Another Carnivore Thread

(Ashley) #661

Happy ketoversary on the forums David :slight_smile:


So you are going to try full carnivore? very very cool.

well you aren’t a noobie to me from the good posts I read from you :slight_smile:

heck yea enjoy your coffee. Not a darn thing wrong with that and the fancy machine sounds wicked!


those types of things are really super scary. I wonder why when a vegan turns and posts things about how sickly and such experiences they fell prey too…why don’t other vegans truly read this and think…wow…I could be next?

Do they think maybe the vegan eating and got sick…was like?..doing it wrong? not the right combo of protein from like beans and not enough fat etc? I don’t know…just chatting about it cause I don’t know the vegan type world truly. I find it so interesting.


That tends to be the excuse put forth for attacking the recovering vegan. One of Daphne’s videos is her saying, sarcastically of course, that she’d happily be a vegan again if someone would explain to her the “right” way to do it. She wasn’t a junk food vegan and got really sick. Some of these people are very sick but when one of them tries to leave the fold they get attacked right and left by the ones still in it.

Here’s the deal with me, I went vegan because I bought the bullshit as there was no real counterargument at the time and it was promoted as healthy. I found out it wasn’t. There was no pseudo-religious aspect to my veganism so I shed it like a bad habit.
I went keto and found real health benefits. I then went carnivore and found more.
This is not a religion to me. If it turns out I’m wrong and this is hurting me, I’ll drop it like crazy girlfriend and not look back.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #665

I live in Vegan Central! Mostly naive college students out to save the planet. Too young to really be thinking about health yet, because they’re still immortals. Others think it’s the only path to health as they swill down green smoothies everyday with their tropical “superfoods” that are shipped around the planet leaving a huge carbon footprint, while they avoid destroying the planet by eating meat? I need to buy a Carnivore AF shirt from Shawn Baker to wear to the local health food store when I pick up things there. Last time I saw a young student wearing a Vegan AF shirt! I like wearing my Bacon shirt shopping there too. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Jack Bennett) #666

My vegan story (2009-2011) is very similar. I went “whole-food plant based” because I was overweight and was able to drop 40 lbs through diet and some exercise. The first 20-30 lbs were really great and I got into very good shape. Then I started losing strength and power as demonstrated by my performance on my regular workout getting worse.

As I would always say to my friends, if I were going to leave veganism I would probably want to go to a Paleo approach. Which is exactly what I did a few years later.

As you say @barefootbob, this isn’t a religion for me either. I am trying to figure out a diet that sustains human health (in general) and my health (in particular). I’m looking for as much truth and scientific correctness as possible, but in most cases you can’t have perfection, and in the meantime we need to eat something.


HA HA you got me cracking up on that line!!

Yea I saw vegan becoming a biggie out there and I have to say I couldn’t even pretend to wanna go that route.

Now I followed the ‘eat some veggies cause they are healthy’ and ‘dieted’ doing just that and it never did me well. I could lose lbs, but I starved, never had energy truly and just was miserable.

But meat and seafood ruled for me, hence me never going in that direction…….plus I was a farmer :slight_smile: :slight_smile: I raised over 400 chickens for egg sales, 125 hogs in rotation for sausage sales, had Angus, had around 100 Boer goats we sold etc. So meat is my thing, even on the hoof HA

I never truly went into the vegan world cause from what I wrote above, I just knew it wasn’t for me. But the ‘healthy veg’, yea I got suckered into that.

thing is as one drops the true junk, fast food, processed crap from a box, drop a lot of fruit and more ‘to diet and restrict kcals’ one gets healthier anyway. But I found even the more I relied on veg to cut kcals I got worse. More I upped meat and dropped veg I got better…it was an easy walk for me to hit carnivore and thrive there.

I do get that a true vegan doesn’t want other vegans to poo poo the cause. I get that. But when playing with health to this level, it is truly a frightening thing.


good post David.

yup, I just said that above about youth. When younger you don’t know, don’t truly feel the big effects of our choices and more. I so get that.

Plus the world of food is crazy now.

Let’s see…smoothie to hold me for hours and feel great or a 1 lb. ribeye steak to hold me for hours and feel wonderful…uh, serve up the steak please LOL

but that big old, if I knew what I know now back when younger…wow right…we all have to walk that path I guess and learn thru trial and error. I sure made food mistakes etc. Now I found where I belong but I sure wish I started this longer ago.


That is very interesting.

but you were smart enough to truly realize your power loss. Loss of strength in your body. AND you decided to correct it.

I sure wonder how many feel worse but won’t let go? I bet more than we think.

good post!

(Heather Meyer) #670

As a veggie hater , i went through a stint of trying “high raw vegan” and just about died.
For one, I hated veggies so my diet was almost all fruits. I died and fell in love with that until i realized that all the fructose was making me feel like crap and gain weight fast.
Second, i got into some serious vegan junk food. And i craved sugar and carbs and couldnt stop eating. I would eat fruit in a generous serving and then be hungry an hour later.
Also, i couldnt figure out the protein thing…how to get enough in.
One day… i just started craving meat sooo bad…
I caved. The end!

(Heather Meyer) #671

Im so happy that this forum embraces the possibility that veggies arent needed to be healthy because my whole life, my gut was seriously messed up. My parents made me eat rae veggies and cooked veggies till i was sick and i felt very ill. Always having a sore stomach and always feeling nausiated after meals.

