What's everyone eat for breakfast?

(Ashley) #81

Sounds health and weight related to me. Trying to put his kids on a healthy lifestyle early on to nip obesity in the butt!

(Maureen) #82

Hi I have half avocado fried egg with one slice of baaacon :grin:

(Carissa JB) #83

It may be only coffee with unsweetened vanilla almond milk or it may be a huge breakfast of several eggs and a huge rare seared London broil. Or Maybe just a cup of low carb yogurt…It just depends on my mood…

(Door Girl) #84

Black coffee. Whenever I have breakfast I’m ravenous the rest of the day. Even when it is a delightful meal. Like today, with sausages, and scrambled eggs with cheddar. I can pull off breakfast at 11 or later, but if I eat breakfast at normal breakfast time I’m back to my old Hungry Hungry Hippo days.

(Hungry Hungry Hippos is a game where you try to make your hippo gobble up all the game pieces. It’s how I describe the feeling where I just want to put my mouth at the edge of the table and shovel in all the things.)

(Bob M) #85

Not sure I understand your grammar. What do you think is healthier: cereal with milk (or almond milk, which is what the vegetarians drank) or eggs and meat? I believe the latter. And it’s definitely the latter if you have the genes to gain weight on a high carb diet, as my kids do. Capiche?


I think the approach is good, having fresh food with loads of fat and protein is vital for kids, my parents did the same ages ago and i had tons of fresh home cooked dishes that were often meat and carbs were more minority. Ended up being 6’2 and taller than my dad, all men from moms side were shorter too so definetly a win for me. No way in hell id ever think that any sugar bomb in the morning would be good for anyone.

I think i perceived ur post wrong cause it gave me an image of a diet that is very low on carbs and got me curious, when theres nothing wrong with having some complex carbs in moderation. Also i was confused why you replied to me with ur kids diet as it had nothing to do with my post.