ADF club

(Karen) #202

Monday group loss.
I’ll update this as people chime in
Karen-zero loss from last Monday
@weedrea -– 1.5 pounds down
@NelleG - 1 pound up
@GreeneggsNham - will report next week
@xsuebeex - Looking forward to hearing from you next week. Up or down no big deal
@Robinette71- +2
@Azi - Down 1 pounds
@Sated-Meg - No gain or loss
@jennytoy1 - Holding Pat. 0 gain/loss
Total group so far = 0.5 lbs up

I think we did pretty well last week overall due to lack of support with a glitchy website. :balloon::balloon::balloon::balloon::balloon::balloon::balloon::balloon:

Chime in so I can get a full total.
Colorado gal, and Mr. Humpty let me know if you want to join.


Good morning everyone! And welcome Mr. Humpty! Glad to have you join us.

I haven’t been able to get onto the forums until this morning, so I have sorely missed everyone. Yesterday I was able to get on very briefly, but then…poof! it was gone again. Glad to “see” everyone here.

I weighed in at 162.6 lbs. But, ugh, I forgot to weigh BEFORE, when I first started ADF!!! Last time I weighed (few weeks ago) I was back up to around 168/9. In that neighborhood. I’ve been exercising a lot so I thought it might be muscle gain, but now I wonder if it was water.

Next week I’ll have an accurate number. I like doing ADF. It seems to be working for me at the moment. I’m not sure how I will be able to tell if my metabolism improves, except if I get hungrier on feasting days.

Initially, I thought to keep feasting days to around 1700 calories, give or take. But since I’ve been hungry, I’ve eaten until full and ended up around 2000 calories or a bit more on feasting days.

With the forums down I searched out Megan Ramos videos. She said to eat plenty of fat on feasting days, and believe me, I love fatty meat. :smile: But can I do that AND lose weight? That’s the question. Time will tell.

All in all, I feel very good and haven’t had any trouble staying active. Only problem for me has been all the heavy rain we had yesterday. I love rain, but not to walk in.

(Tamela Robinette) #204

Unfortunately, I am up 2 pounds. Been going through some emotional stuff, not exercising and not eating clean since Saturday. I am truly an emotional eater. I feel somewhat better today and realize the turmoil I am feeling due to someone else’s behavior is out of my control and today is a new day eating/fasting wise so I am fasting today. Hope to get, at a minimum, two 36 to 42 hour fasts in this week and get back to exercising. I know what to do and how to do it, I just have to stay disciplined.

(Jenny) #205

I’m down still just my 3.7 pounds. I’m not sure what’s holding me up as Ive been doing well. :crossed_fingers: maybe a whoosh is on the way!

I messed up my lower back and I’m having some spasms :confused: I have a (big) puppy and he yanked me hard the other day trying to get a squirrel. I dunno if that caused it? but I’m open to suggestions if anyone knows how to make this feel better!

I’m sorry I couldn’t read everyone’s posts and get completely caught up but I will asap!


Tamela, I’m sorry you are having to deal with someone else’s poor choices. Like you said, focus on what you can control today. :grinning: You can do this!!

Jenny, I wonder if you have inflammation due to your back? Anyway, focus on feeling better. I have noticed that the scale doesn’t always reflect what is going on in my body. Hope a large whoosh is in your near future!

(Mary) #207

Morning all! I’ve been lurking on your group for a while now and would like to join you if you’ll have me.

My story - I started keto on Jan 14/18 at 225 lbs :scream:. It took until Sept/18 before I lost a single pound but at that point, 15 came off fairly quickly. By May/19, I was at 195, where I was stuck until I started fasting this spring. I lost another 10 lbs and seem to be stuck again. I know what the problem is - I’m practicing the “training wheels” type of fasting, which involves HWC in my coffee. My big girl panties are now firmly in place. I stopped my last fast on Sunday night, feasted Monday, and have started a new fast this morning at 185. There will be no HWC, just water, salt and some plain herbal tea.

So - ADF until I get stuck again. I’m looking forward to this journey with you.


(Tamela Robinette) #208

Welcome Mary! I think you will find eliminating the HWC as well as ADF will unstick you! Keep us posted on your progress!

(Megan) #209

Start June 8th: 186
June 15th: 182

We took a road trip this weekend so I didn’t do my 18/6 OR keto and was still down to 182 Monday. I had a bad (ummm, I mean delicious) meal out with family last night so I need today’s and Thursdays 42 hour fasts :see_no_evil::pleading_face:

Here’s to No Taco Tuesday!

(KCKO, KCFO) #210

Yes you can and I had a nice long chat with Dr. Stephen Phinney at last year’s Ketofest, he says the same thing. He is not a fan of fasting, but he is a fan of eating fat as it helps control your hunger.

I used to be a low fat eater, never again. Cream, butter, fatty meats are the foundation of my keto/low carb success.

(Linda ) #211

welcome Mary happy to have you joining us.

