinemic even on keto, and that is a strong explanation for her massive stall. In this case Keeping Calm and Ketoing On is not quite the correct solution, you may need an assist from big pharma (metformin). Peeps need to get these numbers tested so that they don’t blame themselves for a stall if the underlying issue is hormonal.

(Moriah ) #129

Thanks Adam, I have my first after keto blood work to do and I will ask my doctor to add that.

(Adam Kirby) #130

If your doctor is living in the stone age and refuses to order one, you can order through a site like LifeExtension for $30 or so. Well worth it to cut a stubborn doc out of the equation.

(Irma Reitz) #131

I can identify with that. If I stray, like you, joint pain goes through the roof. I’m here for the long haul even although I have not lost anything since January (6 months). I have decided to start OMAD once a week and 16/8 twice a week to see if that will help. Also perhaps dropping dairy - I hate the thought because I love cream🤪.

(Carpe salata!) #132

Drawn out convo … but such is messageboards :slight_smile:

A couple of months ago I went away and got food poisoning. Gah. So I couldn’t eat for 2 days because I was throwing up and didn’t have any interest in food whatsoever. After I recovered, I felt really good and not hungry at all. So I decided to extend the 2-day fast I was already on involuntarily. Anyway I added another 3 days and felt great. I had to end it because of a social event.

So, I thought I should try fasting voluntarily next time. So I had dinner last Monday night and just had some breakfast Saturday morning (today). (4 1/2 days.) Well, I had a small handful of nuts so far because I heard you have to ease into it. Anyway, this time it was slightly more difficult because I felt that feeling to ‘get some food’ but realised it was a reflex. It was only mental and not physical. So I just went on with other activities and it was pretty smooth sailing. I actually felt great. Energy, no pain, flexible, awake, attentive. I’ll be doing this more in future. Thanks food poisoning! (only kinda…)


Amen sista:raised_hands:t3: I have been doing keto for almost 3 months ( a few stints where I would throw in towel and just eat low carb) and I still haven’t lost weight like nada… i am 148 trying to back to 115 I am 5’1. I gotta keep up the motivation… I see all these radical (and fast) transformations I am like “wtf is wrong with me, does the universe just want me to be overweight” but I gotta tell myself 1. you have not gained weight:clap:t3: 2. if you stop now you will only be this much farther from your goals

good luck to the slow loosing honeys!!

(Daisy) #134

I did Keto for a few weeks in April/May and lost 10 lbs. got off track over mother’s day weekend and switched to low carb. Gained 5 lbs back. Started Keto again early/mid September and lost the 5 lbs back, then I would bounce back and forth between losing 2 lbs, gaining 3 lbs (basically 143-146 lbs each day). Finally I started last week only weighing once a week. this week I lost another lb (142). It’s a little frustrating, but weight is only a small part of why I Keto, so I will Keto-on. :grinning:

(Laura) #135

Hi! On Tuesday it will be my three and a half month mark. I have to say I’m right there with you. I initially lost quite a bit…then stalled for close to a month…now I am only losing a pound or two this last month or so…it is frustrating. Ive heard numerous folks say DO IF! Well…I’ve heard it enough that I think I’ll try it at my new week start point on Tuesday as I started the diet on a Tuesday. I’ll get back on here the following Tuesday to update and let you know if it helped. Trial and error :fried_egg::green_salad::shallow_pan_of_food::dango::plate_with_cutlery: