What did you Keto today? Part Deux!

(Sophie) #1482

Was at the grocery, saw bologna and got a craving for a fried bologna sandwich drenched with mayo, 'cos that’s how we roll in the South! :smile:

(Ellen) #1483

Dessert… too damn hungry to take a photo of my cheesy steak.

All fried in bacon nectar.

(Ashley) #1484

My dad used to love them! I think I might have to make it! What did you use for the bread?

(Sophie) #1485

I make the diet doctor keto bunz. I can only eat half of one at a time though. They are soooo filling!

(Running from stupidity) #1486

I’m 60 hours into a fast, and I agree :slight_smile:


I had to have a desk lunch today but made it worthwhile. First I had a cubed steak salad with spinach, egg, some roasted cauliflower, cheese, and a blue cheese dressing.

I then gave my mouth a post-workout massage with this beautiful ham from Spain (Jamón Ibérico de Bellota). I happened to spy it in a Costco over the weekend and had no idea how esteemed it was (and apparently hard to get in the US). I spent some years of my childhood growing up near Spain so I immediately shot off an email to my dad to ask if he’d ever come across it.

Verdict: utterly expensive but utterly amazing. I am going to try and head back to Costco this week and pick up some more as I feel it’s a seasonal item and worried it won’t be around for long. It had the most amazing mouthfeel I’ve ever had before eating ham. Here’s more about it:


They are also much fatter animals with veins of fat running through the muscle of the pig. This, along with the large amount of fat layering each ham, allows the Iberico hams to be cured much longer, resulting in a much more complex, intense flavor, with a note of sweetness that is unparalleled.

(Deborah ) #1488

I’ve been wanting to try these. Was thinking about takingn them to Thanksgiving dinner (at someone else’s home), but don’t know if they reheat well or are good when at room temp. Any insight? :slight_smile:

(Running from stupidity) #1489

It even looks awesome.

(Sophie) #1490

Sure. I’ve been making these for a while now. Here’s some of my tweaks:

  1. I decided to screw the seeds after the first test because they just popped off. I know I can do an egg wash but I don’t care for that.
  2. I started testing with adding whole eggs instead of only whites because I got tired of separating my eggs. Throw the whole thing in there, it works just fine and it tends to lighten the bread a bit.
  3. When I mix my dry stuff I add in the eggs/cider vinegar and mix well, and then the hot water. It doesn’t cook the eggs and seems to come together better. You can also add in stuff like a tablespoon of nutritional yeast for a cheesey flavor or garlic powder or onion powder…use your imagination!
  4. I use disposable gloves because the dough is sticky and pat my buns just like I would hamburgers. It makes it easier for sandwichs and hamburgers. I make 6 per recipe and the net carbs are 2 per bun. Use parchment paper!
  5. I bake mine in a convection oven at 350F for 65mins and after the oven goes off, I leave them in until it cools (approx. 40-50mins. otherwise they can take on a sliminess on the inside that can be a turn off). Then I remove them to the counter and let them cool completely.
  6. These things are incredibly filling and I have to split one with my non-keto hubby who really enjoys them as much as I do. I keep mine is a ziplock bag and have traveled with them without a problem. Personally I don’t care for them warm. Occasionally I’ll toast one if I want to do melted butter or something like that but that’s different to me than reheating.


(Deborah ) #1491

Thanks so much for all the tips! :slight_smile:

(Sophie) #1492

No worries. Lemme know how it goes! :+1:

(Running from stupidity) #1493

Awesome stuff.

(Jody) #1494

My wife LOVES moussaka … can you post the recipe? (I might get [carb-free] brownie points)

(Cindy) #1495

Jody, I’ll try to upload the recipe. When I made it, I didn’t have quite 20oz ground beef, so it was actually a bit cheesier than I’d prefer, but still very good, I thought. Even hubby liked it.


Salad with Chicken breast chunks, Mushrooms, Pepperoni and Bacon. Followed by Some More Chicken and Bacon, 2 Smoked Sausage, Deviled Eggs, Cheese, Broccoli, Pickles and Olives.

(Heather Meyer) #1497

I made Holiday Nog for lunch! Nom Nom!
At 357 calories and 37 grams of Fat… i think i can call it my Fat liquid meal for lunch. Since its Day 1, im guessing it will help curb those cravings…

(Joanna Parszyk ) #1498

Awesome tips @JustPeachy!

As posted above l Baked those for the firs time and also had few comments:

  1. I’ll not bother with sesame next time.
  2. I also wondered about using whole eggs. Would you use 3 eggs instead of 3 egg whites or less?
  3. I tried the raw batter and it tasted pretty OK, then had one just from the oven and it was very moist inside and crispy outside which l like. Then l tried one 5 h later and inside got much drier and just not so appealing. I wonder why?
  4. Did you try the substituting almond flour to coconut?
  5. If l add yeas will it make it taste more sour like breads made in old times?

(Janelle) #1499

Burger with a cheese sauce and cauliflower “tots”.


Pork chop (bad angle - was bigger than it looks :slightly_smiling_face:) with sauteed sprouts, asparagus & parmesan.

(Carl Keller) #1501

I’m loving pork steaks lately. Tastes like a cross between ham and pork chops.