What did you learn today?


I have been listening to the The Keto Cure by Jimmy Moore and Dr. Adam Nally and learned that it takes 18 to 24 months on a keto diet to overcome insulin resistance. Since I have lost the weight and gained the energy, I thought that I was ‘cured.’ I guess the effects of insulin resistance can be quickly managed, but the cure takes a bit longer. Who knew…

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #22

Exercise helps reduce insulin resistance. Or so I hear. I certainly couldn’t tell you from personal experience, lol!

(Running from stupidity) #23



No doubt why Jason likes the idea :slight_smile:


Love never fails, but sometimes we do.

On the other hand I’d rather be loved and overweight, and even diabetic, than be unloved.

But my preference is loved and healthy weight.

I think the wise and mystical East really is your spiritual home.

(KCKO, KCFO) #24


Effects of a low carbohydrate diet on energy expenditure during weight loss maintenance: randomized trial.

I love my way of eating.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #25

Yesterday I learned that if my HTC U11 phone with it’s type C usb port says it’s not compatible with a converter I bought on Amazon that states it IS compatible and it actually works with a pair of regular head phones while I’m moving along with post-Christmas cleaning to not be surprised when the phone dies and never comes back on again, even when I take it to the place and they try everything to help.

And I learned to just put the new phone on a payment plan instead of forking out cash for it because I could go home and watch my computer crash to death and not have any money at all to even get a cheap Chrome book.

Thankfully my wonderful son brought his laptop over so I can chat with you good folks and watch Netflix until payday.

Ah fate, you fickle biotch.

(Running from stupidity) #26

So many good Chromebooks coming out these days!

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #27

When I first read about them I was afraid to give it a try but I only use my laptop to store some photos and use the internet. My sis in law and brother educated me about them and I think I’m going to give it a try. Based on my needs, it seems silly for me to spend so much on laptops every 2 years (the screen always goes before the hard drive).

(Running from stupidity) #28

You and 90 percent of the population, I reckon.

Even I’m thinking about it for my next portable device (that’s not my phone), whenever that is, and I’m pretty hardcore.


Good God, what do you do with your laptops? I’ve had them last for years, and the screens always keep working.

As far as Chromebooks, I’m using one right now, and I store all my photos on Google Photos with their unlimited storage.

Edit: because I can’t spell. :woozy_face:

(Running from stupidity) #30

I’ve still got my Surface Pro 3, and it’s AWESOME.

But at some point, it will die, and there’s NO WAY I need anything like that level now.

As far as Chromebooks, I’m using one right now, and I store all my photos on Goggle Photos with their unlimited storage.

Yeah, that’s great, for sure. They really nail most people’s usecases.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #31

I don’t know. I built a lazy susan for my laptop so I could turn it back and forth without actually touching it because apparently the big baby of a screen can’t handle being opened or closed or tilted or moved without having a seizure and dying after two years. That or I’m just buying the wrong thing. The last laptop I had that lasted a long time was a Toshiba and it just got old and died. These other’s (HP and Dell) didn’t last long.

I should probably add that I don’t have a television and the laptop serves all of my media needs so I probably handle it a whole lot more than intended.


We have this same issue although we normally get a bit longer than two years. We have to semi close the lid if we step away or the cat sits on it & butt posts :slightly_smiling_face:

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #33



Well for sure, if you spend a couple hundred dollars on a Chromebook, and it goes out, it won’t hurt as much as a $500 one.

I have a 13" Dell Chromebook right now, that I really love, but if I get another one anytime soon, I’ll probably get a slightly bigger 14 or 15 inch screen, like this:


It’s mostly gibberish but I wouldn’t like to risk anything legible getting out :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

(Running from stupidity) #36

I highly recommend this site. It’s run by a journalist I know, and he’s very good, very thorough, very honest.

Like all of us journos, basically.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #37

Thanks for the link. My son has a Lenovo laptop that I’m using right now and it’s pretty nice. It does seem to have a loud fan (heat sink??) or whatever keeps it cool. But I could live with that, for sure!

(Running from stupidity) #38

Loud fans are annoying, for sure. My SP3 hisses like a cobra when I put it under a decent load (Photoshop, etc).

However, a loud fan is a small price to pay for a working computer, so everything is relative :slight_smile:

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #39

You know it! I’d take constant ghetto rap playing in the back ground if I could have my stupid computer back in working order. Sigh. It’s time for me to move on.

(Running from stupidity) #40

Hmmm, I GUESS…