Yesterday was hard

(Lauren) #1

I’m almost 2 weeks in on my keto-ish (under 30g carbs instead of 20g) change in lifestyle. Up until yesterday I didn’t even miss all the carbs I used to stuff my face with. Then yesterday it was like I was hit with the craving truck. All I could think about was the dozens of different ways to make pasta. Most of them involving cheese and bacon.
It was bad enough that I had my fiance come home and move the 3 remaining boxes of pasta (going to my exhusband’s home this weekend) up on top of the cabinets. Yeah, if I broke I could still get them, but that would involve a wobbly chair and I’m afraid of heights.
I actually cried last night while eating my delicious, pasta-less dinner. I made it through without giving in, but it was brutal. I found brushing my teeth helped get me through the worst parts (b/c who wants to eat anything right after brushing?), I’m hoping today will be better.


It will get better…

(David) #3

Those times are horrible, but in just a few weeks you might look on those foods and wonder how they ever had such a hold on you.

You might easily choose not to eat them, even if they are in a bowl in front of you. Hard to believe but true.

I was a compulsive eater of crisps (potato chips) and would eat 150g bag without even noticing. I would eat five bowls of breakfast cereal with full fat milk, double cream and sugar. I would have climbed on that chair to get them.

That was 7 weeks ago. In the beginning I had cravings like you describe. I don’t worry too much about it any more. There are crisps and cereals in the cupboard, but I don’t go there.

What people say on this forum, that food cravings ease and even disappear was true for me. I hope it will be true for you too. The only thing you need to give it is time. Stay strong, and if you give in, don’t give up. Start again. Good luck.

(Lauren) #4

Thank you. I need all the hope I can get. I’m glad my fear of heights is stronger than my cravings.

(Karl L) #5

Very loosely paraphrased from the podcast: pasta by itself is pretty stinking boring. Think of eating a bowl of it lukewarm with no butter, no sauce, etc and it kind of loses its appeal. Full disclosure - I have cravings (day 6) but not for pasta…yet.

(Jennifer) #6

Look into miracle noodles - a Japenese product that is not absorbed in the body. If you prepare them correctly, they are a good pasta knockoff and could help that craving.

Spaghetti squash is also a close substitute.

I find it is a good idea to find a LCHF way to hit those cravings. Then you can get past it and KCKO.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #7


Withdrawal is hard - both the physical and the psychological feelings of withdrawal.

If pasta is your weakness then try telling yourself “Pasta is crap.” Pasta is a drug." “I’m addicted to that damn pasta and I can beat it.”

A recovering meth addict would not leave meth lying around on the kitchen counter and in the cupboards and fridge! Getting rid of carbage is a great step! I wish that one day my kids get on board, because my counters, cupboards and fridge are taunting me.

(Lauren) #9

Luckily my fiance is on board. My kids eat what I make or they are welcome to purchase and make their own. If my fiance was not on board this wouldn’t work with them since he would have carbage in the house. They get carbage at their dad’s house, and I’m careful not to forbid any foods (I just don’t buy them).

(Casey Brown) #11

I understand your struggle. 2 weeks in right now, and last weekend I literally cried because I wanted a cupcake so badly at my niece’s birthday party. Can’t wait till this is passed! Keep calm and keto on!


This helps, and I may go that route - I am the buyer of the groceries, eat well and prosper. However, I don’t always practise what I preach.

(Mike W.) #13

Are you in Ketosis at 30g of carbs?

(Lauren) #14

Well, my blood monitor is not here yet, but as of yesterday morning the ketostix(i have an endless supply b/c my son is type 1) say I am. But even if I wasn’t, my difficulty with cravings wouldn’t be any less valid. :slight_smile:

(Mike W.) #15

Are you sure? I find I have the most cravings the closer I am to being just out of Ketosis.

(Lauren) #16

As sure as I can be w/o a crystal ball…at least until the blood monitor gets here. But again, that’s neither here nor there. Even if I’m wrong, and I’m not in ketosis yet, that doesn’t make this any more or less difficult for me at 2 wks in.

And I apologize if I sound pissy. My 2yr old is being…well…2. And my 1yr old is teething. I hate everyone right now.:unamused:

(Mike W.) #17

I was a wreck at 2 weeks in because I tried to toe the line between being in and out. I was lazy. Just know that it gets easier. Sorry to hear about the kids, at least bourbon is Keto :wink:


I haven’t tried making these yet but they look amazing. i have the ingredients waiting! Sounds like you need some comfort food so why not give them a go and make a great ‘pasta’ sauce to go with? And, like the others have said, it does get easier and it is worth it. xxx

(Jennifer) #19

Cravings hit me most the 4-5 days before my cycle starts and goes till it ends. I cope by eating what I need to (staying keto) till it passes and everything is good again. Like I mentioned above - I find keto replacements as close to my craving as possible and I eat a lot. So far, I have been able to stay keto, but it is hard. Yes, hormones suck, but it is what it is.

I think what the guys are trying to say above is that carbs tend to make cravings worse, and they can creep up without us noticing. I also read somewhere that women’s hormonal cycle can pop women out of ketosis at some points. That could also trigger cravings.

We are just trying to help - everyone is different and everyone’s triggers are different. Good luck figuring it out!

(Lauren) #21

Oh! I didn’t even think about my cycle. That’s due any day now. Also would explain how mean I’ve felt today. And I probably should have mentioned that while my current goal is under 30g/carbs per, most days are at least under 25. Most of that is from leafy veggies. Workibg my way down more and more as I figure out more recipes that work for the family.