5 Day Fast - Anyone want to join?

(Barbara Greenwood) #21

Glad I’m not the only one who views absence of spouse as an opportunity to fast!

I’m afraid I crumbled yesterday evening (94 hours into my fast) and ate some olives, cheese and nuts. And then some thick double cream.

So I’m drawing a line under yesterday - call it a fat fast day - and resuming this morning. Well done to all you sticking with it.

(Duncan Kerridge) #22

60 hours in here, yesterday felt tough - lots of cravings for food, I did have a coffee with cream during a particularly weak moment. Today feels completely different, no desire to eat so far.

Ketones have ramped up to 5.6mmol and blood glucose has really dropped to 2.8 (50) - feeling fine.

My weight dropped two pounds after the first day, and inexplicably rose about half a pound after the second day. The body is a strange thing.

(đ૯αท ʍ૯ઽƬѳท) #23

Impressive levels after 60hrs

(Brian Walters) #24

Good morning everyone, day 3 for me, about 63 hrs in.

This morning was the roughest point so far for me. Woke up feeling lethargic with general malaise.

Did a lot of praying this morning, and I have been feeling much better since then.

I fast for spiritual and physical reasons. I believe fasting is a good reminder of my dependence on God for sustenance, so this hiccup this morning for me was actually beneficial as I was reminded to humble myself and get on my knees and pray.

I’m actually feeling pretty good now and ready to keep this going.

We got this!

(Brian Walters) #25

Yes Duncan, those results are awesome

Way to go

(Duncan Kerridge) #26

I would say thanks, but it’s not like they’re under my control :grinning:

(Mitch Barrett) #27

Ha! No you’re not. I have been trying to start this for the prior two days. Each day I got 24 hours into the fast and the wife or daughter insisted we eat out. Ah well. I feel ya!

(Robert Allen) #28

Still all in at over 60 hours. No hunger or malaise. Golfed this morning. Will make my five day goal.

(Karin Geertsma) #29

Good Morning All :grin:

I’m almost 60 hours in and was feeling super lethargic this morning when I woke up. I completed my daily workout and am now at work sipping my coffee and feeling better. The thought of almost another 60 hours of this is a little overwhelming right now, but I just need to take it a minute at a time and keep on going! Does anyone else here continue their normal workout routine during a fast? I hear some people say it’s best to lest your body rest, but I don’t sit well :slight_smile: I continue my strength training/HIIT/cardio throughout the fast, averaging between 15,000-17,000 steps a day. Does anyone have any insight?

We can all do this, let’s remind ourselves how amazing we’ll feel when we’ve made our goal :slight_smile:

(Brian Walters) #30


I’m not sure, this is my first fast for this long. My goal is to get adequate rest and not over do it. I want to keep my stress levels low.

I have been very busy and on my feet a lot this week at work, so i skipped working out last night.

Jimmy Moore said stress was his only real obstacle during a fast, I think from travelling. So I am trying to identify areas of stress and avoid them at all cost.

My only bad experience with fasting was when my family and I went to the drive-in. I grabbed some ice cold brewed coffee to drink so I could stay up and watch the movies with my kids. I ended up drinking too much coffee and was up to 2:00 a.m. and my cortisol levels felt like they got out of control and created physical stress. I got very sick feeling afterwards and had to break my fast.

Bottom line: I think exercise is great, but don’t ovcer do it. Don’t send your body into a state of stress

(Karin Geertsma) #31

Thanks Brian.

I agree completely about the stress. I attempted to start a 3 day fast last week, but there was a ton going on personally and it ended up being too much stress. This week is much, much calmer.

I’ve done that to myself too, it’s miserable! Now I have my one cup of coffee in the morning and that’s it. I seem to have more trouble sleeping while I’m fasting, so I think any afternoon caffeine would make the problem that much worse.

I will try my best to rest tomorrow, and just do some stretching routines and light walking. We’ll see how it goes!

(Duncan Kerridge) #32

I just keep going as normal, so far this fast I’ve had a couple of 1000m swims and a 20 mile bike ride. I’ll be going out walking for 7-8 miles or so this evening and back in the pool tomorrow morning.

(Robert Allen) #33

Perhaps HIT exercise at the conclusion of the fast would be beneficial as your serum ketone level would get one addition bump to maximize your fast. And Brian, I will make sure you are in room 6 tomorrow at work to minimize your virtuoso level.

(Brian Walters) #34

Thanks Bob, room 6 is nirvana

(Karin Geertsma) #35

Thank you all for the advice, I am planning on taking it fairly easy tomorrow, then doing a more intense HIIT and weight training workout a couple hours prior to breaking my fast.

(đ૯αท ʍ૯ઽƬѳท) #36

Just ended day 4.

Almost caved as I served the family beef shishkebabs and butter mushrooms

(Dustin Glenn) #37

Hey I just finished day 3 in about 8 hrs into day 4, I’ve been drinking a gallon of salt water as a preventative for cramps because I work a physical job, I had no idea I would retain the water. Maybe I’m just in my own head but that doesn’t mess with the shedding of BF for my bhb production does it lol, I wasn’t using it anyway! Keto 4 1/2 months

(Duncan Kerridge) #38

Your body can’t fuel itself with water, so I wouldn’t have thought retaining it would stop the burning of fat for fuel

(Duncan Kerridge) #39

Coming up to 84 hours here, day 3 was the easiest so far - very few hunger pangs or cravings. Went for a 6.5 mile walk last night which was fine. Did 1100m in the pool this morning and felt a lot more tired than normal, think I’ll put the exercise on hold for the rest of the fast.

Blood glucose this morning was 2.9 (52), ketones 6.1. Weight hasn’t moved much this fast (couple of pounds) which is a surprise.

(Brian Walters) #40

Good morning everyone

Day 4 for me, about 85 hours in , 35 hrs to go.

Feeling pretty good. Still have hunger from time to time, but nothing significant. Although, food is starting to look really good.

Yesterday I felt like I had too much caffiene, could kind of feel my heart beating, and my body didnt feel at ease when I laid down to go to sleep last night. I have noticed that I am dreaming a lot more while I am fasting. I feel like my mind is ramped up a little bit. So today, no caffiene for me.

I hope everyone is doing well, we are almost there.

How do you guys plan to break your fast?
Im not sure, but I have been craving the pork rind pancakes that I make. I think I will probably start with half a pancake

This is the recipe I use and modified