Binging with Intermittent fasting

(Melissa Luna) #1

Hello. I have been keto since 4/18. Weight loss stalled In October/November. I have had success with keto. Lost 40 lbs and mostly kept it off (still up about 5 lbs since Christmas) I Began to incorporate intermittent fasting. My problem is that when I begin to add more fasting I tend to binge and unable to stay keto. The old cravings come back with a vengeance. I would like to incorporate more fasting for autophagy and diseases prevention. But since the holidays I have increased carbs way to much and am struggling being satisfied with my “keto” version of anything. Then my brain wants more carbs and I make excuses that if I didn’t eat for 60 hours I should be able to have that brownie… this is worse than beginning keto last year! does anyone else struggle blending keto and fasting? Any tips would be helpful!

(Bunny) #2

I would think your choice on what to binge on is the real problem? Why would you choose to eat a brownie instead of meat and fat? See: What to eat after an Extended Fast, from Live Q&A with Megan Ramos Obesity Code podcast

And trying to fast for 60 hours if you have little experience with fasting, not good! See: Fasting Physiology – Part II by J. Fung

(Robert C) #3

@KetoLunaMom - YES, I struggle also. Took the fasting route (for better or worse) along with keto as the best way to stabilize (keto) and lose (3 to 5 day water fasts). It is a rough road but you have to look at yourself in the mirror (nothing on). Sometimes I see no scale changes but obvious muscle for fat differences. With fasting, so far, no loose skin.

Binging, a mental thing, about your identity.

Are you a crazy person that just wants carbs. (probably not)


Are you a regular person in a negative-food-environment that just needs to wake up to the fact that many hyper-palatable foods are always going to somehow come into your mind?

(Melissa Luna) #4

I do think it is more mental. When I am keto I can feel like I am “cheating “ add butter to my steak, to make a fab bomb or whatever and still feel good. I feel great while I fast, but the restrictions catch up at the end and I want to eat all the things. And I probably do need to break my fasts with better food to maybe decrease the cravings. The SAD diet is so convenient! I just can’t believe how quickly I threw all I have focused on with keto out the window. I have done 3 fasts between 40-60 hours. Each time I pushed myself out of ketosis after the fast.

(Robert C) #5

Hi @KetoLunaMom,

You may want to add the @ before a name like @RobC or else there is no notification.

Just saw this just now by chance.

As you can see from your own writing - the 72 hours after a 72 hour salt water fast are just as important as the fast itself.

Coming back with some butter sautéed greens and a fatty steak (but an otherwise plain) meal (self-limiting) is very different from all of your old favorites over several hours.

(Melissa Luna) #6

@RobC Thank you! (I haven’t posted much. Still learning) I appreciate the responses!

(Robert C) #7

Don’t stop - you did not learn to ride a bike with one-day-on and 10 days of analysis toward perfection.


Simple solution, stop the fasting, start eating keto reliably and until the cravings are back under control. THEN re-access the situation.

Very difficult without a descent sized sample diet, aside from dumping the fasting for a while make sure you’re satisfying yourself with the meals you eat. Many people overly restrict when doing keto and if you feel like you’re on a “diet”… you will fail. Only a matter of time. Luckily we can literally eat MORE than normal dieters without guilt, it’s really only a small amount of stuff that’s off limits for us, you’re currently hijacked brain is reminding you why right now! It’s just not worth it! Everybody has different triggers. I can go out and eat real pizza, breads and things like that and go right back to 100% keto next day without issue, I can fast for a week and not think twice about it. BUT if I eat the super sweet terrible carbs like donuts, pastry’s or real ice cream… I’ll have about 2-3 days after where my brain starts trying to sell me out and if I give in during that it’s typically a week long binge of sneaking crap I shouldn’t eat. It took many screw ups to be able to identify that being what was going on when it first started but being keto for a couple years you figure yourself out pretty good. For the time being fasting seems to be a trigger for you, and is showing you that your brain has be re-programmed to want the sugar. Undoing that has to be priority #1.

(Melissa Luna) #9

@lfod14 thank you for the advice. I do feel the “diet mentality” with fasting. I do not feel restricted like that with keto. But meshing the two together is not working for me at this time. I will try to focus on just keto for a while. I felt so strong before, On occasion I could have some carbs (usually when work ordered in) and was fine… but I think it was when holiday sweets came around and I have struggled in and out of ketosis. Still haven’t gotten back to the feeling great like I was. I assume because of the inconsistency. Thank you for listening. I appreciate the support

(KCKO, KCFO) #10

There is a kindle book you might find helpful, written by a psychologist who had binging issues himself and over came them :

(Melissa Luna) #11

@collaroygal. Thank you! I will look into that!