Why do I have low days?

(Helen terlesk) #1

Hi been on keto for nearly 3 months. Why do I have random days where I feel so fatigued, no energy … feel like I’m dragging around a 20kilo weight! Can’t think of anything specific that would cause it, nothing that I can think of that I’ve eaten. In fact it happens more when I’m strict than when I have a cheat day?

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #2

(Susan) #3

Maybe this is why it is happening, because you have cheat days? I don’t cheat and have never had this problem, so that might be the reason you are having the down days.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #4

@Momof5 :+1:

Depending on how frequent and how much carbs you ingest on your ‘cheat days’ you could potentially undue everything you’ve gained from ketosis for the past several days. In fact, frequently enough and you might not even be in ketosis at all. So it’s something to consider seriously.


(Helen terlesk) #5

Thanks I did think it might be salt