What workout are you currently doing?

(Brian Moody) #21

You can create variety, but it centers around the 4 major movements - Squats, Deadlifts, Bench, and a shoulder press.

(Adam Kirby) #22

I do primarily bodyweight training. I am currently doing a simple pullup/dip/overhead press combo while I wait for my shoulder impingement to fully heal. The OHP is mainly to address severe deficiency in my overhead pressing strength, since I am too weak to do headstand pushups which is my eventual goal. Pistol squats for the legs. Also stretching when I can remember to do it.

(Kirk Evans) #23

Lift for 1 hour, followed by 30 minutes cardio (bike 1 day, stairmaster the next, elliptical the next). There is a lot of variation in which exercises I do for each muscle group.

Monday - Bicep/tricep
Tuesday - Legs, plank
Wednesday - Chest/lat
Thursday - Legs, plank
Friday - Shoulders/back
Saturday - Legs/plank
Sunday - off

Number of reps varies. Sometimes it is reps of 15, 3-4 sets, sometimes it is less reps with more weight, sometimes the focus is on contracting quickly and releasing slowly over 5 seconds, sometimes it is 10-to-1ā€™s.

10-to-1ā€™s are the ones that really kill me (in a good way). 10 reps, hold halfway for 10 seconds, then immediately start 9 reps, hold 9 secondsā€¦ all the way down to 1. If you get to a point you have to rest, rest for just 15 seconds and then start up again where you left off.

(Tom) #24

Iā€™ve listened to their podcasts and always wondered how well it would work. Iā€™m particularly intrigued by their bodyweight program (I think itā€™s the ā€œWhiteā€ one). Have you messed with that one at all?

(Tom) #25

I dunno if itā€™s still on sale, but I saw that his kindle books were promoted at 99 cents recently.

(Alex Dipego) #26

I havenā€™t done white as I just donā€™t have the funding for it currently. I would like to have it eventually because their programs show a lot of progress as it is and I travel for long periods and could use something like it. Iā€™m more interested in prime currently but white is on my list of to buy

(Jamie Hayes) #27

With respect, youā€™ve found yourself a very time-consuming hobby.

Seeking ā€œMinimum Effective Doseā€ or ā€œMax Returns for Minimum Timeā€ Iā€™m on the complete opposite end of the spectrum.

I do one set of 5 compound exercises at the gym for about 30 minutes each Sunday morning. And so, my rest between sets is one week.

But my set is probably more intense as I use a weight that gets me to concentric failure at around 80 to 100 seconds. (Muscles canā€™t count reps!) Most weights sets last 10 to 20 seconds. (Time yourself.) The shorter set is more ATP energy system focused, whereby the longer set is more lactic acid energy system focused.

Yesā€¦ I do do the occasional functional training stuff at home with small cheap equipment like 12 kg slam ball and push up handles.

Despite the huge time difference in our workouts, weā€™re all better off than those who donā€™t!

(Lauren Casapulla) #28

StrongLifts 5x5, and itā€™s my second time using this program. My partner and I do the lifting in our garage gym (barbell, squat stand, bench).

Edit: since I play a sport, Iā€™ll note that roller derby practice is at least 2 nights per week and 2 hours or longer. It is mostly endurance mixed with bodyweight strength work. And fun.

(Amy Wallis Hamilton) #29

Iā€™ve done everything, but right now Iā€™m in love with 2 programs - Body Pump and Body Combat, both Les Mills programs. I also am a dancer and take ballet and jazz classes. :slight_smile:

(Steven Judd) #30

Convict Conditioning on Monday and Friday, hiit on the elliptical on Tuesday, Thursday, and either Saturday or Sunday.


totally forgot about that, i wish my wrist were not as knackered as they are.

(Omar Newsome) #32

Iā€™m doing a version of the Catalyst Athletics beginner Oly split. Iā€™ve added some hypertrophy and met-con type stuff to the 3 day split of Snatch/C&J/Jerk.

(G. Andrew Duthie) #33

Still going with StrongLifts 5x5ā€¦

Iā€™ve gone from:

  • 45 to 135 lbs on Squat
  • 45 to 90 lbs on Bench
  • 45 to 85 lbs on OH Press
  • 65 to 110 lbs on Barbell Row
  • 95 to 175 lbs on Deadlift

over the course of 6 weeks.

Started with a crappy plastic/concrete weight set and a rusty bar, and recently bought an olympic bar with 300 lbs worth of steel plates. Been using a home-made rack for squats and benching, but as the challenge has ramped up, I finally ordered a proper power cage for better safety since I lift at home, and donā€™t have a spotter (or bumper plates). Arrives on Monday.

So far, Iā€™m very happy with StrongLifts 5x5. The app (I use the Android app) makes it easy to keep track of progress, what I need to load from session to session and set to set, etc. Thereā€™s a paid version of the app, but Iā€™ve yet to need any of its features.

Itā€™s been a very good program for my needs.

(Zack F) #34

I roll like you Jaimie. I do something like Doug McGuffā€™s ā€œBig Fiveā€ or maybe something a little different to shake things up. It comes to 3-7 sets per week total.

(Jennifer S) #35

@lauren01ā€™s partner here. :blush:

I started stronglifts 5x5 on 2/9/17. Most recently lifted:

Squat: 120 lbs
Deadlift: 160 lbs
Bench: 80 lbs
Row: 95 lbs
Still struggling with OH Press @ 75 lbs.

I love the program, especially because I spend only 3 hours a week doing it and Iā€™m lifting more weight than I would have imagined in this amount of time. Every time I load the bar it scares me a little, but in a good way.

(Adam Hagen) #36

nSuns CAP3, itā€™s been interesting getting used to it but it seems like a good program so far.

(G. Andrew Duthie) #37

Restarted StrongLifts 5x5 about a week ago, after a foot injury that kept me out of the cage for 6 weeks.

Bummed at the progress lost, but getting back into it.

(Ross) #38

I more or less follow Pavel Tsatsoulineā€™s workout published in ā€œPower To The Peopleā€ & ā€œBeyond Crunchesā€.

Iā€™ve added wide grip pull-ups to better counter-balance the benchpress.

3-5 sets of 3-5 reps for most/all.

I tend to pair lifts so i can get do a second exercise while recovering from the fist.

Typical workout:

Sumo Deadlift (sets of 225# to 300#)
Wide Grip Pull-Up on the cage between deads (3 to 5 sets of 5 to 7 reps)

Bench Press (sets of 225# to 250#)
Jackknife Push-ups (abs - like a dynamic plank)

Standing one arm side press with dumbbell (shoulders and cross-loads abs) (50# to 70# dumbells)
dumbbell curls. (25# to 30# dumbells up to 7 or 8 reps)

I find I can get a full body workout in 30 min if I donā€™t screw around too much with this setup.

(Michael) #39

Iā€™ve been doing ice cream fitness (the cutting version, with almost all accessory lifts cut out bc Iā€™m lazy after working and going to school full time lol). Alternating workout A and B each workout.

-Bench Press
-Barbell rows
-Barbell Curls

-Overhead press
-Barbell rows
-Close grip bench press

On workout A days I can finish in ab 35-40 minutes, and on workout B days I can knock it out around 45 minutes. 3 times a week. Been adding weight to my lifts every other workout on average.

(Kevin Wrigglesworth) #40

I start this workout a few months back and it has been very good.