Why does Keto bring out underlying issues for me?


Yes, but on WW you’re still consuming carbs while losing fat through caloric restriction. Carbs is the difference.

(Ashley Sarmany) #22

I just wonder what makes it different, curious minds want to know! :slight_smile:


May be the carbs consumption in other diets dulls the crap that is going on in our bodies? Sugar is a high!


That is concerning. Do you have a home machine? Any reasons, other markers go up? How much are you going up

(Mike W.) #25

I seriously can’t love this comment enough :joy:


Its very high, but I have also been under stress lately, am going through the menopause, and am always tested as soon as I arrive at the Docs. I don’t like going there, so I’m sure that also takes effect. Sitting down for 30 mins while someone tells me to eat dash, is my idea of hell! Ignorant, arrogant, and condescending!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #27

One thing that is different is probably the level of insulin in the bloodstream; i.e., lower on keto. We know that has all sorts of effects, since high insulin levels promote inflammation, etc. Just a wild guess, but perhaps without the stimulation of constant high insulin levels, the body is free to readjust more easily, and if the fat cells are now releasing hormones and toxins, then the body has to deal with all that as part of the healing process. (I am just guessing here; I know of no scientific proof of these thoughts.)

(Ashley Sarmany) #28

I like where you’re going with this!


Consuming body fat will absolutely release toxins and bump hormones. This is of great concern in pets, usually a pet loosing weight can be dangerous to fatal.


For around $50 you can get a reasonably accurate electronic blood pressure cuff. If you pay a little more it may keep a record that you can download and give to your doctor.

If blood pressure is an issue you should be measuring it regularly, not every 3 months. As you said, a relaxed place such as home would be much better. There is something called white coat syndrome where people get elevated pressure exclusively in the doctors office. Most pharmacies have machines too.

I am a little concerned that it is going up. It is one thing if it always got to a certain number but a trend makes me question