CAC Score - Calcium Density? 🤔

(Joey) #1

Recently, I’d posted about my rising CAC scores over the past 2 years (during which I’d adhered to a diligent keto/supplement regime). Now I’ve stumbled on a related but separate topic so I’m starting this new thread for the sake of clarity and focus:

Although VOLUME of coronary artery calcification has been shown to POSITIVELY related to increased risk of heart disease, the DENSITY of any such calcification has been shown to be INVERSELY related to heart disease risk (sample links provided below).

Challenge: I cannot easily find out how “density” is measured in these studies. And so, being simple-minded, I lined up my 3 CAC score test results in chronological order and boot-strapped a density-metric by dividing (reported) “mass” by (reported) “volume” for each CT scan in my series.

Here’s what I get…

RCA (Right Coronary Artery):
Aug 2019: 115 (Mass of 3 / Volume of 26 x 1000 for ease of reading)
Feb 2020: 163 (Mass of 7 / Volume of 43 x 1000 for ease of reading)
May 2021: 183 (Mass of 46 / Volume of 252 x 1000 for ease of reading)

… which indicates (crudely) that the density of the calcified plaque evident on my CAC CT scans is increasing, along with measured volume.

If I understand correctly that - given the presence of hard calcified plaque - rising density of such plaque is seen to be a “good thing” in terms of lowering the independent risk associated with the rising plaque volume. To what extent is unclear.

QUESTIONS: Is this further evidence of keto healing (soft unstable plaque becoming hardened/stabilized through calcification)? Where do the lines cross?

INTERESTING DISCOVERY: Oddly enough, the “Agatston Score” is weighted UPWARD for density … not downward. :upside_down_face: Which could mean that my rising CAC scores (i.e., Agatston) are being propelled higher in part by rising density - i.e., the opposite of the direction the potential risk might actually be heading. See the papers cited below for additional details.

Of course, I’d rather have a “0” CAC score :grimacing: But am I misinterpreting the research or misapplying the limited info available to me?

p.s. Either way, I intend to “keto onward” since that’s what would be recommended to address heart disease risks anyhow - and I’m still feeling awesome on keto with no evidence of any health concerns EXCEPT these blasted CAC scans :wink:

PREVIOUS THREAD referred to above: