What did you Keto today?


Idaho…potatoes!!! How could you refuse??? Oh, yeah, keto!!! :smiley:


looks so good!:yum:

(Jane) #9022

I know and I am a weird one who doesn’t like it! I always had to ask for regular butter for my roll. Never ate more than one before keto. Now of course that would be none.


Actually, I’ve heard a few folks mention they didn’t like it either and preferred regular butter. (And yes, they too had to request them to bring regular butter) But I still think if you were to take a poll, most do like it. The wife loves them, and I have to say I found them pretty good myself. But as you say, that won’t be a choice tonight. I have steak on my mind! :slight_smile:

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #9024

Me too

(Sophie) #9025

Looks awesome! Did you use the Oat Fiber or something else?

(Mandy) #9026

Naw, I tried the oat fiber recipe but I could not get it work for me. for pancakes or waffles. I took a bread recipe from ruled.me for pumpkin bread and used it in my waffle maker. It uses psyllium husk powder. Perfect texture and taste.

(Sophie) #9027

Thanks! I wasn’t sure the oat fiber would work for waffles. I know the pancakes are very tender and you have to let it really cook well, almost to the point where you think “oh god, I’m burning it” before flipping them, at least that’s running through my mind when I make them. :+1:


(Ellie) #9029

Friday night is pizza night.
Carlshead base, cream cheese and pesto sauce, mozzarella, goats cheese, spicy chicken and Parma ham toppings. I wonder how I’ll cope!

(Mike W.) #9030

That looks great! Do you have a recipe? I miss cornbread with my BBQ…

(Mike W.) #9031

Starting carnivore tomorrow. I guess I better “practice” :wink:


Today’s Lunch options at work:
—chicken wings
—hot dogs (all beef)
—vegan chili w/ quinoa and “mystery meat”

I took 1 hot dog, no bun, and 4 chicken wings. Also added yellow mustard to the dog, plus a few tomato slices & a couple of dill pickle spears.

(MelissaH) #9033

What is cacao butter? I’m intrigued

(Clint Phelps) #9034

Quick and dirty bacon and pepperoni carlshead pizza. I was having a bad day and almost ordered delivery. Proud that I resisted.

(Jane) #9035


I didn’t know there was Cacao butter? First time hearing of it. I do have some Cacao powder, but haven’t experimented with it yet.

Tonight, we went out to Texas Roadhouse and I got a Porterhouse Steak with sautéed Mushrooms and Onions. And for my sides, a house salad and more Mushrooms. … Then the wife, V, ordered hers with more Mushrooms as well, also for me since she doesn’t eat them. … So I still have just over half of it for tomorrow, with plenty of Mushrooms and Onions. :slight_smile:

(Karen) #9037

Food art!! Give me more!


(Karen) #9038

Gorgeous pizza!!



I made Stuffed Onion Bombs, keto style, by modifying this recipe http://myfridgefood.com/recipes/salads-and-sides/stuffed-onion-bombs. Delicious.