Another Carnivore Thread


hey I don’t feel too bad on it all cause they just locked down the ‘because I am on a diet…’ thread that Chris started. All about racism and insulting a woman at the cash register…and they got rough in there. HEY I STAYED out of it all LOL I get a gold star…I sure don’t want no part of that other thread.


Yeah, I thought about wading into the one I saw this morning but I had nothing useful to add and the person who started the argument is not going to be moved so I left it alone.

Apparently, if carnivore is killing me it is doing it by giving me better sleep, mood, blood pressure, body composition, mental clarity, other male improvements that I won’t mention here… damn this is awful… I need to rush back to vegetables to get some balance!!! :laughing:


and you TOLD me this why!? HA HA omgosh, ya know I feel mellow this morning so that helps a bit :slight_smile: Kinda in a carnivore zen moment.

You know it is super hard to hear over and over how one eats is gonna kill us and meats are flagged with antibiotics and we don’t know how the long term effects will be but veterans with 20 yrs eating this way are healthier than the people posting why it is so bad for us…….I mean at some point ya snap a bit. I know I did :slight_smile: It is literally poking a bee hive and wondering why ya got stung. Don’t people see this? I just don’t get it truly. I know there is some psycho babble on these people but not being a Dr. truly LOL I don’t know what they call this behavior…I sure know what I CALL IT LOL just laughing a bit here on it all :slight_smile:


My response would have been very different had I been personally attacked. :wink:
Yes, carnivore has been a hot topic around here lately so the push-back shouldn’t come as a surprise. It’s still annoying, though.


We got stalkers HAHA

I think tho also forums do have those ebbs and flows. I think hopefully things will ramp down being closer to the holidays people focus on that time of year and are busy…busy people can’t stalk as much :slight_smile:

good thing is also things just drop on forums and they get comfortable again and all is good. So all we can do is our carnivore chats amongst us carnivores and just let it all be cool.


Here’s some new chat.

Our brain is made up of nearly 60 percent fat so by following a diet which is composed of fats and protein, it is common to begin experiencing longer bouts of focus and an improved mood on a carnivore diet.

Many people who eat a carnivore diet claim to have reduced brain fog and improved cognitive function . They describe mental clarity and a sense of calm that was beyond their reach when eating carbohydrates. Some people even claim that a carnivore diet reduced the symptoms of their autism, OCD, ADHD, anxiety, and depression.

The Boulder Carnivore Conference was the brainchild of Colorado-based Amber O’Hearn, a data scientist and nutrition science writer and speaker who has adhered to a carnivore diet since 2009. She produces thoughtful, meticulously-researched articles about the science of animal-based nutrition on her website and is writing a book dedicated to the topic. In interviews she explains how her unusual way of eating seemed to resolve her symptoms of bipolar depression, including suicidal ideation, which psychiatric medications had failed to accomplish.

Dr. Georgia Ede……
I count myself among the believers [I use the word “believers” intentionally to underscore the fact that clinical trials of the carnivore diet do not yet exist.] In 2008 I reversed symptoms of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, migraines, and IBS by gradually removing most plant food from my diet. As a psychiatrist, I was fascinated to observe that my mood, energy, sleep, and concentration improved significantly as well. I share more about my story in this interview with Ivor Cummins.

I switched from a very low-plant keto diet to a pure carnivore diet in June 2018, long after this conversation took place. It was that extraordinary experience that called me to question conventional beliefs about food and health, gave birth to my passion for the study of nutrition science, and led eventually to my first public presentation in 2012 Little Shop of Horrors: the Risks and Benefits of Eating Plants

So the brain is mostly fat. It thrives on protein and fat :slight_smile: The brain. I absolutely can’t tell you how this weird calmness and clarity of thinking in life is just so hard to explain to others.

I hate to say the word but ‘enlightenment’ comes to mind. Seems dramatic but it is almost that feeling. Carnivores will know what I am saying here LOL

Thing is carnivore is so hard to accept for mainstream in that we are programmed from birth to eat as instructed. Instructed and told by ‘experts’ whose hands are tied to corporate big money. It is all wrapped around economics. Imagine no one eating any more plants ever…the amt of economic failure for farmers and big corps etc would be astronomical. So we must keep it all in balance and check and always be sure that ‘all the foods’ are purchased cause that is the correct way to eat…lol…well as I see it. They aren’t out for our good health, they are out to get what we have in our wallets.

So that step into carnivore is very hard for people. I get that.

but I have to say when an eating plan suits one so well, how in the world can the old programming stay in effect? it can’t.

so new carnivores need to give it time. A true shake. Like 30 days is recommended but I swear one needs at least 90 on it…cause many walk into this very toxic and need time to adapt. But those walking here thru a personal journey of low carb, into extreme low carb and into carnivore don’t have as much trouble but sure can have more toxins in them then they think. Just cause one is in a ketogenic type menu doesn’t mean they aren’t harboring a lot of healing that needs to take place when stepping into a carnivore menu.

I just find this chat so interesting. So fascinating with people’s experiences.

