#89 Ask Dr Boz - Part 4


Originally published at: https://ketowomanpodcast.com/ask-dr-boz-part-4/

Daisy's latest extraordinary woman, Annette, comes back to finish what we failed to really get started on last week - an episode of the ever-popular 'Ask Dr Boz'!

If you haven’t already listened to Annette’s story, check out episodes 46 and 47 where she shares her own story which we have an update to at the beginning of this week’s episode.

Based in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Annette Bosworth, MD is an Internal Medicine physician with over 19 years of experience helping patients overcome long-term, chronic conditions through lifestyle adjustment, preventive medicine, and other therapeutic paths. She's been mentioned in media outlets ranging from CNN, Time, US News & World Report, to Fox News.

In addition to medicine, she loves speaking at town halls, jails, churches and universities. From politics to mission work, she lets her faith lead her to the next chapter of life-always looking for teachable moments. Along with her husband, she savors the adventure of raising three energetic, fast-growing sons through debate, wrestling, music, and theater. She fights for the underdog and encourages patients with chronic health problems to "Fight it ANYWAY YOU CAN. Ketones for Life.”

Glucose/Ketone Ratio

Annette talks a lot about the glucose/ketone ratio (or GKI). Here are a couple of tables to make it easier to see which range you are in. If your BG readings are in mmol/L just divide BG by BK and you will get a single digit number as in the GKI column in the table below - just forgot the ratio bit! So just read the digit on the left - 4, 2, 1, etc.

As an example, my current figures are falling between 1 and 2. The last measurements I took were BG 4.1 and BK 2.6. That results in 1.58 or 28.4 (x 18) in the US ratio equivalent.

The zones are general. Your results may vary. Mine do! If I want to lose weight, I need to drop below 2 (40 on US scale). My headaches are better (less frequent) at this level too.


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End Quote

Confusion about ketones
KetoCancerMom's Look at Numbers
(Bunny) #2

WOW awesome chart!

Confusion about ketones