Another Carnivore Thread


So, last night I was reading a good book and had the thought that I’d have a Veteran’s Day Eve cocktail. So I made a Churchill martini…first sip was BLEH! Poured that sucker right out. So I had a little bit of Laphroig with mineral water. It was nice but even though I didn’t have much I woke up with a slight headache and the distinct feeling that I had given my body something it wasn’t happy with.
My sleep was still good but I think I’m going to have to go run a few miles to try to burn past this feeling.
Funny, I used to have a glass of wine or a cocktail (or 2 sometimes 3) almost daily.

Oh and Happy Veteran’s Day to all my brothers and sisters who served: regardless of nationality.


Happy Veterans Day
To those who served!

bob yea the alcohol is tough on carnivore.
many can’t go there. I dropped it mostly now cause it effects me weird.
body doesn’t want it.
‘no carbs’ to suck it up LOL

when I do try a few drinks I am shocked how icky I do get. Not fun anymore. Instead of rum I think a big old ribeye on the grill is what I need now HA


Yeah, it was weird. I had a martini a couple of weeks or so ago and the “buzz”, if you could call it that, was actually unpleasant. Last night I did feel the effects of the scotch and while not unpleasant wasn’t worth having a headache over. The headache and ick have passed but I’m still going to have some coffee then go run a few miles to make sure I sweat out any toxic :poop: left in my system. :laughing:

I think if I do have any more scotch it’ll be about a thimble full. I actually do like the stuff.


Yes I get that.

I want some drinks in my life also for that social situation and I enjoy it.

but I find it is becoming literally unpleasant. Every time I work for that little buzz to enjoy in a happy feeling and I find it is now just giving me annoying weird body feelings. As in the body is saying heck no. You ain’t going there. It happens to tons of carnivores. They naturally in the end leave the alcohol by the wayside.

and you will get effected by so little. Old days you could pound down the drinks. Now on carnivore it is like one shot is gonna take ya down fast. No tolerance.

Once big carnivore eating anything that is toxic to the body hits ya like a ton of bricks when trying it again in your system. Ultimate elim. menu…yea anything tough back into our bodies gonna nail us :slight_smile:

when I do have a drink I flood the body with water. key for me. like 3 bottles of water to 1 drink helps me not get too icky but who wants to live like that?


Yeah, I think over the next couple of months I’m going to wean my caffeine intake down as well.
I genuinely enjoy the taste of coffee though, that’s one thing that hasn’t altered, although my intake has gone down. I think I’m just going to work down to drinking one or two cups of decaf. I’ve been a coffee drinker for decades and currently I’m at 1 cup regular, 1 cup decaf (will have more decaf sometimes if just hanging around the house).
My sleep is so much better that I typically don’t need that boost to get going in the morning but I still just like it.

On the toxins, yeah, I was worried that carnivore was creating intolerance to certain things but I think it’s just uncovering them. I feel so much better without so many foods that I thought were good for me. If I have something my body doesn’t like the feedback I get is pretty noticeable. I’d considered adding back in some spices and maybe a little hot sauce here and there but not sure if I’m yet up to the possibility of suffering negative consequences.
If I ever start adding non-carnivore foods it’ll be one thing at a time to check for reactions so as not to confound results.


Not a coffee drinker. Never liked it but so many love their coffee.

If you don’t think you need it then drop it a bit and see how you do. You might be one who can handle coffee easily.

I have PVC situation. Makes the heart flip/flop.
Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) are extra heartbeats that begin in one of your heart’s two lower pumping chambers (ventricles). These extra beats disrupt your regular heart rhythm, sometimes causing you to feel a fluttering or a skipped beat in your chest.

Mine got out of hand. Very scary into that heart attack gonna happen feeling. Caffeine is a big no no and can trigger nasty episodes. Freaked me out on that cause I thought heart trouble but after a ton of tests it is food/drink. Simple as that. While it is not that way for all who have PVC it can get very nasty if one triggers with caffeine or more.

Dr wanted me on statins. I said heck no. I dropped diet soda cause that aspartame stuff and caffeine in my pepsi nailed my PVCs and they would ramp up. Minute diet soda was gone I was so much better. Dropped my tea. Didn’t even want decaf tea…why bother LOL

Once I headed into more carnivore the PVCs for me all but stopped. Haven’t even thought of them in a few years. Before I thought I was on the road to heart attack city, all cause of food and drink and now on carnivore it was like never happened.

While all with PVC is not gonna correct with change in menu…mine did. I won’t go back there ever :stuck_out_tongue: Too much great from carnivore is why I stay here. It is who I must be for the best me.

When adding back do it slow and one thing at a time. You will easily learn what is fine and what gives you trouble.
Smart way to do it!


I’ve already dropped back on the caffeine a good bit. According to the DNA tests I ran I do not have issues with caffeine. I just don’t like the knowledge that if I don’t have a cup I’ll end up with a headache. I quit tobacco in my late teens or around 20-21 because I don’t like anything having a grip on me.
I would also periodically walk away from alcohol consumption for the same reason.
So I’m thinking that caffeine is the only monkey on my back so why not kick his ass to the curb, too.


