Another Carnivore Thread


Yup :joy: I gave her a little slice :slight_smile:


I ate bacon once. I was super curious (one can hear “bacon” on keto forums for that long… it took years and I wasn’t even a vegetarian anymore but finally my curiosity won) and bought some, I had no other options just meat from a shop, something I never do. It was bad, bland, almost completely flavorless.

I’ve eaten bacon that had no flavor. If that was how most bacon tasted I wouldn’t bother with it, but some kinds of bacon taste fantastic!! I wonder how much the taste differs with different breeds of pig?

But the smoked how-I-could-call-it I bought from the same man whose smoked pork chuck was awesome… That’s good. I prefer the chuck, though. And I have regrets I didn’t buy lard. It’s almost painful to fry my precious eggs on tasteless coconut oil (for the same price as lard).

Eggs fried in bacon grease are sooooooo delicious! I tried frying them in coconut oil one time and they were really bland. I really like eggs too. :smile:


I have tasty eggs so they are tasty even fried in coconut oil or boiled, of course but good pork fat is just waaaaaaaaay superior :smiley:
I don’t know how I will be like later but now that I eat such things way more often than once in a blue moon, I feel quite pleased.

I am sure there is good bacon too but I have no chance to buy any surely proper one and I don’t even think it’s a problem. I just need great fatty pork sometimes, I don’t need actual bacon.
Different breeds of pig… We will see if I can figure something out (probably not), my future “pork place” (I still couldn’t go there, we was busy every weekend and it’s so very close!) has various breeds, their facebook page is full with photos and videos of them. There are beautiful warm brown pigs, my SO calls them “baked pigs” as they have that exact wonderful nicely baked shade :smiley: And there are various other breeds, I had no idea there are so many different looking pigs before. My neighbors had only simple pink ones and I knew there are black pigs but this variety… Wow. Of course they have cute Mangalitsa pigs with wavy fur too. It’s a famous Hungarian breed, it’s allegedly superior to normal pigs and just a bit more expensive.
I often see Hungarian Grey cattle, it became popular again… But my beef will be French regarding the breed, someone asked so I know the mother is Charolais, the father is Blonde dAquitaine. It will be an adult, sometimes there are calf meat there, I guess I will try that out in the future. I’ve read beef is best if it’s not too young, not too old, maybe between 15 months and a few years…? Whatever, they surely know what they are doing and I am not too choosy right now.

(Heather Meyer) #584



I’ve got some of that pork lard on hand but haven’t tried it yet. It is supposed to be really tasty.


Y’all need fresh meat??? I got about 800 pounds of fresh, grass fed beef on its way to my house right now! Who wants to make the trip to the far, far north?! LOL!

(Full Metal KETO AF) #587

@SecondBreakfast At least we won’t have to worry about refrigeration driving home!


@SecondBreakfast I’m tempted to drive up there if only to see what December looks like, lol. Our state is having a hard time figuring out what month it is.


We have snow since yesterday. Not for long, it’s slowly melting, I so dislike that, I will walk 1,5 hours tomorrow in the dark, I don’t like using my bicycle in the dark when there’s snow and water and pebbles and mud (I’m sleepy and not very well, my style is simple now).
I feel nauseated for some reason lately. It’s among the worst things my body is able to produce diet wise (I feel it’s due to my diet) so I consider it quite significant. It’s since I dropped my vegetable intake and I always felt I would react a bit like this to fatty protein without vegetables but I wanted them before and not lately. Maybe my body still need to get used to the new style…? Any ideas? I thought I do things very gradually, I even still eat plants including vegetables just extremely little because I don’t desire them at all (but my soup was nice today, it’s one of my favorite ways to eat a big part of my eggs). I try eating less fat tomorrow but that must be temporal as I need calories and my protein must be a bit high already.
I never had problems with fat - unless I ate it without something that balanced it out. And now I took that away and while my food is enjoyable, I don’t feel good enough afterwards. Maybe it’s natural but I don’t like feeling odd even for a short while, I only do diets which are easy enough and enjoyable right away.
Maybe the problem is that my only meat is very fatty smoked pork. But it’s not logical enough for me. Oh well, I will experiment a bit.


@Shinita when I first started carnivore the high fat amount made me feel nauseated too. Some folks have more of a problem with rendered fat or maybe the amount is too high? Experimenting to see what works best for you is a good idea.


I ate my usual amount of fat (way less than my occasional high amount that never caused any problem) and barely any added fat. My fatty pork was little too. But I ate the usual fat in a smaller volume of food than usual. And that’s already not so much on keto. Maybe I crossed some limit with my fat/food ratio volume wise. Maybe things added up, any food in the past several(?) days might have some lingering effect. Even though I had no problems on keto before unless I seriously overate some problematic substance, my body became very choosy. When I was a kid and a young adult, I could eat practically anything in any amount that fit my flexible stomach without any noticeable problem. But I don’t consider my changes bad, I want to eat right and my body is still kind of forgiving and just gives me subtly nudges most of the time.


I cut out caffeine but had still been having decaf every morning. This morning I just had water. First time in probably decades that I didn’t start the day with coffee.
I don’t plan to cut it entirely but definitely cut back.


