What did you Keto today?

(Candy Lind) #7497

Is this from personal experience? :smiling_imp::rofl:

(Mandy) #7498

Made stuffed mushrooms tonight. Cream cheese, mozzarella cheese and Cheddar cheese mixed with spinach and stuffed in mushroom caps. So so good. Would be exceptional with crab and/or bacon!

(Shayne) #7499

We had a big lunch of burgers and sausages, so we went with a light dinner. The tomato and basil are from our garden.


Ribeye with Gorgonzola butter. Brocolli with gorgonzola butter. Shrimp covered in butter and garlic.


That looks absolutely amazing!

(Ashley) #7502

I just tell them no bun and no lettuce (tell them or they’ll stick the cheese to lettuce) they’ll put it in a small box

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #7503

(TJ Borden) #7504

Back to normal. Was Friday payday? You can afford more than bologna.

(Sophie) #7505

Was it sous vide and if so, what are your time/temps? Enquiring minds wanna know! :smile:

(Steve) #7506

Those were the jicama that had been my victims through the sous vide, then boiling, then baking experiments.

Finally, I diced them small, threw them in my cast iron skillet with some bacon nectar, paprika, garlic powder and pepper and browned them up. Crispy isn’t such a bad thing for home fries. :slight_smile:

Medium-high heat with lots of bacon grease. I’d do them the same way if I was going to do them from raw as well…being diced small is pretty key.

(Lonnie Hedley) #7507

Lettuce on breakfast sandwiches? I’ve not had a McDonald’s breakfast sandwich in a long time, but I don’t remember them putting lettuce on them.

(TJ Borden) #7508

When you order something without a bun they get confused and throw random shit on there.


That’s the truth!

(Lonnie Hedley) #7510

Haha. I remember going to Burger King when I first cut carbs. Asked for no bun and they had to bring over the manager to show them they had “low carb” on the menu. Funny it’s not “no bun” but actually “low carb”.

(Ashley) #7511

If you ask for no bun mine always put lettuce in the bottom, without my asking, not sure why. I don’t like their lettuce as it’s usually not very fresh.

(Ashley) #7512

Yes they do this everytime

(Rob) #7513

You labo(u)r under the idea that this expat Brit is eating UK size chops/steaks… not at all… even the small ones here are 12-14oz. :flushed: Even I can’t manage 2 in one meal (which I would typically polish off easily in the UK).

It always amazes me when I get a pack of chicken thighs in a UK supermarket which might have 9 thighs in it… and then I get back to the US and get an 8-pack that weighs at least twice as much! The size of chickens here must be positively prehistoric… Jurassic Battery Farm! :rooster::t_rex:

(Ashley) #7514

Actually now that I think about it, other day I went to McDonald’s quick as that was all that was open, asked for two sausage patty’s with cheese. They had to come ask me “ you want the cheese on the sausage?” Making hand clapping motions. And I’m like yea, think I did say sausage partts with cheese added on them.

(Ashley) #7515

You ask for no bun, ketchup or onion and they get really confused and I can hear them conversing on what their suppose to do.

(Gabriel G.) #7516

Last of the prime ribs that I bought on discount. It was a good run while it lasted.