Ketogurl, It could be low BS, but if it was that low, it wasn’t from fasting, it was from the coffee with the sweetener (98% certain).
Best approach, try the same thing tomorrow. But I want you to eat only suasage, bacon, meat and/or avocado. As much as you like. No eggs and no dairy! Avoid the veg for ONE day. Remember to measure your glucose BEFORE the coffee and after…
And before the meal. In fact, when you feel awful, lets do a quick glucose meter measure, and log it. Try to CODE how bad you feel: 1…5 (1 being horrible, 5 being Amazing)
It could be Keto Flu since your ketones were outside of ketosis.
It could be energy transitions (your body is wanting to make ketones, but your liver is too weak and crusty at the process).
It’s okay, when I first got started, I took a bunch of naps.
Look at it from your bodies standpoint. It NEEDS energy, it HAS body fat to burn, it KNOWS this, and you are offering it food. Maybe it just signalled to you “Wrong food, I am trying for the INTERNAL stuff!” ???
So, I can’t be sure. Do you have Coconut Oil or MCTs in the house? After checking your glucose, take a swig (1/2 or 1/4 shot) of that. Your body will convert some of it almost instantly to ketones. See if you notice the energy bump. You may or may not.
Also, I want you to focus on TOTAL Carbs, not net carbs. So include the fiber in your carb limit for the day. At least until we get you into full ketosis…
Keep the info coming.