What did you NOT eat today?


(Empress of the Unexpected) #446


(Carissa JB) #447

That’s awesome !


Well, what I did not eat or even put a dent in yet… is what one of our center shelves on the Fridge door is now being used for. :stuck_out_tongue: … I usually just eat one square (sometimes two) after a meal, 2 or 3 times a week. - Being that each bar has 10 squares, I’m thinking these should last a 1/2 a Year! :smile:

(Wendy) #449


(Wendy) #450

I love those!


Yep, same here. :slight_smile: … But do limit myself to just 1 or sometimes 2 squares, and only a few nights a week.

Also did another meat run today. Picked up a full NY Steak Slab, yielded about 22 (1"Steaks). … Also for a Full Filet Mignon, which yielded about (8, at 1") (Have 3 of those in the Sous Vide for couple hours before searing) Also picked up a Duck, a Spiral Ham, 32 - Sirloin Burgers, 2 packs County (Cube) Steak & two packs of dogs. (Smoked Sausage and Uncured Beef Knockwurst) And another 5 lb. pack of thick cut Bacon. … The Duck will be for next weekend. :slight_smile: … Held off on going out to get some Peking Duck this weekend. :slight_smile:

Oh, and they were kind enough to give us some thick chunks of scraps for the pups. :slight_smile: Top right.

What did you Keto today? Part Deux!
(Laurie) #452

What’s that on the right? It looks like what my Finnish coworkers used to call “fish-eye puuro” (tapioca pudding).

(Wendy) #453

Olive oil and a little Parmesian. That was totally keto. :slight_smile: It was my son’s birthday and he chose this Italian place. I had a ribeye. Yum! It had a sauce, probably soy with something, but it was delish and as keto as I saw on the menu. I asked for no fries, then she offered me mashed potatoes. :blush: I just said no thanks, I don’t eat potatoes. They did throw on a very small portion of green salad on the side. I added a bit more olive oil.


Hey, Wendy, you posted a picture. :grinning:

Great job! :+1:

(Wendy) #455

That’s because I did it directly from my camera. I just can’t figure out how to find the picture files that I want if I take them earlier.
Thank you for noticing though! :blush:


I still have faith, Wendy!

(Mike W.) #457

Unfortunately part of my current position is peddling this swill. We just got a new flavor and figured I would give it a try…NOOOOOOOOPE! 2 entire days of carbs in one bottle. Needless to say I’ll just imagine what it tastes like and go eat a steak :joy:


:laughing: :laughing:

Tell us what you really think, Mike. :grin:

No chance of you sampling the product, huh?

(Mike W.) #459

Our ginger beer made a HELL of a tasty Moscow mule, but alas. Here we are :tumbler_glass:

(Alex ) #460

A double whammy of avoidance here… the sour jelly beans are probably the MOST moreish thing I’ve ever eaten - just ridiculous levels of gorge and sugar fest (dad is currently eating) and the cake bars are my mothers favourite tipple, she is currently destroying 2-3 multipacks of these on a weekly basis…

Avoidance hath prevailed…

Seriously UK people, DO NOT try the jelly beans, they are like crack cocaine confectionery.



(Running from stupidity) #462

Deconstructed taco. My wife’s lunch. I’m fasting until at least tomorrow.


I was about to say, “You posted to the wrong thread.”

Then it occurred to me, it would be harder to avoided food you could eat, for the sake of fasting, then foods you shouldn’t eat.

Great job, Mate! :+1:

(Janelle) #464

I saw Fanrastic Beasts - The Crimes of Grindelwald in the theater yesterday and did not eat any :popcorn:. I did get a little annoyed at all the crunching going on around me. I guess you don’t notice it when you’re crunching it yourself!


The Chicken Gizzards that have been slow cooking all day long! … Somehow ended up with Salmon, with all the fixings. Which was quite good BTW, but now those poor Gizzards will have to wait another whole day. :smile: