It does take time to work up to being able to do certain exercises and that’s the whole point of them, as it’s through that process that our health and fitness is improved.
You can use anything for pull-ups, even a towel thrown over a low tree branch. Half of the battle is training your mind to figure out how to be able to do the things that will benefit your body.
I use the free Nike Training App for when I’m on the road and have no access to equipment or a gym. It’s great and there’s filters for your fitness level, equipment required (or not) etc. There’s also the option to choose between rep-based or time-based workouts.
I love that it’s quite comprehensive, even have yoga/stretching workouts that you can do right after the HIIT session.
I don’t understand. The whole point of CC is a gradual progression, and I don’t think you need any equipment at all for the first several steps of the exercises. From what I remember, by the time you get to step 3 of the pullups you need some kind of sturdy bench or chair and then later you do need a pull up bar, but otherwise there’s not much equipment in that book.
The first step of bridge - which actually he doesn’t recommend until you’re further on the others, if memory serves - is just shoulders on the floor pushing the pelvis up.
CC is a fantastic way to slowly get your joints ready for weight bearing exercise. It takes time and patience but it’s a great system.
[ETA: sorry, I see that you and Allie already had a conversation about this…]
Hey buddy, try looking around some here. There are good examples on what Calisthenics is and what it can do for you. It’s old school stuff, that people have been doing for thousands of years before gyms and weights were invented.
There is no such thing. You could ask a dozen different people and get all different answers based on what they personally like to do. You have to examine how the different exercise modalities affect your day to day life.
Strength training - more able to lift heavy things in real life, preserves muscle as you age.
Mobility/yoga - move easier IRL, avoid or mitigate injuries from the inevitable chronic tightness of modern sedentary life.
Walking - low impact exercise that gets you moving, enjoy nature, stress reducer
Sprints - increase VO2 max, leg power.
Jogging - not actually sure tbh, I guess increases in aerobic capacity but I’m not actually sure how useful this is if you’re just jogging slowly.
There are plenty of other modalities that are basically just some combination of strength, mobility, and aerobic capacity. My personal focus would be on strength, mobility and balance, since those are what degrade for old people and land them in the hospital, assuming chronic disease doesn’t get you.
In my opinion “working up a sweat for the sake of working up a sweat” is the least productive way to exercise.
Because almost everything I want from exercise I get from resistance and mobility work. (I supplement that with lots of walking and some yoga, neither of which I really think of as “exercise;” I just like moving.)
There were several that I could actually start on in the middle of the progression but I took his advice and started at the beginning until I easily met the progression standard to move on to the next level up. (his advice on banking strength)
Pullups and handstand stuff were not easy for me and took a long time to progress but I did the very first step for a while. Getting the neurology right (motor neurons recruiting motor units efficiently) takes time and proper recovery. But I think his progressions are worthwhile.
Yes, this ^!
I’m now doing some gymnastic strength training and from everything that I’ve read, you can’t underestimate the importance of slow progression! It’s a gradual adaptation not just for the muscles but for all of the soft tissue that supports the joints.
in Convict Conditioning 2 he goes into how to make bulletproof joints (getting back into my old wrestling neck bridges again, woot, and fingertip pushups) as well as some additional progressions. But the big 6 in the first book are enough to get started for a good long time!
Seriously, for me, I like being outside, I can cover more distance in the same amount of time as walking, I can start right outside my house, and I only need a pair of running shoes. Now that I can run more than a mile without dying, I actually find jogging enjoyable.
Keep in mind Convict Conditioning was developed by someone who was confined to a cell, or cellblock for the most part without access to many things those who are not incarcerated would have.
So some of the progressions could be better, but it’s a good start for building up the basics. I started with Convict Conditioning, now use gymnastic rings that I got training video/program on from
But I again, suggest you find something you enjoy doing. I feel like a kid on the rings, so it doesn’t feel like work or something I have to do.
Not meaning to be rude, but are you always this negative? It seems you’re finding arguments against everything that’s suggested (without even having tried it?) and only focusing on what you cannot do rather than thinking about what you can do.
Comfort zones are personal prison cells. If you want to stay in yours that’s cool, but you can’t expect to make any progression / changes in life without pushing your way out of it.
Actually that is rude and I will ask you to back up your claim. I haven’t said anything that’s negative. I’ve asked questions and it seems you either don’t like them or can’t answer them. Please don’t use that as a weapon in the discourse I find that deeply offensive