Why does Keto bring out underlying issues for me?

(Ashley Sarmany) #1

Hi! I have a dr appt on Tuesday to discuss my out of whack hormones. My dr is Keto friendly, so I’m in good hands, but want to go in with some understanding.

Since I’ve gone keto, all these (clearly) underlying “issues” have appeared. Why were my hormonal issues seemingly dormant when eating a SAD diet, but now they have reared their full on ugly head? Does anyone know why this happens?


Following. My TSH (thyroid) levels went way out of whack when I gave up gluten a few months ago and they seem to still be adjusting now that I’m keto. I’m not going to have blood drawn again until I’ve been at this another month or so but we’ve already had to adjust my thyroid meds once… probably going to need to do so again.

(Allie) #3

I’ve read that often the physical symptoms caused by carb intolerances often mask other issues. Also keto rebalances your hormones so it may be that those type of symptom are getting temporarily worse as part of your healing process

(VLC.MD) #4

You’d have to be more specific to get actionable advice.


I had lots of weird symptoms when I first started about 2 months in. Had something that might have been gout (took supplements and it went away), Had my first UTI in many years which also went away. My sleep is still crap (I get up much earlier than I need to which has never happened to me). I really do feel much better now and I have no idea what caused those other things. I do still get more colds than normal but they are shorter and lighter so not a bad situation

(Ashley Sarmany) #6

Why? My symptoms aren’t important. I was wondering why things seem to go whacky when starting a ketogenic way of eating, I see it time and time again across discussions in keto groups.

(Ashley Sarmany) #7

It’s so weird, these weird things happen to so many people, but then sort themselves out? Bizarre.

(Anderson Herzogenrath Da Costa) #8

Any significant dietary change you introduce may cause hormonal or gut related issues that lasts for some months and sort themselves out once your body adapts and rebalance for your new way of eating.

If you google “effects of sudden change in diet” or “effects of drastic change in diet” you’ll see it’s not exclusive to keto.

(Ashley Sarmany) #9

Off to Google, thanks!


I agree except this has never happened with any other diet. I lost 60 lbs 7 years ago with a moderate carb gluten free diet and had no such problems

(Ashley Sarmany) #11

Same, I have done other diets and this a first for me!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #12

One thing I have read about on these forums is that fat cells can store hormones along with the fat, which then get released once the body starts releasing fat from those cells. Don’t know the study where this idea comes from, but it is certainly plausible.

(VLC.MD) #13

Exactly what goes whacky ?
“Hormones” could mean just about anything from your crankiness to hot flashes to cortisol to insulin.

(Rob) #14

I’ve ‘only’ lost about 25lbs in 9 weeks (water weight, then nothing for a month then falling off) so far but I’ve had several weird reactions as I’ve started eating so much less than I used to. Lack of hunger, IF and the odd minor EF have been eating up old old fat and I would hazard a guess that toxins stored there for the last decade are being released with concomitant side effects. I’ve been obese all my life and the last 10 years have been particularly dietarily abusive so I’m not surprised. I’m also working out the importance of supplementation as I go.

KCKO I guess?

(Ashley Sarmany) #15

Mostly hormones, but blood pressure goes up for some, sleeping issues, food intolerances show, etc.

(Ashley Sarmany) #16

Yes, I’ve read and heard this as well. Just wondering why when I lost 20 pounds with weight watchers nothing like what’s happening to me now, occurred (hair loss, high SBGH, food intolerances).


Im also curious which hormones you mean, if youre happy to share. Im been having issues with cortisol (or with my adrenals deciding not to produce it!). HGH was reported as fine (though was on the low side, but not in the bad range), and had my pituitary checked (all fine there). So i will be able to see whether the keto died has any impact on production of cortisol. Should be interesting!
If the docs find out it’s Addison’s, then i imagine that medication will be the only thing that will actually increase cortisol levels. But if it’s not, then perhaps I can maximise the amount of cortisol already available to my system by being in ketosis? …?

All the best!


Yes, my blood pressure has gone up consistently month by month for the past 6 months.
See the Doc again in a month, so I am reducing salt to see if that could be the issue, and trying to stick to Omega 3 as majority fat. We shall see! I feel fantastic, so I’m not going to stop this WOE and have lost 53lb since June 22nd


But Weight Watchers changes nothing, except for the quantity of what you were already eating. I have lost 100lb doing WW and it all came back plus some! I was hungry every single day!

(Ashley Sarmany) #20

Right, but if fat cells hold toxins and that might be the reason hormones go crazy, you’re still losing fat with WW do what’s the difference? Not adding up with me. I’m not buying it, I think it’s specific to keto. Just my opinion.