Any favorite YouTube personalities that give good keto advice? Whose videos should I avoid?

(Allie) #41


Oh yes, he’s great!

(Pat S) #42

Dr. Ken Barry and Dr. Robert Lustig


Bellaterra, I also watch Siim Lands videos, I like how he focused on life empowerment along with physical fitness. His information is great and videos very fun to watch. Plus he does handstands and that’s a real skill. Lately I’ve been trying inversion yoga poses because it shakes up the lymphatic system to help remove toxins. Stuff like that I just don’t see on many videos and it’s pretty cool.

(Katie) #44

Keto Connect and Keto Savage are must-sees. They are not experts, but do vlogs, recipes, advice, share their experience and experiments, motivational…

Goody Beats on YouTube is not an expert, but he has had tremendous success in a lot of weightloss and muscle building; I think that his channel is about five years old. He does vlogs and speaks to the common person. He shows his family, meals, activities, workouts, travels.

(Allie) #45

I’ve just started listening to High Intensity Health

(Sarah Slancauskas) #46

I love that channel! Check out the interview with Danny Lennon (from Sigma Nutrition, who also do excellent podcasts).

(linda) #47

Stephanie Person is a force to behold

(Aimee Moisa) #48

I’ve been noticing things like this too. I almost think he just says the wrong thing and doesn’t notice or go back and correct himself. I have mild aphasia and mis-speak ALL the effing time. I can sound really stupid when I actually know my subject completely. LOL

(david czech) #49

One thing I have seen claimed on some “free range” chicken egg packaging is “vegetarian chickens”.

The only way I can think of to make a chicken vegetarian would be to lock it up somewhere where no bugs could ever be.

(david czech) #50

I second the Thomas DeLauer recommendation.

I have a natural mistrust for advice on dietary and health matters from people who clearly are WAY less healthy than me.

TD at least appears to be pretty healthy.

(Sophie) #51

I like Go Keto With Casey (Casey Durango). She is a client of Dr. Westman and works closely with him. I think she’s a great coach for newbies, but I stopped watching her because her vids are just too damn long for me, and I don’t feel like I need to be uplifted anymore.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #52

I wouldn’t go that far. It depends on where people started from. As someone at Ketofest was saying, “Of course he’s fat, but he’s 300 pounds down from his starting weight, so he certainly has something to teach me.”

On the other hand, I’ve also seen comments to the effect of, “What does a skinny woman like that know about weight loss?” Again, it was someone who had made highly impressive progress and was well worth listening to. I’ve had to learn not to judge by the person’s appearance, but by what they have to offer.

(david czech) #53

Valid points @PaulL and another point you probably could have made is that appearance of health is not necessarily a good indicator of health.

I think (perhaps overconfidently?) that I am smart enough to be able to judge the CONTENT of the advice once I hear it.

I am also willing to admit that I come at health topics from what might be called a prejudiced point of view. It certainly isn’t completely incorrect to call it prejudice, but If I had to only choose one out of two people to listen to health and nutrition advice from, one OBVIOUSLY much healthier than the other, my tendency would be to expect better advice from the healthier one. Therefore I’d be more likely to spend my limited time listeneng to that one.
Could end up being the wrong choice for sure. Prejudice?

It MIGHT be a bad idea to judge a book by its cover, but people still spend a LOT of time and money designing the covers for books. If you are deciding between a couple of books to buy without being able to read them first, I bet the cover of the book might be a big part of your consideration of which one to buy.
Could end up being the wrong choice for sure. Prejudice?

(Maura hAGERTY) #54

This is such a great thread! I had no idea there were so many. On a lighter note…is the not to be missed Sahil ‘Demonstealer’ Makhija’s “Headbangers kitchen” Sahil is from Mumbai and has great recipes, including a good collection from India. a fun watch.

(Janet) #55

Dr Eric Westman has dozens of FB live videos answering common questions at the Adapt Your Life YouTube channel or FB page. If you want answers from a doctor who has treated thousands of obese and diabetic patients with the Ketogenic diet, you can watch this informal FAQ format, or the entire 1.5 hour monthly support group meetings are archived at the HEALClinic FB Page. Like “Science Sunday” at KetoFest on YouTube. :grin:

There are many talks and courses more professionally produced available at DietDoctor with Dr Westman, but for the shorter YouTube format, the Adapt channel works well. Adapt also has interviews with other LC doctors, Ken Berry, Eric Thorn, etc…but the “Ask Adapt” playlist is Dr Westman.

Second the High Intensity Health interviews in both YouTube and podcast format, Mike is an excellent interviewer. If you want to delve into broader science topics with a variety of LC doctors like Dr Colin Champ, William Davis, David Diamond watch some of TheIHMC lectures that go back for years. I hear more podcasts while doing other things than watch YouTube, a new favorite is Dr Bret Scher, The Low Carb Cardiologist. I avoid Dr Berg and and anything “explained” in one minute on a whiteboard.

(Janet) #56

Podcasts: High Intensity Health, Low Carb Cardiologist, Found My Fitness with Rhonda Patrick, Stem-Talk from TheIHMC on LC topics, Robb Wolf’s Paleo solution and Fat-Burning Man, both good paleo interviewers and depending on the guest more or less LC, but both have a large archive to select from. And a new one-- Human Performance Outliers with Dr.Shawn Baker and Zach Bitter.

(mole person) #57

Thank you so much!!


I was scanning the comments to find her mentioned. Indeed she is!

(Brian) #59

Hope I’m not gonna be obnoxious here, but I would.

I am really irritated by a certain religious group that wants to sell me on how healthy they are, how they live longer, how they don’t get the same diseases as the general population, and how if I want to be healthy (including spiritually), I should be striving to be a vegan. UUGGHH!!!

Thing of it is, I see them. They’re struggling with obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, dental and eye health issues, cancer, and more, but yet they want to tell me I should eat like them. Um, NO. I will not eat like them. No, I will not buy into the “health message”. No, I will not eat your fake meat / chemical soup / soy burgers.

Been there, done that. Yes, there are some dear people who seem to do quite well living out their health message. But they’re very few. Out of 250 or so people I know personally, I could not find enough truly healthy people to count on the fingers of one hand.

There was a saying years ago, “Beware of the naked man who offers you his shirt.”

(linda) #60

HA!! She is very strict, has lots of strong opinions about acceptable foods (no dairy, coffee, nuts) and seems to be adverse to wearing clothes! I did consult with her and she was knowledgeable and helpful. She is less about losing weight than developing a healthy lifestyle as she defines it.