What did you learn today?


I think these kinds of things always deserve a response along the lines of “Hmm. I’ve never tried it that way, so I don’t know if it would work. I always try to keep my recipes as healthy as possible with real, whole foods and plenty of healthy fats, which of course are so good for us. Substituting would probably up the carb counts, too. Yikes!” :grin:

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #1530

Hope all is well!

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #1531

Better yes. Thanks for checking.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #1536

I learned more about the immigration system. Judge closed Kevin’s removal proceedings case and said we don’t have to go to Immigration Court. We can just go through USCIS. That is a good thing. Nine months from now, Kevin will have a green card! He has to go to Honduras for two weeks for his consulate appointment- and dad is frantic - with reason. But I feel it will all work out.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #1537

I’m being goofy here - but it is in line with what I learned today. Lawyer is really good, and the “hardship” letter does not involve any fraud. But they need letters from friends and family about my “bond” with Kevin. How I depend on him. (Hell’s bells, I pay his phone bill.) We were eating a celebratory dinner, and I was suddenly admiring his perfect brows, His English is getting really good, and he thanked me and told me where to get such brows. Tell me that is not mother and son bonding! :heart: Kevin is so American. He fits right in.


I started a topic in Science about it after all. It explains why removing fructose decreases insulin.


Should I split and merge this conversation over to the new topic?

(Kirk) #1541

I learned I’m not as old as the clock says.

We were light on crew for an apartment fire across the street from the fire hall, so this 63 year old geezer was inside, full gear and SCBA. God, I miss doing that shit

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #1542

Thank you for your service.

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #1543

Interesting to read your updates on Kevin and not at all goofy! I love a good set of eyebrows, in fact I always analyze them :joy: I don’t think I ever realized what a long and tedious process it is to become a US citizen

(KCKO, KCFO) #1544

I think this topic should be it’s own thread. Go for it @carolT.

It is a very good discussion.


Done. Sorry for any loss of context in the move.

(Karim Wassef) #1546

pickle sandwiches???!! woohoo

(Little Miss Scare-All) #1547

Today, I learned that (for the 9482399393th time) it’s worth taking the time to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and frame of mind, sometimes. Especially if that person is special to you. So many disagreements can come to a much better ending when you drop assumptions and hug things out. :heart:

(bulkbiker) #1548

Although I’m not so sure the lady at the checkout thought the same after our disagreement…?:laughing:

(KCKO, KCFO) #1549

I am so going to try this. I love my pickles, make a lot of them myself or use Bubbies or Clausens. I used to eat pickle sandwiches, a piece of bread cut in half and filled with slices of pickles. Yumm.


I learned (again) today, that I have WAY more energy than my much younger co-workers. Good Lord! Even while fasting, actually, especially while fasting. Its mind boggling until one begins to understand the science…thank you Dr. Fung!!!

So I worked 10 hours today. Unloaded a truck with my boss. She scanned, I stacked totes and cases around the stockroom…over 200 of them. Didn’t even take a break afterwards. Didn’t need to. Chugged salted water all day. Never missed a beat. Finishing my shift, not sure what got into me, but I did that little jump-skip thing in the air and my co-worker (24 yrs old) completely freaked. She squealed…and after calming down, asked what the hell had I been drinking in the stock room. LOL!

Third thing I learned is that I exercise absolutely no finesse or common sense when breaking a semi-lengthy fast. First thing I ate? Iced tea. Green salad. Steak. Steamed broccoli and a side of butter. I could only eat half the steak and broccoli, but the butter I horked down like ice cream. I feel fine, btw.

So, today was a great day for learning. And, breaking the fast.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #1551

Now we know how to get on your good side: butter you up—literally! :grinning::grinning:

(Alec) #1552

It makes perfect Stone Age sense, doesn’t it? No food coming in, the human brain must become sharper and quicker and energy must be available to enable improved hunting skills and energy to go get some food.


LOL! Yes, I love my butter. I’ve got my whole family eating real butter—not “I Can’t Believe this Bullshit Excuse for butter” stuff.

When confounded, my daughter and I both exclaim, “Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit!”

Butter is good.