I absolutely agree.

If you have a path and goal you want in your life then you go for it.

Not a darn thing wrong with that.

For me the PVCs were a wake up call. I never heard of this stuff.

and get this…on the treadmill EKG they put me on…I failed. Nurse told me that I was the ONLY one to finish the test. I did it in fine form literally and full speed and I failed?? When they told me I failed the treadmill EKG I melted. I was like, omg I am a heart patient person. wow.

when I had the heart catherization the Dr said I was perfect. Clear ateries….everything was fab. The surgeon had no idea why I was here for this procedure. He was shocked I had to have it cause I was so clean and good…which I was over the top to learn :slight_smile:

I said I failed the treadmill EKG and he said some women on that test automatically fail cause it has something to do with their boobs moving and it ruins the test.

I was like…WTH? I never heard of that?

omg it was a friggin’ nightmare but after all of it I learned what I had, done tons of info on it to correct it from my menu and triggers and I learned how to roll thru it all…….one reason I went very low carb and wandered into carnivore.

So it is what it is for each of us. What we want. What we desire from our bodies. I so get that!!!

You keep rocking right towards what you want out of this!


“The change from hunter to herdsman did not bring with it decay of the teeth; the change to farming did. A skeleton with decayed teeth is therefore presumably that of a farmer or at least the victim of an agricultural civilization. For, in most parts of the world, gatherers would have a time finding enough carbohydrates with which to ruin their teeth.” from The Fat of the Land by Stefansson


Love it! good post!

I firmly believe our bodies are meant to be ketone burn.

never glucose.

the ‘backup for survival’ in life is the glucose burn.

since our bodies never need one carb to function ever…….our bodies are meant for protein and fat. All from animals. They give us everything we need for survival.

once we civilized past that it all went to heck in handbasket :slight_smile:


I love the “victim of an agricultural civilization” bit. Yet we’re told to eat kibble to save the planet. Just remember that the only humans who benefit from the kibble are the companies that produce it.

My pet hamsters eat kibble. I do not.


I’ve often struggled with letting go of my coffee. I absolutely love the taste of it. And, its one of my favorite ways to incorporate MCT powder, HWC, and more butter into my diet. But here’s the thing I noticed…
With a 99% carnivore diet now, my energy level is through the roof. This past weekend, I was going for 48 hours on 3 hours of sleep, and worked 2 jobs. During that time, had a cup of ground beef with a few TBS of melted butter, a cheese stick, and a thermos of coffee with MCT and HWC. Looking back at that marathon, had to ask myself if I really NEED coffee? Truthfully, I probably do not.
The transition my body has gone through during the past few months has resulted in massive amounts of energy, and an unintentional reduction in coffee/caffiene intake. Cutting out more than 75% of the normal intake, I now view coffee more as a “treat”, rather than a necessity. While I have seriously contemplated eliminating it entirely, I have trouble fathoming an entire winter with no hot coffee to warm me up in the morning. Its 10F here today. No hot, steaming coffee would be brutal and unkind. I think I might have to go through this winter, reducing intake more and more, then eliminate it entirely next spring. I’ll be watching your journey with this, as I will surely need inspiration and reassurance it can be done!


yea your hamster eats it cause he requires it and then we eat the hamster cause we require protein.

all those plant eating critters are prey :slight_smile:
meant to be that way


Ok, I know I’m posting a lot today but I’m off work and have been waiting on it to warm up enough to get some sun and run a few miles.

Some more pros, yes they’re poop related:

  • Almost zero toxic emissions. When I was an omnivore I had a lot more gas, when I was a vegetarian I should have come with a warning label. Now, if I break wind I surprise myself and wonder what caused it. Also, frankly, the trips to the toilet aren’t as horribly smelly as veg poops, either.

  • Less use of toilet paper. Seriously.

  • Less time in the loo. Unless you’re a bathroom reader then this would be a con. Seriously, though, I’m done with my business before I’ve had much time in there.


Ok Fangs, for the last time, you cannot eat my hamsters! :laughing:
Gandalf and Frodo are my buddies.


I know. I loved my hot tea. Til I realized it never gave me anything but trouble LOL

thing is I dropped it but many can have A CUP of coffee and do well.

I miss the hot steaming thing also…but nice cup of hot broth? hmmm…we can sub it out and do ok

but coffee is so personal. if you love it and it does no harm keep it but control it…1 cup vs. 8 thru the day kinda thing.

or drop it…all so personal

I loved your post!
Your having so much energy off carnivore is wonderful.


bob oh goodness I know your hamsters are off limits…heehee

when the big one comes, you will be eyeing your own hamsters. you know, food prep for just in case HA

guarding your stash are ya? lol


I have no intention of eliminating it completely. I love a nice hot cup of coffee in the morning. Straight black, fresh ground and French pressed! I just want to get rid of the caffeine.


I’m staying in shape for the zombie apocalypse. :zombie:


too funny!!