What did you Keto today? Part Deux!

(Running from stupidity) #2641

That’s pretty much my policy right there :slight_smile:

(Running from stupidity) #2642

Spicy things! Pickled jalapenos, dill pickles, sweet chilli sauce, complementing two all-beef hand-crafted burger patties and market-sourced bacon, all with grated mozzarella, cheddar and parmesan melted on them.

(Karen) #2643

Shortbread… we have lots of family members with allergies. This is sugar free, gluten free, dairy free

(Running from stupidity) #2644


yes it is complete, you bloody forum software! #deadset

(Karen) #2645

Yes my first baking with Allulose. It browned up really nicely. The flavor of these shortbread cookies is good, if you like the taste of coconut. Because I’m not using dairy there’s a bit too much water in the cookies and they’re not as crisp as I would like. But they won’t make my daughter sick.

(Running from stupidity) #2646

I’m all in favour of food that achieves this as a priority.

(Running from stupidity) #2647

Chicken thigh schnitzels, a few green beans and some gravy. Sometimes all you need is something simple.


Dinner at a chuan’r place.

Spicy pork belly

Spicy lamb and mushrooms

Fish in hot oil

And a bunch of other things not pictured.

(Running from stupidity) #2649

Oh yeah! Even feeling crook that looks awesome.

(Karen) #2650

Does that look great!

(Sophie) #2651

Your tummy must be made of cast iron! Just looking at the pics give me hot flashes! :fire::fire_extinguisher::smile:

(bulkbiker) #2652

Tonights dinner rose veal steaks sous vide for 6 hours at 53C with some mushrooms in creme fraiche with pepperoni… Picked up Christmas food at the butcher and our friend behind the counter tipped us off about the veal… yummy

Sorry about the knife… @juice

(Running from stupidity) #2653

It’s pretty clear I’m the LEAST-worried person in the forum about cutlery :smiley:


Took a break between Cheese Cakes to sear up some Steaks on the grill, that I had in the Sous Vide for 7 hrs. A Top Sirloin and some Filet Mignons. Split the Top Sirloin with the wife and ate one of the Filet Mignon’s, Deviled Eggs, Sharp Cheese, Shrimp, Olives and Pickles. :yum: … The Filet Mignon’s were very tender, but I still love the charred fat on the Top Sirloin. It just adds so much flavor to each bite. :slight_smile: … Also ate 4 Brazil Nuts & 2 Squares of the Lindt’s 90% Chocolate. … Now back to backing. :slight_smile:

(Sophie) #2655

For a $10 roast, this sure turned out phenom!
And for anyone on the fence about getting a Sous Vide…Just. Do. It! You won’t be sorry. :+1:


My pre Christmas New York.

Snuck in a bit of diet orange Sunkist soda, to try out my pinup glass Christmas gift!


Nice, and I bet that snippet of Orange went quite well with it. :slight_smile: … I wasn’t huge on soda’s in general before going Keto, but did like Coke Zero. (Before they changed it) … But would occasionally sip some of the wife’s, and she liked both the Orange and Grape drinks. Probably because of the nice flavoring. I mostly drink just water anymore, but we do occasionally drink a Bai. I like the Plain Coconut, but they will get other flavors like Blueberry, Watermelon, etc. … But they do come across sweet, and my son and I will both water them down.


I’ve never heard of Bai.
I’m in California so I’ll check it out and see if I can find some. It sounds good. I really like flavored drinks with no sugar and unfortunately I liked the artificial sweetened ones. Since I’m not diabetic I seem to be OK with all of those just not as often as I used to, Cuz they really are too chemical!


This looks wonderful could you please post the recipe?thank you

(Jody) #2660

have you found a keto Thousand Island dressing that you are using?