What did you learn today?


I know enough about my immediate family!

I don’t even want to think about the ancestors I don’t know. :wink:

(Running from stupidity) #666

Experience is the best teacher, and all that :slight_smile:


My grandpa did a similar thing :wink: he married my grandma while he was still married to his first wife…he spent 6 month in navy “prison” :joy::woman_facepalming:

(Running from stupidity) #668

WTF is wrong with these [spoiler]crazy[/spoiler] people men?

TWO wives? Why invent trouble for yourself?

(KetoQ) #669

When I was having my heart attack and they were wheeling me into the OR for my angioplasty, one of the nurses literally stopped the gurney to ask if I had insurance.

I calmly told her I was insured and that I gave the front desk to the ER my insurance info when I checked in (as I was feeling off the morning of my heart attack).

True story.

(Ellen) #670

That’s some next level shit, I’m glad you recovered.


same. plus the world is gonna blow any minute now :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


:metal::metal::metal: Blows my mind

(Ellen) #673

So question for @anon2571578 @PaulL @dlc96_darren @Gaff and any others that could answer; if you’re depressed and try to off yourself (but someone found you) what would happen and being insured or not make a difference?

(KetoQ) #674

Fortunately, it really wasn’t a problem, as I received good care and made a full recovery. But I hate to think of some people with serious health problems without the benefit of insurance – that’s some real next level shit.

But on the flip side, my insurer didn’t want to cover my bill. That was another story in itself. They tried to assert that I had a pre existing condition and tried to hide it from them.

In the end, the insurer didn’t have a leg to stand on and had to pay up. But they punished me by jacking up my monthly premiums to over $1,200 US per month.

So yes, the health care system here in the US is broken on a lot of different levels.

I’m just wondering, as the baby boomers are now starting to reach their 70’s – some may have no insurance, or inadequate insurance – for the coming surge in age related and other end of life illnesses, and what that might mean.

For people who have never been sick and have insurance, the nasty surprise is that there are a lot of out of pocket costs, and they start to add up and get overwhelming when you have a serious illness.

(Ellen) #675

Yep, never wanted kids but this doesn’t seem like a good time to be bringing more people into the world.

(Running from stupidity) #676

Yeah, always my philosophy as well. It’s not like we’re trending UPWARDS.


Don’t know about the insurance but they’ll lock you in a psychiatric facility for at least 72 hours while they determine if you’re still a threat to yourself. These sort of laws can be dependent on which state you’re in. But if you tried to overdose and then someone took you to the hospital, they’re obligated to try and save you, and you will be getting their bill.

(Ellen) #678

That’s roughly £1000 per month, how the hell do people afford that? That amount plus my rent would leave me with maybe enough to eat for the month if stuck to OMAD definitely no extras.

(Ellen) #679

[spoiler]Fucking[/spoiler] hell, 'cos that wouldn’t make you feel even worse. I would’ve either tried again where no one could find me or still be in debt. Your system baffles & scares me. Discord needs a dislike button.

(KetoQ) #680

You’re right, people can’t afford those kinds of rates. The insurance companies keep raising rates on people like me until they can’t afford it.

You used to be able to get good group health rates through an employer. Now the nature of work and the “free agent” economy have changed the way many people are compensated and insured.

We were able to get better rates through Obama Care. But those rates have gone up over the past year. Now we’re getting health insurance through my wife’s employer. Its still expensive, but much more affordable than what we’ve had to pay the past 10 years or so.

That said, I’m broke. I’ve gone through all of my savings and 401ks. I’m officially paycheck to paycheck with my credit cards maxed out. If I or my wife get really sick, then it will definitely be bankruptcy. And I am afraid there are many other people in my position. They just may not want to admit it.


Like I said, America hates poor people. There’s a reason why a disproportionate number of poor people join the military - just to get benefits like decent healthcare and education. It’s set up that way by design.

(Running from stupidity) #682

Even living down here I know you’re absolutely correct.


I agree…my husband and I decided we dont want kidd

(Scott) #684

I can do better than that.

$1900.00 monthly for me and the wife with a $3000.00 deductible for each before first dollar covered. Does not cover prescriptions either.

I haven’t ever had insurance pay a single dollar on me but the wife has once.