3 Weeks In, Not Too Impressed, Ready to Give Up

(Jane) #405

Do you understand the difference between these two words. MAXIMUM… MINIMUM.

@Baytowvin has told you REPEATEDLY the 120 is the MINUMUM. That means… eat AT LEAST 80-120 G protein. You CAN.GO.OVER just like your friend, just like the article YOU LINKED UP.

What makes you think you aren’t burning fat for your main energy source instead of glucose? For some people they become fat-adapted but their hunger never goes away like it does for some. Unfortunately no way to test for fat adaption.

You should use your tracker BUT.ONLY.TRACK carbs to make sure you don’t go over. Track protein TO MAKE SURE YOU AREN’T UNDER. From your posts eating under 80 g protein isn’t an issue so you really only have to track carbs!

It really is that simple. Bring so pissed off will stop your weight loss. I won’t post the science on cortisol because you will skim it, misinterpret it and get even more pissed off.

(Championsidewinder) #406

No, I’m a night owl, I have energy in the morning but most of my no energy is from getting up 4 times I night to pee and I have sleep apnea and wear a mask but I put ice in my reservoir because I cannot breath that hot air so when I get up to pee I have to take mask off and then I come back to bed the air is hot again so instead of getting more ice I just say f it and don’t wear the mash the rest of the night but I was at 260 pounds when I got the mask n stuff and I think I don’t need the mask no more because I lost so much weight, I go to sleep between 11 pm and 1 am, my body is so used to staying up late and can’t seem to go to bed earlier, so I’m not going waste money at a doctor for them worthless f tell me my cholesterol and blood pressure is high, and say keto is bad, because modern medicine is total bs, they just want everyone on pills that’s why they put them damn commercials up on tv, ask your doctor about taking this drug that causes cancer. If I die of a heart attack oh well, at least I’m not pumped full of their poison pills that not even the doctor would take because they know the pills are bad for us

(Championsidewinder) #407

No he said from 80 to 120 that’s because I might be getting to much protein taking me over in net carbs, that’s how I understand it, or I say f it, you all got me so confused

(Ellie) #408

I think sleep is probably a bigger problem for you to solve than diet then!
It is a hard cycle to break once your body gets into a routine of getting up in the night, and not going to bed until late.
Good news on being less reliant on the mask though.


Just don’t do keto. No ones forcing you. You’re way too aggressive and rude on here with people only trying to help. You reject their advice instantly when it doesn’t suit what you think how it should be. It’s like you just come here to vent your rage. Ridiculous. No need for it.

(Championsidewinder) #410

And I think I might be getting to much protein and the only way I can know that is if I log it, and even Ron on this site logs what he eats so he knows where he is on everything and it works for him, so I just need to tweak things a bit, if I get more protein than my body can use it just turns to sugar in my body taking me over in net carbs and taking me out of Ketosis that’s why he said 80 to 120 not up to 154, but if that is not what he was talking about then I am done talking to you ppl, because you are just confusing me more and pissing me off

(matt ) #411

Clean up the tone in this topic or it will be locked

@championsidewinder change your tone or you will be removed from the forum.

We don’t need to hear back from anyone on this. The admins have made their decision so play nice or leave. Simple as that.

(Championsidewinder) #412

Lady, ppl like you really piss me off, I’m not doing that, I just don’t understand what you ppl are talking about, I have been so confused about everything and everyone telling this telling that, I’m like WTF?

(G. Andrew Duthie) #413

Just did a couple of 1-1/2" thick NY steaks from Costco in the sous vide. Didn’t get a pic sliced, but here’s what they looked like after searing:

Avocado oil, salt, and pepper. I think next time I may pick up some sprigs of rosemary, and perhaps toss in a clove or two of garlic, but it was very good.


That looks delicious. Y’all have convinced me I NEED one of these in my life sooner rather than later!!! :smile:

(Championsidewinder) #416

Mmm looks great but too much protein for me

(matt ) #417

I’m suspending you for your tone. Don’t play dumb or play the victim here. Doesn’t work. See ya!

(Championsidewinder) #418

Hun I told Bay that I was at 154 protein so why would he tell me to go over 120? To me 80-120 means in between 80 and 120 because I’m already at 154 max protein and apparently that is too high, do you understand me yet?

(matt ) #419

He’s suspended so save your breath everyone.

(Jane) #420

I am going to try ONE MORE TIME because you can’t read and comprehend. The above is an exact quote.

At this point I don’t think you could manage to understand ANY diet, not even one as simple as keto.

The picture above is NOT TOO MUCH PROTEIN. If you believe otherwise you are just being an obstinate ass and thoroughly enjoying it.

I don’t care if you succeed or not. You are acting like a spoiled second grader who got his candy taken away from him and blaming everyone else for your bad behavior.


You need B12

(TJ Borden) #422

Thanks a lot @devhammer. Now I have to go to the store because my steaks are all frozen, and your pic makes me NEED a steak…or two. :joy:


Don’t eat too much protein!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

(Kirk) #424

Too bad, best purse fight I’ve seen on this forum.

(Running from stupidity) #425

Nice Shawn Baker content :slight_smile:

I vacuum-seal mine when I get home from the markets and then take them straight from the freezer to the sous vide.