And you know the brain isn’t at fault ever telling us to eat sugar and junk. It is your body producing big insulin that triggers your brain as it should…your body is ingesting toxins that trigger your brain to do something it wants or doesn’t want…When you feed the brain correctly it functions on a balanced level and asks for mostly nothing from you other than gives eating signals when you truly are hungry…so we eat and thrive. Your brain then gives you clarity of thinking as nature intended.

So just some chatting on it all…love to hear what others think about the whole carnivore benefit system.


Exactly. I can’t even describe it to people, it just doesn’t register. Unless you have experienced something along these lines. When the mind is in a constant state of agitation then that state seems normal, only when it is calm can you see that it was a madhouse before.

This is addiction; not the insulin part but the bit about the brain triggering. I had an addict in my life once (thank God that’s over) so I have experience dealing with addicts. The same mechanisms are at play here. Granted, I’m not saying carbs are crack… but…

Oh, and I think I have a bit of an unrequited crush on Dr. Georgia Ede… just sayin’.


It was a little sad to see the Oxalates thread I started get shut down.


Yeah, I was really enjoying that one. Going to be pissed if that behavior continues.


I’ve been coming across Dr. Ted Naiman a bit recently and his protein leverage hypothesis. I think he has co-authored a new book. In his discussions he talks about getting protein from whole animal sources. It’s a step up from ‘whole foods’. But he suggested eating whole animal foods like eggs :egg:, sardines, oysters, I guess we could add in quail… With beef, he also reckons organs. Dr Zsofia from Paleo Medicina reckons you can eat? All parts of a cow or steer except the gall bladder.




For our health? Or for their sacred cows?
If for our health, then polite discussion is much better than what I saw going on.
If for their sacred cows, then they need to grow up.


oh FB you bad! just sayin’


what’s scary is I might too LOL

I gotta say I love the strong carnivore people who put it all out there and take the hits for the plan…throw out the science for the plan and all that. They got guts and they have degrees and experiences and more. Kinda attractive to say the least :slight_smile:

You are right in that when that fog of madhouse disappears I guess our clarity is so thrown into the light of day that we think it is some kind of absolute divinity effecting us…but it might just be that huge difference from one to the other that is just what we are experiencing and this is the norm of the brain. To allow us to function on an increased level of smarts and feelings. To truly feel. To truly relate and such.

I guess we are fogged directly from childhood cause the candy and more comes out fast as we are just going from infants to toddlers and if you truly think about it, what a friggin’ crime it truly is :frowning:


I really do interpret it as a sense of concern for members’ of the community health.

There is fear of some unknowns. It’s the same reason we express concerns for vegans, or the guy that just eats bananas.


I get you FB. I understand where you are coming from.

Thing is when one pushes their concern on someone who doesn’t want it or need it and tells you that directly………….then…ya got what is coming to you I think. Doesn’t it work that way mostly in life, at some point you have to leave others alone if it is directly related to do just that? But being a public forum I guess we have to think a bit different on our reactions….but come on ya know HA


Possibly, but if so it is being very poorly done. It kind of reminded me of what vegans do when one of them strays from herd-think.
That being said, I’ll gladly put up anyone who’s been a 10 year carnivore vs a 10 year (not cheating) vegan and see who has better health. Veganism is a death trap.

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #398

I started dabbling in carnivore starting last Monday to see how I feel about it rather than how I feel on it - small steps for now, with a view to revisiting it after December - it’s not been that difficult, but I really don’t like it that Mr S and I are eating different versions of our meals.

I could kid myself that I’m starting to lose a symptom of something…

All fascinating stuff! I’m adding veg back in from December 1st, and may or may not switch back again after Christmas.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #399

This isn’t just Carnivore, KETO gets that pretty hard too but it’s calming down a bit and I suspect it will eventually with Carnivore. Honestly when I started KETO and heard about Carnivore as a growing movement I thought these people are a little crazy, vegetables are good for you. I never bashed but got curious more eventually and started watching videos by some of the experts on YouTube. Learned about anti nutrients more (I already knew a fair amount about some of them) and my thought on Carnivore evolved with knowledge.

I guess you haven’t been on the forum for the Dec-January noob rush. This place will be flooded with new members soon, most don’t stick with it. They’ll find the Carnivore threads too. It gets pretty crazy with heavy use during the holidays.

Join the club! :joy::joy::grin::cowboy_hat_face:


Thinking about egg consumption…I eat them almost every day - in one form or another… They provide a textural change from eating various kinds of meat. Its a wonderful avenue to increase butter and salt intake, and if made in a softer- but not runny manner, scrambled eggs make a delicious dip for a side of bacon. (Thanks to Rufus, we have two less chickens producing eggs now, but, I’ll buy some to supplement the loss.)
In a pinch at work, I’ll grab a couple hard boiled eggs, slice them in half, and add a slice of butter and some salt. On rare occasions, I’ll still make my Liquid Chicken Latte, and chug it down for brekkie.

I also find that eggs are a cost effective food source when the ribeye supply is running low. =)