What Did You Keto Today? The Trilogy!

(Liz) #5554

The kitchen appliance ban was lifted long enough for me to sneak in a waffle maker…may have been me banging on about chaffles to much :rofl:. So my lunch today was two cheddar chaffles stuffed with bratwurst and dripping in butter, so full and happy!
I can see why they are so popular and see many in my future…

(Doug) #5555

Beautiful! :sunglasses::clap:

(Full Metal KETO AF) #5556

Smoked NY Steak and Homemade Kimchi

Yum! :cowboy_hat_face:


Broke my Fast just over 48 hrs. with a big ole’ piece of Haddock and Top Sirloin Steak, with some fried Onions and Mushrooms, with a side of Olives, Pickles, Cheese and Pepperoni.


Not mine, but BBQ Pulled Pork Chaffle Sandwich:


(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #5559

Chicken with an assortment of spices. Sauce: tomato sauce, canned, mixed with heavy cream. Garnish: spinach, crushed Cheddar wisps, parmesan cheese

(Ernest) #5560

(Steaks b4 cakes! 🥩🥂) #5561


(Steaks b4 cakes! 🥩🥂) #5562

Thank you Susan :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

(Jody) #5563

Thursday OMAD:

1.5 lb ground beef (60/40) w/ cheese and the last of the chicken liver.

I am going to start “flexing my Intermittent Fasting muscle” again, so there might not be a picture every day. I feel like I am slipping into an “it’s time to eat” mode as opposed to an “I am hungry” mode.

(Steve) #5564

First time trying Spam
I fried bacon Spam in bacon fat and served it in a chaffle with a thin tomato slice.
Scrambled eggs on the side with sodium citrate cheddar and keto chili sauce.
Delicious and better than I thought Spam would taste! My wife tried it for the first time too, I thought she would have eaten Spam in University but she said it was too expensive back then… lol


Sous vide Jamaican curried chicken with caulirice and sour cream
155* for 2 hours with a quick golden crispy sear is my go to.

(Steaks b4 cakes! 🥩🥂) #5565

I made chilli for dinner!

('Jackie P') #5566

Worked a long day today on the Medical Day Unit! It was really busy but I loved it. I’m starting to get used to days, although I still wake up at 3am every morning for a couple of hours! Apparently it’s common when night shift workers change. Jolly annoying though :neutral_face:
I took a pack of mixed salami and when I got home, just had the energy to make …

Eggs and streaky bacon :yum:

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #5567

Pork belly slices were on special offer this week so I stocked up and put some in the freezer! Tonight’s were cooked all day on low in the slow cooker and blasted in a very hot oven for 5 minutes just before serving, and served with cheesy caulimash and shredded leeks/cabbage. Made gravy using the juices from the pork, some of the veg cooking water and a smidge of xantham gum.

Oh, and Frankenfluff for pudding.

As an aside, I just wanted to say that I’d been fretting that perhaps I’ve been gaining weight since Mr S started keto nearly four weeks ago. I’ve been doing my absolute best to ensure that there is droolworthy massively-tempting keto food everywhere he looks, so he’s not tempted to buy crisps or cake or Yorkie bars - and I’ve been joining in with his lunchtime chaffles and cream-laden puddings (which I only used to make a couple of times a week).

Anyway, I have NOT gained weight - in fact I am in the lower half of my four-pound desired ‘weight window’. Keto really does work!


('Jackie P') #5568

How are you today @ClareBear

(Full Metal KETO AF) #5569

Sausage Bacon and Eggs

Yolk casualty hidden underneath for your viewing pleasure. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Brandy) #5570

Bacon, avocado and pepper jack. Man I’m hungry…


Lunch from earlier, but never got to post. … Wife made me a Salad, and added some meats to add to it. Ham, Hard Salami, Cheese, Pepperoni, Pickles, Olives, Pickled Sausage, more Cheese, Cottage Cheese and some Pecans. Also had a glass of Almond Milk and a Tea.

(Jane) #5572

B’zoodles with Rao’s Arriabata sauce and hamburger/sausage mix.


Just had a bite, after another evening of walking the woods. Almost felt like a Saturday morning. :slight_smile: - Eggs, Bacon, Sausage links. Also Almond Milk, 2 Squares Lindt’s Dark Chocolate & some Pecans.