What are some good podcasts?


(David) #1

I just discovered 2 keto Dudes and will give them a listen. Are there any other health related podcasts you can recommend?

Also, how do you guys listen? Do you download a player of some sort, or just download individual podcasts from a web site like I see you can do on 2 Keto Dudes website. I’m new to podcasts. Youtube was where I got most info, there are some podcasts and interviews and such there.


We started a list here… but there are so many new ones in the past couple of years that it’s likely out pf date.

I use PocketCasts for my podcast player app.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #3

I use Android and downloaded Castbox for my phone. You can choose to stream them or download them. I usually keep a few downloaded for when there’s no WiFi and I can’t stream. Once you have a podcast app you simply search the app for the podcast you are interested in.

(David) #4

I had seen that post from 2017. But figured it’s been a couple years, there might be new ones.


Ivor Cummins
Frank Tufano
Primal Edge Health

I’d post links but I’m on my phone and I don’t wanna.


This is from last summer, so probably some more than the listing under resources listed above.

I highly recommend this one from dietdoctor.com

and Ivor Cummins’ https://thefatemperor.com/podcasts/ are excellent.

(Scott) #7

I was cherry picking the 2ketodudes podcasts and found such good info that I started at #1 and am moving up the list. I play one each morning during my run.

(Boston_guy) #8

https://humanperformanceoutliers.libsyn.com/ - Zach Bitter, Shawn Baker. Great guests.

(less is more, more or less) #9

Caveat listener, while it’s in my rotation, Dr. Baker is full-on carnivore these days.

(Boston_guy) #10

Oh, another one - Peak Human. https://www.peak-human.com/