I’m down a pound from last week…slow progress but ill take it. Hopefully the downward movement continues. Today is fasting day will start my fast at about 4pm.


@Robinette71 and anyone else who struggles to stick to a plan or with emotional eating: I’m in a life coach program and need to give a bunch of free sessions over the next few months. I definitely have some tools that can help and would love to work with you!
A bit more about it here or just PM me.
Totally free- no strings attached. You just need to be willing to put in some time and energy.


Welcome Mary!

I’m glad to see the forums up again today. I really missed everyone yesterday!! It was a busy day as we had our two pastors from church over for lunch and then went over funeral plans for my MIL. (She died March 30th, but we are only now able to have the funeral and bury her the end of this month.) Fortunately, it was a feast day for me, so it was natural for me to share a meal with them.

Anyone know why I am getting diarrhea on feasting days? It seems that my first meal after a fast turns to water and rushes right on through. I’m concerned that I’m not getting the benefits of eating when this happens.

I’m still new to ADF, but haven’t had this problem after fasting for a day in the past, but its happened twice. I don’t get any pain or discomfort aside from the need to be home and near the bathroom. Could it be from eating too much on my first meal?

(Karen) #214

Jason Fung says whatever works. This type of fasting is a fat fast and does not raise insulin much. While it may not create
Autophagy it’s not a big deal.

Jenny – I’m sorry to hear you hurt your back my friend tore a rotator cuff when her dog took after a rabbit. It’s a hazard with sight hounds.

Welcome @Countdown2020 Mary. Come one, come all! We’re all just trying to lose a little pudge. We’ll see what the results were by Monday next week.

Sitting fat and happy at the same weight. Meeting my mother for lunch today. Lunch is out are a struggle. She’s in a senior facility and needs a pedicure and not comfortable going anywhere. Her facility of 1600 people is still locked down. So we’re going to a park and I’m going to give her a pedicure. And eat some lunch.

I really missed the site being open yesterday and needed some support. I hope they get it fixed soon.

(Karen) #215

I think this is what the 2 Keto dudes call disaster pants. You have to break your fast fairly gently. Sometimes this happens to people with longer fasts, but I also have the same issue sometimes. Try and just have some broth a half an hour before your first real meal.

(Bacon for the Win) #216

Good morning everyone. I sure have missed you all! Had to work three days and had so much trouble getting on during that time. Monday night I left work and drove straight to my brother’s in FL. VT to FL, 1450 miles in just under 24 hours, after working a 12 hour shift. Grand baby is here, didn’t want to waste any time! I was about 40 hours fasted when I had to stop for gas, (probably my 2nd or 3rd stop) so I broke my fast then and ate the lunch I had packed. Probably could have gone longer but it was turning into a head game that I didn’t want while driving.

Not sure what food here will look like, maybe OMAD? everyone here eats crap (by my standards anyway). SIL made her famous CC cookies for me, no trouble staying away from them right now. We ordered out for Mexican last night. I has fish and shrimp with the side salad and quac and my hands STILL hurt today.

Welcome Mary!


Thanks Karen. I wondered if I just jumped into my meal too quickly. Also, both times it happened I broke my fast with beef. Within a few minutes of taking the first few bites I felt and heard my innards get noisy. But I didn’t feel uncomfortable. There was no pain. Just noise.

I guess that should have been a clue of what was going to happen later. :laughing: Now I know. I guess I will start out with something like broth and not fatty meat right away.

Anyway, today is a fasting day. I’ll brew up a pot of bone broth today and have it ready for tomorrow.

(Mary) #218

Thanks for the welcome, guys.

I always put a good (?) 5 lbs or so back on after fasting and this one was no exception. 36 hours fasted and I’m still 3 lbs up from Monday’s weigh in :roll_eyes:

Glad everyone’s motoring along.


(Susan) #219

Hi, I haven’t weighed myself in a while. I have been sticking to one meal a day. I am off work for the next 3 days so I should be able to do some fasting. (Unless I do more overtime.)
The site has been down for me for a long time.
I got my stationary bike the other day and have bee doing short rides.(The seat is really uncomfortable.)
I am going for a physio evaluation on Monday the 22nd and I start physio the following week. It is to reverse my muscle wasting from lack of exercise.
I had my physical this past Monday as well. Blood work was done in March in the ER when I had my bout of diverticulitis. They didn’t do an A1C though.
Sounds like everyone is doing well. Keep up the good work.

(Megan) #220

Yay, the site is up!

Yesterday was a feast day, I baked some salami and dipped in french onion dip and made some portobello mushroom burgers. So much yum! Today I was down to 179, so YAY! Today is a fast, so I’ll be planning Fridays feasts haha.

Hope everyone is doing well!


I’m glad the sight is back up, but fully expect it back down for another day after a few hours. I really miss the forums when they aren’t available.

Today is a feast day for me. I’m planning on starting slow so I don’t get the runs again! I’m hungry, but pushing food back a little longer.

It’s really nice to see everyone again and hear what you have been up to!