What did you Keto today? Part Deux!

(Little Miss Scare-All) #5325

lmao I havent! But now you have me curious.


Hell, it sure sounds good. … You can’t go wrong with Surf and Turf, it’s always a winner! Actually, I may just do that myself sometime over the weekend. - Actually Fasting today/tonight, trying to get some more Fasting time in, since I slowed down some after the medical issues I’ve had to deal with lately.

Now that I finally have some Dungeness Crab back in the deep freezer, I’m thinking about making some more Dungeness Deviled Crab. Maybe this weekend as well? (pics)

I have to agree with Darren on this one… It’s never too messy to post a pic. :slight_smile: - Hell, it might even start a ‘Who has the messiest dish appeal going on?:smile:

(Jody) #5327

well, you post pics of Shrimp a fair bit … so I was inspired. :wink:

I did a 48hr fast this week myself … good luck


It’s why I mention you can’t go wrong. Steak+Seafood… It really is hard to beat and a favorite of mine! - Plus, I have a seafood place not a mile from me. (They are also the ones that order and sell my Cheese Cakes from there as well) :slight_smile:

Thanks, I just broke a 47 hr. Fast a couple days ago myself. But I also find when I get in more Fasting time, it really makes meals taste that much better as well. The flavors really hit harder when I abstain from taking in any foods and/or flavors, so I generally do water only Fast.


When people ask me “so, youre just never going to eat potatoes, never ever!!!” I just don’t know what to tell them…

My husband made us this delicious dinner, he’s more lchf than keto, so he finished my carrots :slight_smile: #omad

(Allie) #5330

Breakfast was salmon fillets from the depths of the freezer, and three fried eggs. Both cooked in the same ghee in the same pan.

(Jody) #5331

If I had a seafood place a little closer I would probably eat more myself. Though the wife (and I) did enjoy the 2 nights of fish this week so we make more of an effort to do that more often.

I agree, foods do seem to taste better after a fast and like you, when I fast, it is a water (black coffee/hot tea) fast only.

(Little Miss Scare-All) #5332

Beefy cheesiness #keepitpaperplateclassy

(Steaks b4 cakes! 🥩🥂) #5333

Tonight’s dinner was a toss-up between spending a little more time preparing something to eat, but getting less snuggles with my toddler…or preparing something quick and easy that was just as delicious and getting more snuggles. As you can see the snuggles won!

(Little Miss Scare-All) #5334

What kind of bread is that? :heart_eyes:

(Steaks b4 cakes! 🥩🥂) #5335


It’s a good one!!!

(Doug) #5336

Liver and Peppers, Volume II.

(Troy) #5337


Any specific eating pattern?:thinking:
For the wheel of fortune there :smile:

(Doug) #5338

:blush: Still have 40% of the peppers left to eat, Troy… :confused:

(Troy) #5339

Man vs Food Doug

You got this!!:slightly_smiling_face:

(Little Miss Scare-All) #5340


I had the most exhausting day at work so I came home and declared no cooking tonight. Then I reheated leftover cheese burger casserole and made a veggie burger too because my plate didn’t look institutionalized enough. Found some sugar free ketchup, it’s pretty good plus I only ended up eating 1/2 of what I squirted since I’ve lost my ketchup tolerance some and need less to get the same taste effect. I am also going to have wine…Maybe 2 glasses.

(Troy) #5342

So true!
Interesting on this WOE
Part of the NSV’s I guess
It was the same for me w adding artificial sweeteners
For example, One packet of Stevia or truvia , then half, then just a dash … to for the most part now. None at all

(Windmill Tilter) #5343

I tried to give you one heart for the paper plate and one heart for the dual monitor setup. Alas, I cannot.

Luckily I had a spare emoji to sort it out… :heart:


Had a couple of these with sauerkraut and mustard.

They also make a good andouille that I like to use in soup.