I sit here, with my morning coffee (half caf, half decaf) and I must congratulate you…I would applaud, but you know, mug, hot beverage… :joy:


I hit the store on the way home from some errands.

Scored beef tenderloin marked down at a fab price. Gonna be eating good for a bit :slight_smile:

Being leaner it doesn’t hold me that well like ribeye. But I just love the taste and tenderness of tenderloin. Pair it with shrimp and have me a great surf and turf.

Love carnivore eating. I am 1/2 lb. shy of losing 20. Tightening up carnivore was the smartest thing I did. I feel wonderful and the scale gods are treating me well

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #595

Sorry to hear this, @Shinita. I can certainly relate to this. I did a short (I was aiming for one to two weeks) carnivore experiment a short time ago, and although I felt absolutely fine for the first week, I began to feel very unwell on day 9.

There are many factors either alone or in combination, either with or without my carnivore lifestyle at the time, which may have caused this, so I’m not going all-out and blaming carnivore! However, I do feel more like myself again now I’ve reintroduced vegetables.

Carnivore was very, very interesting. I wasn’t hungry - and felt very full after each meal - but then when I was hungry again oh boy I really was! Not that I needed to snack between meals, not at all - but at mealtimes it was a more urgent hunger I was experiencing than when I was including vegetables (on keto I am very happy to feel ‘empty’, because it is not ‘hunger’ for me, as such. I can very much cope with ‘empty’. Just eating animal-based foods though resulted in a more urgent ‘hunger’ when it was time to eat again). I was absolutely loving what I was eating!

It’s something I’ll almost certainly come back to. My blood glucose control (which is why I was doing it) was different - not better, not worse, just different in where my peaks and troughs tend to fall), and I’m pretty certain that it was proving beneficial in one of the other aspects of my health.

I think (at least initially) I’ll have set time periods of eating on a more animal-based bias, but interspersed intermittently with keto incorporating vegetables.



Yup. Protein and fat feed the body so well we don’t get hungry, but if one goes way past any feelings of hunger cause we can, sometimes we get ‘super empty’ and have to eat urgently. I learned me and how long I have before I must must eat or fall over LOL

Protein and fat get all processed. No residue left in the intestines etc. So when we go longer and longer not eating, all of the sudden we require food point blank.

That is why in the beginning stages of carnivore I carried beef sticks in my purse. If longer trip I would carry a small cooler in my car with me for just in case. Some deli meats. Tuna. Cold chicken. Just enough to save me if needed and I wasn’t around any food places or couldn’t stop to eat etc.


Had some decaf this morning. It’s just nice to know that I can take it or leave it instead of having a monkey on my back.


adaption. we do require time to change over and a bit too much fat sitting on the tummy can cause this. Many newer carnivores go thru this type of thing.

Or toxins leaving the body.

Or not drinking enough water.

I think for sure this will pass sooner than later for you.


I start to give up about quitting coffee until I have any at home (or until my beef arrives, I so want to do things super strict as long as I can. A day, I can do that, right? :smiley: I am not addicted to coffee, I am just used to it and it’s there).

I still have a tiny amount of snow left and there is frost now. Our few heaters can’t keep up with the latter (the biggest one is probably partially broken, we fixed it a few times already. well, my SO, he learned more about it. when I lived with my mom, I did such things as I was the better one at it) and my house is a bit cold (62F in my room, below 17C). No big deal though but we need to use full power now, weekends without heating combined with the cold weather is too much, the walls contain too little warmth at the moment (little heating, super good insulation, no chimney, we used this approach). We have problems with the water too, at least we still have internet but it never disappears for long anyway and it takes a big storm.

I don’t feel like eating fatty smoked pork today. I was so nauseated yesterday even the prettiest fatty meat chunks in topics felt bad (looked good, that’s another thing entirely). Even thinking of fat feels bad so I avoid added fat too. Maybe a smarter animal fasts in such situations… I will see if I will be hungry. The problem is I will be away between 4 and 7pm. What if I accidentally die of hunger if I don’t eat before? At least a part of mine that can’t comprehend I have enough fat for months asks this. And okay, I survive but what if I get hungry and weak and won’t have energy to come home in the frosty dark? Yeah, that’s super realistic too, I don’t even have suddenly super strong hunger since fat adaptation and 3 hours is nothing (I researched and maybe it’s written like this. it’s even weirder than 48-hour for me. while I am a Hungarian and we always use singular after a number as it’s already clear it’s multiple). Besides, my body hates a small lunch more than no food at all. A fast is fine for some time but low calorie, that won’t do.
I am used to being surrounded with food all the time so I eat as I get hungry (usually earlier) but I will be away when my hunger arrives, it’s almost completely sure. Oh well, I can handle it. I won’t be able to skip lunch anyway, probably.

I try to behave in the near future, I find these things interesting and try to write in an entertaining way but maybe it’s annoying. I managed to annoy people with 2 sentences in a game once (the sentences were innocent but the guy was upset I talked so much. it was 10 minutes and we were waiting for something). I am way more relaxed here.


You are definitely NOT annoying. :slight_smile: