(Tamela Robinette) #422

I have to agree Liz! I haven’t found one I like at all though I do force myself to have a cup of green tea occasionally. I’m definitely a coffee addict but have caffeine sensitivity sooooo…

(Susan) #423

Hi I decided to start a new fast this week. I am at 17 hours, and I don’t know how long I will do it for. Water and black coffee. My last fast ended up being 60 hours in March. My longest was I think 103 hours.

Those of you that know me, know I battle with sleep eating due to sleeping pills, and treats at work on the night shift.

This forum, especially this thread, have been wonderful for my keto journey.

There are several accountability threads that have a lot of posts but are well worth the read.

I am off to sleep for work tonight. Good fasting to you all.

(Andi loves space, bacon and fasting. ) #424

Hello Fasters! My, you all have been chatty!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I did not necessarily keto while I was in Las Vegas with my friend, but have been eating responsibly since last night. I hope that’s long enough because I want to start an EF as soon as possible, hopefully right now - I’m about 4 hours in. Hope you all had a nice weekend!

(Herb Martin) #425

One reason for boosting with MCT is that medium chain triglycerides (MCT) are the only fats that can slip directly through the portal just beyond your stomach: The hepatic portal vein from the digestive system right into he bloodstream.

MCT is therefore fast to assuage hunger. MCT is 6-8-10 carbon chains (12’s too but they don’t get through easily – too long.) Small triglycerides get through easily.


I am finishing too weeks of fasting (right about now) and starting Week #3. (Ok, really Day #15 but psychologically it’s easier to think in larger units if you want to create a long fast.)

The key is if YOUR diet works for you. I was a 0-carb much as you describe, eating a higher percentage of meat if my wife doesn’t cook since she like vegetables more and I don’t much care.

I haven’t done zero dairy or “all beef” yet but both are on my to-do list.

I really do want to try the Beef & Water month at some point.

My numbers are very good, though they could always be a bit better:

  • Glucose: 60 & 80
  • Ketones 4.5 & 5.2
  • GKI 0.74 & 0.85
  • DrBozRatio 15.1 & 15.4
  • Weight. 209.2 (different scale)
  • Loss since Thanksgiving 2017: 74 lbs
  • Loss on this fast (14 days): 24 lbs (stuck for a few days)
  • 25.6% (started at 40%+)
  • Lean body mass: 155.6
  • Target weight (15% body fat): 183
  • Total weight loss required: 100 lbs
  • Weight to lose: 26 lbs.*

Weekend? Some people have trouble with weekdays. There is always a reason if you want to find one.

Nice Job!!! Congratutlations.

I am now on my longest fast ever.

(RossanaF) #426

Wow! your stats are great! congratulations!
I will try the MCT in my coffee next time. Thanks!


Yes congrats to you too. I love reading your posts, always a weslth of information and inspiration.

(Herb Martin) #428


Remember these are all just tools. Seldom is one superior to another except in the correct context.


Now you are just egging me on :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :wink:

Thanks for the kind words.

[Edit additional info:]
My wife requested that we go for a “training walk” today, for the 2nd time this week. We went on Friday, and after returning home she signed up for the Disney World “Turtle Crawl 5k” in September.

Considering she is still experiencing some knee pain and a lot of foot pain this is amazing. (Her knees were both replaced after mine, and one was even revised but the foot has not had a surgical intervention yet.)

She also rejoined the fast with me tonight, at the beginning of my 15th day. This delights me immensely.

Helping her will get me through 18 or so days, maybe more then April will be over in under 2 weeks.

I am going to have her boost this time as soon as she is the least bit uncomfortable.

She’s still ketogenic because her 0-carb diet has been going well (though not much weight loss) so transition and ketone ramp up should be much easier for her.

Folks, you do know that it would be really powerful to stay in ketosis (much greater than 1.0 ketones) for 6 months or more without ever breaking, right?

You’re body will fully adapt to burning ketones instead of glucose and a high percent of tissue in every organ will make the switch.

Carol and I want to STAY IN KETOSIS when not fasting and without any breaks, maybe for life thought that’s a long way off if we keep doing this and don’t get hit by an asteroid.

Just saying…

(Carol) #429

Hi everyone, looks like fasting is going well this month. I’m sitting here just shy of 126 hours and thinking about my half-fast refeed tomorrow and what I will eat. Another part of my brain is encouraging me to go another day. It’s compelling when I’m feeling so good. Some time ago I could see I was becoming addicted to fasting and told myself 5 days would be my limit. I’ve been wondering how long the hunter/gatherers actually went without food on a regular basis? One learns so many things about themselves on keto - I never thought I would become obsessive about, or addicted to, not eating!

I guess I will see what tomorrow brings. kcfo And doesn’t the Zorn fast start this Thursday? Oh dear…

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #430

Good morning all. Started what was supposed to be a 36 hr fast last night. Sleep was very bad last night with strong electrical storms and the weather radio popping off 3 or 4 times with tornado watches. Finally went back to sleep after the last storm rolled through. Wt up 2 lbs this morning. I’m assuming that is water retention from high cortisol.

I haven’t been outside but I’m assuming no damage. The college I work at had a tornado warning last night. Power went out for the whole campus and is being restored in blocks as I write this. No reports of other damage there.

I haven’t decided how to handle the fast. Will go to the gym and train lightly. Massive coffee in in plan. Then will decide.

I hope everyone that had bad weather made it through okay.

(Alec) #431

24 hours into a 36hr fast, doing it easy. But looking forward to bacon and eggs to break my fast tomorrow morning. KCFO people.

