What did you Keto today?


I so need to start doing this. I love sauerkraut.

I’m sure I have recipes floating around for it but would you mind sharing yours?

(Lonnie Hedley) #4624

All my cast iron is well seasoned so nothing ever sticks, although I did add a small amount of lard. I do these in my toaster oven at 350 for 10-12 minutes.


I’ll just take your word on that one, Ernest. :laughing:


I had some riblets soaking in beer since yesterday and wasn’t sure what to do with them. I pulled out the cast iron, wrapped them in peppercorn bacon and into the oven they went.


Forgive me… No pictures… Roasted chicken breasts… Covered in melted cheddar cheese… Sprinkled with crispy bacon… Top this with some pico (onion, tomato and cilantro)… So good… Served with shredded cabbage topped with mayo and a squeeze of lime… Awesome dinner!

(Candy Lind) #4628

Here’s the link, but it’s so basic even a 63-yo can remember it! :crazy_face:
Homemade mason jar sauerkraut
It’s basically cabbage & a little salt, and the fun part is massaging and mashing it by hand. :innocent: I decided right off that I would want fermentation lids, and these looked to be high quality and not as complicated as some others:
Fermentation Lids

(What The Fast?!) #4629

that egg souffle fit in your toaster oven??! Also, any tips on caring for the pan or for seasoning? I just got my first cast iron - it came pre-seasoned.

(Cailyn Mc Cauley) #4630

Your frittatas are always so fluffy–how? Mine fall flat once they cool.

~Class of 2017

(Cailyn Mc Cauley) #4631

My Mother-In-Law had a cast iron pan from her grandmother. I have it now. The most important rules she told me were:

Preheat before putting anything in it
Never use soap or detergents
Always burn off the food, re-oil and reheat before putting away

Have fun!
~Class of 2017

(Rob) #4632

That crackling looks amazing!

I got some pork skin from Morrisons for pennies, and while the edges crisped to some extent, it curled up in the open and the majority of it was still chewy. How do you cook yours?

(Jennifer Patterson) #4633

That crackling was from Morrisons! Always snap it up when they have it!
Just lay it out on a baking tray, sprinkle some salt and paprika and roast. I check it around 30 mins, add a bit more salt if its not crackling!

(Rob) #4634

I’ll try again. Do you cook it starting from room temperature or straight from the fridge? The last lot I did was previously frozen, so maybe that had some effect.

(Jennifer Patterson) #4635

Straight from the fridge. I’ve never cooked it from frozen but have defrosted it and cooked it and it work out.

(Rob) #4636

It was defrosted before cooking. :wink: I’ll give it another go anyway. Thanks! :smiley:

(Lonnie Hedley) #4637

Disclaimer Mine flatten to about half what the picture shows. But that doesn’t look as nice. :blush:

(Lonnie Hedley) #4638

I have a TON of cast iron. It’s all I cook with. This little beauty is a 6.5 inch that a friend gave me so it fits just fine in a toaster oven.

Even though your pan came preseasoned I like to add 3-4 more seasonings before use. You can just start cooking with lots of fat, and that should be fine, but extra layers don’t hurt. I heat the pan to 300, then coat in fat of choice, mine is currently lard. Let cook for 15 minutes, take a dry paper towel (I use the blue shop towels because they have less lint) and wipe out excess oil. Raise temp to 350 for 15 minutes, wipe excess oil, raise temp to 400 for 15 minutes, wipe excess oil, then raise temp to 450 and bake for an hour. Let cool, rinse and repeat 2-3 more times.

Or, just cook a lot of bacon and fatty steaks.

(What The Fast?!) #4639

Do you use soap to clean it? Or just water?

(Lonnie Hedley) #4640

When you heat oil to a certain temp it changes the polymers. Soap will not break down the polymers, so you can use soap if you want. If you cook on low heat, you won’t need soap. If anything “sticks”, when the pan is still hot, I just toss a little water in the pan to break up the bits for a few seconds, dump water out. Wipe excess with a paper towel. Leave on stove to dry.

Nothing sticks in my frittata pan, so that just gets any excess oil wiped after removing the frittata.

When you preheat the pan, it gets hot enough anything you might be worried about by not using soap is killed off. So if it’s been seasoned properly, there is never a need to use soap, but don’t feel like you can’t.

(Candy Lind) #4641

What she doesn’t know WILL hurt her!

(Candy Lind) #4642

The only way I’ve ever eaten tripe was in Christmas menudo. I may have to scare up a traditional recipe and keto-fy it this year. Someone always brings tamales, and I need to keto-fy those, too. I know some bits of the Latino community are coming around to low carb, but it’s slow going.