Your dogs - let's see them


(Susan) #505

All of the pets are super cute and all looked very loved and happy =).

(Paul H) #506

My baby Kaiah.



Beautiful puppy :slight_smile: I would love to have a husky, but my life is not in husky-friendly form :wink:

(Paul H) #508

She is demanding. Sometimes I wish she was a lazy lab.


I believe you, she must be quite a handful. How old is she?

(Paul H) #510

She is 9 now and her energy has not dropped.


Crazy husky genes :slight_smile: Tara, she is 12 now, was very active and, within a matter of few months, she got very old very quickly :frowning: Now we stick to shorter walks or we go hiking without her.

(Paul H) #512

I hear ya…kinda sad but, we all slow down eventually.


True…but it comes in very handy on busy or rainy days, we just have a big furry couch potato :slight_smile:


Here is Rufus, our 20 week old Labradoodle…

(Susan) #515

I want to cuddle him he is so cute,I had a black poodle from 7-14, then my dad gave him away because they bought a new house with all white carpets and he was bad for making messes when we left the house =(.


LOL! Its actually a girl, but my hubby (bless his heart!) named her Rufus. Cracks me up.

Our other girl is a AKC yellow lab - about 11 years old now…gotta get a pic of her now.

(Susan) #517

Oh sorry, yes I was going by the name. She is a pretty puppy =).


Its confusing, because Rufus really isn’t a girl name…but hubby said he liked the name so he just went with it. I crack up laughing everytime I tell someone, “yeah, Rufus is a girl…” then I have to explain my hubby’s thought process on that.

She’s really a good girl, now that we have a potty schedule with her and understand her “signals”. Also need to hide TP, Papertowel, shoes and purses. She LOVES, and I mean LOVES!!! chewing on stuff! My shoes get “tenderized” each day after work. In the morning, its rough- trying to find the shoes because she hides them. This morning, one of my kids was stranded on the toilet- because Rufus had taken the TP, shredded it in another room, and yeah. So, now we have to keep the bathroom doors shut. I swear, this is like having another baby. I’m a grandma now, so, I wasn’t in the mindset of being a new mom - again. LOL!

(Susan) #519

Hehehe, sounds like my 3 year old grand daughter. She hides our shoes, and gets a hold of all sorts of things, like her auntie’s makeup, etc and ofcourse tries it on, wrecks it, etc.


She figured it out :joy:

(Marianne) #521

Oh, hi honeys!!!


(Marianne) #522

He must be Irish - his eyes are smiling!


(Wendy) #524

(Wendy) #525

Sorry I was having a problem trying to add my Pooches name. Her name is Franny shes my Girl😊