(Tamela Robinette) #432

I’m at 41 hours and feeling good. Foot is somewhat better this morning, staying on the crutches. I weighed again this morning to see if my 40 hours of fasting had moved anything, nope. I gained 4.5 pounds of fluid on my little vacay, the scales says I gained 6 pounds of muscle and the water # is up from 50 to 52. There is no way I gained 4.5 pounds of fat, nor 6 pounds of muscle from 3 (max) cheat meals and 3 days of wine. I do know I am retaining huge amounts of water and I’m hoping for a whoosh. Yesterday my feet were puffy but they’re better today. The problem is I can’t move around a lot due to the foot uggghhh. I probably need some light activity to dispel the water. Anyone have any ideas on how to trigger the release of fluid? Have a great day everyone!


This is the same limit I set for myself, back before I even started doing longer Fast.

Hope all is well in your area. I was on the phone and texting quite a bit during the storms last night, not to mention being woken up by two of the pups at 2:30am, due to the Thunder and Lightning. So yeah, sleep wasn’t the greatest. … Overall, from seeing all the tree debris along the roadways on my hour ride to work, it definitely blew through with some force. Just hoping some folks didn’t get it too bad. But I’m sure the calls will be coming in today though.

Hope you do as well. I know I’ve had quite a bit of issues with water retention here lately too. Immediately following the surgery, but even afterwards with my knee. :crossed_fingers:


Morning all, glad to hear nothing drastic happened to anyone here from storm.
A couple questions about refeed, if i may
Ok so i broke my fast yesterday @ 11ish with pork rinds then 30 min later i had 2 large farmers sausage and eggs. That went great, no upset at all. We ate dinner quite late last night and had keto taco’s. I even skipped the cheese taco shell but ate the meat with guacamole, lettuce and salsa. So good! Anyway, i wske this morning and it still feels like its still there, like i just ate.
Is this normal? And can i do something to move it along?
Dont love this feeling.

(Liz ) #435

60 hours fasted, planning on breaking this afternoon. The past two mornings I had intense low back pain I know is associated with digestion, ouch!

(Andi loves space, bacon and fasting. ) #436

Good morning! Checking in at 16 hours. I walked and hiked so much over the last 4 days that I am sore all over. I’m going to take it easy today - just work and then laundry.

I don’t know but I like thinking about this too. Fasting makes me feel a connection to my paleolithic grandmothers.

Yikes! I was mad because my sleep was disrupted by a raccoon :raccoon: trying to build a nest under my bathtub. Your sleep sounds much more disrupted, how scary!

Have a great day everyone! :smiley:

(Tamela Robinette) #437

I’m not sure what you can do other than drink a lot of water, maybe some ACV? I know the exact feeling you are describing and it is misery. ACV has aided my digestion tremendously, especially the Bragg’s with mother in it.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #438

Bailed out of the fast. Just don’t have it in me today. Good news is no damage on campus and very little debris in my neighborhood.

Fast on folks. I’m taking the week off and will report out my new cardiologist visit on Friday or Saturday.

Then back to fasting next week. Will travel to cleveland around 5/4 and will likely do OMAD at the conference I’m going to. Just not into conference food. Dinner our will be carnivore likely.

(Herb Martin) #439

Do what is right for you.

It’s difficult for me to say, “Just stop” when I am past 350 hours (15th day is half over.)

It’s also difficult to say, “You can keep going if you feel it’s addictive.”

Figure out what is really best FOR YOU, and just do that.

If it’s to continue, keep it reasonable.

If it is to stop, you can always start a new fast.

As to how long, we know that Dr. Fund (and others) habitually put new patients on 14 day fasts (if they can do it.)

The world record for a medically supervised fast is 382 days (with only a multi-vitamin supplement.)

Hunter-gathers only had to miss finding game for a few hunts to end up without (much) food for a few weeks.

It’s quite likely that in the late winter is was common to run out of food stores before the thaw and before much was available or travel was even easy enough to go out very far.

I’ve seen fairly realistic movies of isolated villages in the mountains of Europe during the “Little Ice Age” where the snow cover was 2 meters deep and the only way to pass even from house to house was through channels they had dug out.

No one was going to go more than a few feet from such a settlement until the thaw arrived.

When the food ran out, no one would be eating for a few weeks.

It’s clear to me at this point I COULD have done 3 months of fasting with a 50 lb fat store as long as I kept my electrolytes balanced.

And without that, it might have been possible but I would have felt miserable perhaps,

Today is 42 1/2 of 59 days fasting, and I am good to go for up to a couple more perhaps – we’ll see

Caffeine is a diarretic so that might help if you can tolerate it.

If you have swelling in your foot then PROPER elevation which means ANKLE about knee, knee ABOVE hip. (Almost everyone does this wrong.)

(Herb Martin) #440

Yes, that was a LOT of food for breaking a significant fast.

Some people are practically fasting an extra day or so after a 5+ days fast.

I like pork rinds but never really ‘trust’ them so probably would not use them to break a fast.

Think SMALL SNACKS for the first 4 meals or so, at least.

Think in terms of, “I’ll nibble this then if in an hour or so I’ll nibble something else.”

You can also eat more, have another serving later, but it’s hard to undo once you eat something.

(Tamela Robinette) #441

Eric I broke my fast too at 42 hours. I had some items in the fridge that were going to go bad and I dreamed about food all night last night so I will feed today and try for another 42 Tomorrow.
@Herb_Martin I’ve been trying so hard to keep this foot elevated and stay off of it. I’m bored out of my mind!