Big Blood Sugar Swings

(Jane) #9

You posted a similar tale in 2019 and said you got your blood sugar under control and read Dr Fung’s books. What happened between then and now?

eta: Welcome back!

(buzz) #10

@OgreZed: Thank you for the suggestion. I don’t believe I ever had sleep apnea. When I’m not eating well/controlling my blood sugar, I would wake up many times at night to urinate, which messed with my sleep significantly. Four weeks back on track now, and my sleep is very good again. I almost always wake well rested, usually waking up on my own after about seven or eight hours of sleep.

@Janie: About two years of abuse, unfortunately. As stated in my original post (and my first reply to @SomeGuy) above, my primary concern now is the significant swings in blood glucose levels between morning and night. I don’t recall it being as significant in the past as what I’m seeing now, and I’m concerned something may be wrong. However, it may just be my impatience. I had an amazing run of about nine months on keto/IF back in the day (as well as other start/stops along the way), and I thought I remembered my numbers falling into line more quickly, but perhaps not. I think @SomeGuy is on the right track with pressing on and seeing when/if the numbers converge. I’m still a believer in Dr. Fung, it’s just putting knowledge into practice has proven to be a struggle for me.

Thank you both for taking the time to reply!



(buzz) #12

@Fangs: Super interesting. This put my mind at ease. Thank you!


we got ya!!

tons of info on ‘the whys’ of it all out there that our bodies are not responding to big sugar intake anymore, so our ‘true baseline’ of what is going down means a ton to us now, as in ‘we are different’ on this way of life and our bodies are changing back to a true natural reset of what life process should be. We are so warped off truths now on that truly but I am glad it helped!

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #14

You may find these linked studies of interest:


I get it but??? Chronic alcohol consumption

where does this come into play here?

just curious cause I know good info but I got tons of ???buts??? here lol

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #16

Hey @Fangs why don’t you hit the link - it’s NOT about ‘chronic alcohol consumption’.


I did hit the link and came up with alot alot of vinegar and other crap which is just of course jumbled on what the OP is asking in a very simple form that I see???
why say some plant crap fixes what nature intended as a body heals and is true to life as in its fuctions?

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #18

Instead of spouting ideological nonsense, examine the evidence that consuming vinegar appears to lower overall blood glucose. A lot of us in long-term ketosis observe that glucose tends to remain within the ‘normal’ range. Why is that? Is it really ‘normal’? Is glucose still ‘favoured’? If so, why? For example, I’ve been in continuous ketosis for 5+ years. So does GNC continue to pump out glucose when ketones could fill the need - for my brain cells, for example? Would my liver up production of ketones if I drove down overall glucose with vinegar? Would that be desirable? Would it be healthy? Some of us want to know - not just pass it off as ‘plant crap fixes’.

(Bob M) #19

But until there are RCTs with people like us, we’ll never know.

I don’t take drugs (which is what ACV is) to lower my blood sugar. No berberine or derivatives, no ACV, nothing. Why? Because I think the body knows what’s it’s doing.

If you’re concerned about morning blood sugar, I have a simple solution. Eat more carbs. Your higher morning blood sugar will be “solved”.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #20

Sure, we’ll know from our own n=1 experiments. I’d like to know that my personal experiences are applicable to others - but really, I want to optimize my own health and if I turn out to be a unicorn - I’ll take it.

(buzz) #21

@amwassil : Thank you for the links! I have always had an affinity for vinegar, so ACV is a part of my usual diet. Homemade Italian dressing/marinade is my preferred delivery method! :wink:

@ctviggen: Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be much interest (funding) for RCTs of things that the big dogs (our government included) can’t profit from, which is what makes groups like this, and the experience of its members, valuable to me. I don’t want anyone’s experience censored. I like to hear it all, then come to my own conclusions.

Thank you for your replies!


(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #22

I’d be interested in your experimenting with drinking 2-3 tablespoons of ACV 15 minutes before bedtime - diluted in a cup or so of water. Determine whether or not this affects your morning glucose levels. Thanks.

(buzz) #24

I’ll give this a shot and follow-up with observations.

(buzz) #25

Good Morning,

My blood sugar was 119 this morning, lower than usual. I took the ACV at bedtime, but now that I read @amwassil 's post again, I realize that I mistakenly took three Tsp instead of Tbsp. I’ll check blood sugar tonight (I didn’t last night) to see if the dawn effect is lessening, or if my blood sugar is dropping overall.

My hands were cold most of yesterday, which (in the past) has indicated my blood sugar dropping closer to normal levels, so we’ll see. I’m on week five of keto/IF, so hopefully that’s the case.

Thanks again for the advice and encouragement!




(Jane) #27

You are doing great! Glad your BS is dropping and as you continue the “keto way” you will reverse some of the damage caused by the food pushers (aka Big Food) who spend their days in their labs developing foods that hit what they call “the bliss point”.

Years ago when I was struggling with my weight I picked up a bag of Bagel Crisps. Toasted slices of bagels soaked in chemicals and amazing flavors. I was not one to normally give in to cravings…… but this product…. I would eat the whole bag and think WTF??? Bliss point.

(buzz) #28

Thank you! I know it not a great snack, but my “cheat” has been peanut butter, and it’s enough to keep me from doing worse. It’s decent peanut butter: just organic peanuts and salt, so it could be worse. Two Tbsp a day is my limit, and I hope to wean myself off soon.

(Jane) #29

No worries. I ate spoons of peanut butter to keep me going early on. It’s all good!