What fat do you use to pan/shallow fry?

(Adriana) #21

My mom uses lard for desserts (empanadas or pies), tamales, tortillas, etcetera and I always found a pig like flavour when eating them, hahahaha. Maybe it´s the type she uses?

I’ll have to try using it for savory food, I found a really good butcher shop a few blocks from my house and they have tallow and lard at really good prices.

(Edith) #22

Lard can be made from back fat or the fat around the kidneys. It is the fat around the kidneys that creates a mild flavored lard. It is called leaf lard. The lard rendered from the back fat has a stronger flavor. I believe it is leaf lard that is used when making pie crusts, etc.

I can only get hydrogenated lard that has preservatives in it at my local grocery stores, so I bought some back fat and rendered my own lard. It was pretty easy. It’s not grass fed pork, but I figure its got to be better than the stuff at the grocery store. And, the fat was only a dollar a pound.

(TJ Borden) #23

See, you learn something new on keto everyday. I assumed it was to fool vegans.

(Raj Seth) #24

TJ - now you gotta buy me a new keyboard - spewing diet coke allover mine broke it

(Adriana) #25

Oh, I didn´t knew that! Thank you for sharing.
That’s why I always tasted pig when eating my mom’s food :joy:
Now I’ll have to ask how the lard from the butcher shop was made :thinking:

(Allie) #26

Butter normally. Sometimes coconut oil or lard, but butter is my preference for taste.