Podcast binge. Need more!


I love the 2keto dudes podcasts. So much so I listen to them at work everyday. But now I have caught up and feel lost without listening to them. I realize it won’t be the same as the wonderful Richard and Carl but does anyone have any recommendations for other keto podcasts that you enjoy listening to.

What are some good podcasts?
(Aimee Moisa) #2

Try Matt and Megha at Keto Connect. www.ketoconnect.net

Not .com, it’s .net. Matt’s a penny pincher. :slight_smile:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #3

Try the Low Carb Down Under YouTube channel. A lot of the presentations don’t always need to be visible, and if there is something on screen I need to see, I unhide the window and rewind.

These people have some good interviews in the free section:

You might also want to check out the following:

(Janet) #4

I have listened to hundreds over the years, favorites can change over time, but right now:
The Low Carb Cardiologist
The Obesity Code
STEM talk (the low carb ones, also do space, science)
Robb Wolf (just made his 400th episode with Dave Feldman, quite an archive)
If the interviewee is good…also
Fat Burning Man

(Allie) #5

Model Health Show
High Intensity Health

(Janet) #6

I forgot High Intensity Health, a good one with a good interviewer, and he does both video and podcast versions. At Diet Doctor, you can simply convert any video of presentations or interview into an Audio Only File with one click. And a new podcasts for any carnivores, Human Performance Outliers, with Dr. Shawn Baker and Zach Bitter.

(Diane) #7

Ditto the Low Carb Down Under presentations. The Obesity Code podcast. With some reservations, Fasting Talk with Jimmy Moore (and Dr. Jason Fung and Megan).

Any podcasts with the following guests: Dr. Fung, Megan Ramos, Ivor Cummins, Gary Fettke, Nina Teicholz, David Feldman, Benjamin Bikman, Georgia Ede, Dom D’Agostino, Gary Taubes, Tim Noakes, Zoe Harcombe.

(Whitney Lee) #8

Search “keto” in whatever podcast app you use (i love castbox) youll find some good ones!

My favorites:
Fast Keto
Primal Blueprint Podcast (Mark Sisson)
The Model Health Show (fitness podcast but has several keto episodes)
Keto Answers Podcast (perfect keto owner)

Theres more but those are the 4 ive been listening to the most.


I just searched “If the interviewee is good…also” on my podcast app. face palm

Thank you for the list though, I’ve only listened to a couple of them.

(Janet) #10

:smile:. Meaning, the style of the last three interviewers are not to my taste as much, but they have covered some good topics. Sometimes the dynamic clicks…or not. I like Dr Bret Scher’s serious tone and knowledge, his new interview with Dave Feldman is a good example.


lol, I realised this but not until after the fact, thought you might enjoy the comedy in it.


Thanks everyone. Will be trying out all your suggestions.