Im like you Peta-Marie, i can go without veggies for days but then there is this odd, random day where i crave broccoli or red peppers or spinach. And you know your body needs somthing when you are craving a vegetable at random. Nit many people in the world say “oh i will pass on the ice cream, but i would like soem broccoli”.


I don’t think it’s necessary or advisable for most people to ditch all veg. Right now, I’m feeling great with none. It’s entirely possible I might add some back in down the road if there is a viable reason to do so. At the moment I can’t see that happening but who knows.


So happy to read this. It is a ‘real thing’ out there LOL So many do not touch veg and never will. Carnivore thing for sure :slight_smile:
Great post!


Agreed. Just cause science can show real toxicity and reactions to our internal bodies, doesn’t mean everyone has to drop them :slight_smile:
If people want to keep eating them after reading about it…have at it.

Heck I do things in my life that I KNOW I shouldn’t be doing. Life is 100% about picking and choosing how we want to live our life.

For me, I doubt veg will ever come back. There is truly not a veg on this planet I want in my life. To me they stink LOL and what I know about them, why ruin my carb intake on that crap when I can have ‘good crap even worse’ and smile while doing it.

What I will probably do…allow some crap back. Sparingly. Dessert type thing. ‘a treat’, even if crap, would be a treat to me if I desire to call it that and want it :slight_smile:

like on a vacation, a small cup of ice cream. hell yea
at the county carnival, a few bites of a funnel cake…why not if I want it.

I have been doing carnivore for a long time with intermittent times I went back to extreme low carb to allow for some ‘treats’ and stuff and did ok. I didn’t bring back veg…why do that? Ice cream treat was a better bring back HAHA

But ya know… I really value the carnivore eating. I just feel so darn great on it, it is one of those how can I just dump it? If anything huge changes in the future, who knows… No one knows the real future that must happen for each of us, but right now my eye is on the meat and seafood. Holding carnivore hard is in my direct sights.


Chocolate is from a plant… if I add any veg back in it’ll probably be that.
I do sometimes miss my 100% square of bakers chocolate. :smile:


yea I was eating 3 squares of fine dark chocolate…only 11 g for that.

I ate it like every 2-3 weeks I would have some and then I wouldn’t want it again for another 2-3 weeks. It was a taste I wanted sometimes and since it was super good chocolate and not the crap stuff it made me feel better knowing it was better and not worse. Heck one small mini junk candy bar has like 21g of sugar in it…my 11 g fine choc. to me was a good trade.

I dropped my chocolate tho when the challenge started. So far I am living without it fine.

I think the key for me being a carnivore is it IS such an elimination menu that in the end…if we do add something back…we have to say why and is it important enough to add back. And how often, etc? All personal things we each have to work thru I guess.


Ive ditched the majority of veggies - histamines, oxalates and lectins.

The thing that I found hardest to get - fruit isn’t healthy, it’s sugar. We all grew up with the notion that fruits and vegetables are healthy and we need to eat them in abundance. Once you realize that that is not true, you start paying attention to how much damage they can cause to our bodies. We used to eat meat plus a side dishes of veggies, more veggies and more veggies and we developed a habit of eating that way. It is the same once you start keto - there are so many food items you just aren’t allowed to eat, so you stop eating about 90% of the food you used to eat. I never make meats in sauces anymore, I stopped eating vegetable soups, lots of onions and garlic (a great base to any dish), stews (tomatoes), oven-roasted veggies, indian, thai… And then you realize that you like your meat with a side of liver and some buttery eggs… :wink:


really good post :slight_smile:

This is so true. We drop so much of the bad things literally that we get into a real change of how we like our food. I was also a ‘brown gravy’ gal over some of my meats, like I loved it with my chuck roast. But gave it up easily. Now I wouldn’t even think of gravy anymore.

and bob…you had me thinking on it all. I will always be 100% carnivore eater. In that every meal is going to be meat or seafood. Straight up.

I will only eat some junk in rare situations cause it will be a choice from a vacay or event or whatever. But it will be more rare.

I won’t ever go back to eating other main meal items. Like no fried chicken and mashed taters for me. I won’t go off carnivore main meal food. For me it will be more of a taste thing. Like a bite of hubby’s food cause we are in a new place and new meals are out there and new tastes. A few bites of anything just about makes me know the taste, enjoy it, but in the end it is more than enough. I think 2-3-4 bites of anything out there is enough for me now. I don’t want full meals of any other foods out there.

Carnivore will be my main forever. Luckily I am a meat eater to the max and truly love this as my main food every single day. But at some point we all want a bite of something, so if we all just choose what bites those will be personally, I think we all can move forward holding a great lifestyle change that suits us.

really great thread chat :slight_smile:

(Edith) #679

I haven’t gotten there with the liver, yet; but I’m still working on it. :nauseated_face:

(Jack Bennett) #680

It was pretty apparent because I did the same workout every time. At first I was about 215lbs and I would take over 21 minutes. As I got leaner and stronger I went down to 190lbs and could complete the workout in 16 minutes. I knew I had to change something when my weight continued down but I got worse - my workouts started taking 17, 18, 19 minutes.

Unfortunately it took me a while longer to discover low carb - I went off vegan back to the SAD and gradually gained the weight back.