Advice from the Ketogenic forum for new keto'ers on 2KetoDudes

(Melissa) #83

I’m not necessarily an “oldie” yet, but I think it’s important to point out that your personal Keto will evolve overtime between learning about yourself and doing research.

When I first started out I was still drinking Diet Coke and putting Splenda in my tea.
I’ve now evolved to using liquid stevia, but still haven’t managed to kick my artificial sweetener habit altogether yet. It’s a process and easier to maintain life long I think if it’s not necessarily all done at once.

The other thing I’ve stuck to is that If i’m going to “Cheat” per se, I have only been doing it with Keto foods. I’ve had a few weekends where my bacon and mixed nut consumption was out of control, and I didn’t feel great…but it could have been a whole lot worse if I had gone back to sugar. Not to mention how much harder it would have been to go back to keto the next day!

(Genevieve Biggs) #84

Glad to be of help!

(Amy Bachmann) #85

I have been 6 months into Ketosis and have experienced many amazing transformations besides just 53 pounds lost. I have been experiencing severe night sweats for several years and two days after starting keto the night sweats went away. That’s just the first of many miraculous changes: lower B/P,
no more acid reflux, better sleep, normal blood glucose, fixed fatty liver, mental clarity, less anxious and many more.

(Dar) #86

1 month keto
1 lb a day first 6 days
(7 more two wks before just cutting back)

Nothing 3 wks
Up and down most lost was 15
Now 3 lbs higher So now 12 total so teally 3 in a month.
Extremly tired

Have had no cheats
Never hungry

My Marcos vary depending on app
Not sure whats correct for me.

I am often full and can’t finish food

Find it hard to figure out the numbers and can’t find an easy free app
Tried several.

Totally changed eating
No breads, sweets, pastas etc

Higher fats
Moderate protein
Loe carbs
Lots of water

I feel like i am soing everything right but obviously not.

Ready to give up
Only because i feel like its not working.

I have no cravings
No cheats

What am I doing wrong

Mostly rating
Healthy oils
High fat cream

(Karen Parrott) #87

OMG. This is an older post :joy:. Statements still stand. I’m 6+ years into long-term weight maintenance. I wish someone had told me that it was as much or more work to maintain. I was obese from the age of 6 to 46. And , that I’d have to change up my Keto maintenance strategy slightly as I aged.

I also wish someone had told me that satiety is NOT always a good stopping point for eating marker for me. That there are sub groups of people where normal satiety signals that will always be inaccurate , but by using other markers we could maintain weight loss long-term.

I would also like to of been told time and time again that I could do this, have a normal weight after 40 years of obesity as long as I was willing to investigate root causes and apply the right corrective and preventive actions.

Looking forward to your excellent podcast.

(Vivienne Clampitt) #88

I am nearly 3 months into Keto, only just starting to lose weight as I have now added IF. I dont have a lot to lose at all, maybe 6 pounds at the most. But I spent the first couple of months learning how to eat Keto and watching my blood sugars coming down, this was my aim of turning to Keto.Personally I am fine with it taking a little while to achieve my aim as I think in the long term it will be more sustainable.
I think patience is needed with this particular WOE. For some people weight loss , reduction in blood sugars and insulin resistance will happen quickly for others more slowly.

(Amy Bachmann) #89

I agree. Once your carb addiction is behind you it’s easy. Food no longer controls you, you are in control.

(Terence Dean) #90

Research Keto to understand the science, ask questions about anything you don’t understand, and don’t give up it takes time.

(Caryl H) #91

Hi, I’m a confused newbie. What did you mean by not getting fooled by natural carbs in Keto friendly veggies and fruit? Do you mean I should NOT eat them or I should?

(Shelly G) #92


(Caryl H) #93

Huh? measure my waste :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: or my waist :blush:?

(Ron) #94


(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #95

If I understand that post correctly, I think the idea is to eat real foods (a lot of vegetables have fiber in thiem, which, if you wish, can be subtracted when counting carbohydrate intake, because it is indigestible), as opposed to manufactured foods with carbohydrate added to them (such as refined flour, or sugar under all its many different names).

Yes! :grinning: :rofl:

(Caryl H) #96

Thank you Paul :+1:

(Anina) #97
  1. Take measurements before starting, when weight stops changing measurements keeps changing.
  2. Stock up on Good Fat. After loosing your water weight stop looking at the scale for a week and just concentrate on giving your body lots of good fats, coconut oil, avacado, just Olive oil, cheese, salami - dont be afraid, I felt the FAT started my body Healing itself.

(Marc Hirsch Md) #98

I like it simple. I’m 5 months in, lost 15 lbs in 1st 2 mos, then stalled wt loss while waist went from 36 to 32”. I hear you about the scale. Bought blood ketone meter and hanging out between 0.5-5+ which is more important to me than weight, but I’d like to lose more of that too. I keep experimenting within low carb bounds under 20 Gms. Thanks for your advice.

(connie balint) #99

I have been WW for awhile and have lost 40lbs I have been stuck for awhile and my Dr suggest intermittent fasting and increasing fat and protein.I have been doing this for about two weeks and am seeing gains.This could be from my body adjusting to the change ?I always had good cholesterol readings sugar levels and good health just carry too much weight

(Amy Bachmann) #100

I’ve been listening to the 2ketodudes at least once a day for the past 10 months, they keep me motivated. Also people around me, friends and family, are intrigued with my results and want to know the details like how to start and why this works. If I’m going to “pay it forward” I need to have some good information. What a great team they are.

(Wendy) #101

First mention of migraine! Thank you. Hoping for relief of sinus issues as well.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #102

I find that making sure I get enough salt helps keep the migraines at bay. On those days when I have forgotten, if an aura starts, eating some salt usually heads it off within five minutes or less. Another great reason to have bone broth regularly!