What did you Keto today? Part Deux!

(Mike W.) #281

Whenever I make it, it’s very similar. I just reduce the cream and don’t use any thickeners. When my wife makes it, she uses arrowroot powder and it’s nice and thick.

(Allie) #282

My blueberry pancake creation worked… too well! My day didn’t get off to the best start and after a ride in a recovery truck I got to work over two hours late then decided to try them… and out of twelve, there’s three left now :joy:


Well, that’s never fun. :frowning_face:

Glad you had those backup pancakes. Maybe we should ALL carry some around. :grin:

(Allie) #284

Emergency blueberry pancake supplies… it could take off well! :joy:

They’re really good. I may have to make them again to use up the rest of the cream cheese ahead of my month (possibly longer) of dairy free experiment…

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #285

Pre-Zornfast Fathead pizza with salsa for sauce and underwhelming pepperoni. And a scotch.

I do love the salsa as pizza sauce. Unexpected keto swap success!

Is there a BODY keto does not work for?
(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #286

Ya have to love a “diet” that includes a meal of pizza & scotch!


I rarely eat breakfast any more, usually skipping through either to lunch if I’m feeling hungry, or most days, making it through to dinner. Today I felt a bit peckish and am really confident in when I want to actually eat now (versus having a quick dash of salt). I ended up with nothing spectacular - a bit of bacon (I ate more than pictured, oops late photo), eggs over easy and some butter - but it did the trick.


@Gaff, I’m sorry, but that’s an oxymoron. :wink:

Eggs and bacon are like food of the gods, to me. The only thing that beats it is a rib-eye.
(I understand that the above comment is entirely my opinion, but it’s also correct.)


You speak the truth. But to me bacon being spectacular would look something more like this (one serving shown):


(Allie) #290

Lunch for work tomorrow. Five boiled eggs chopped and mixed in with shredded mild cheddar, crispy bacon bits, and mayo - salt and season all too.


:astonished: :grin:


If I were you, I’d be looking forward to going to work! :yum:


Someone needs to put a disclaimer on here. To not view this while fasting. I’ll be back when I can eat again.

(Ellie) #294

I make that mistake too

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #295

My first meal isn’t for another couple of hours, but it’s ready! Chicken thigh meat, avocado, bacon, boiled egg, and tomato salad. I’ll eat it on a couple of leaves of butter lettuce and some Wee Brie cheese.

(Allie) #296

I’m missing chicken… thighs, wings… but I’m still on the month of using up cupboard / freezer stores to save money and have no chicken left. Maybe I need to go to Nando’s when I get paid :joy:

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #297

It’s smart, though, that you’re being frugal and not letting your stores go to waste. I have a 2nd freezer that’s 3/4 full I need to start whittling away…

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #298

I love having a deep freeze that we stock up with pre-cooked items. Vacu seal bags of yummy and some store bought frozens. Once and awhile we discover something deep in it. Just this week home cooked pulled pork (BBQ):


Oh god, I thought you ate the dog!!

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #300

A) Pulled pork & eggs sounds AWESOME.
B) I believe I have 2 smoked shoulders in my freezer! I do 2-3 at a time, as long as I’m running my smoker.
C) Guess what I’m going to go look for??